Recommended city building games? Preferably comfy ones?
Recommended city building games? Preferably comfy ones?
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Most of Impressions Games library
Sim City 3000 is on GoG and it's cheap. That soundtrack is comfier than a warm blanket and a cup of cocoa on a snowy day.
Zeus was comfy as hell. My childhood right there.
These aren't explicitly city building games, but I still think they bring me the same sort of fun: Tropico 4, Anno 1404, Stronghold Crusader HD
I loved Age of Mythology's map maker, especially when it made big cities like Atlantis and Troy.
Anno 1404 is awesome.
Note that it's called Dawn of DIscovery in north america.
Those are more RTS games with combat and such, aren't they? OP wanted city builders.
city skylines is only $7.50 on steam right now, very comfy.
Anno as RTS elements, but is still mostly a city builder. You might run into pirates or disputes with other civilizations, but you can also turn those off if you just want to build.
When did this happen? I haven't played that game since SC4's release, would be a huge nostalgia bomb for me. They finally made 3000 digital?
cities skylines is great, literally the comfiest
What is the best Anno game? I have 2070 but I never could get into it.
Factorio kinda
I've played 1602, 1701, 1404, and 2070. Out of those, 1404 is the best "classic" one, but I really like what they did with 2070 too. Has a very different feel though, try 1404.
Children of the Nile
Cities Skylines
Grand Ages Rome
Sim City 3000 and Sim City 4
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles My Life as a King
Emulate it if you don't own a Wii, doesn't get much comfier
Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom
Is literally the best game.
Simcity 4 deluxe is only $5 on steam right now
and it has the best soundtrack of any city builder I'll fight over this
Cities: Skylines
Sim City 2k/3k/4
I don't think anyone will deny that. Look at the Cities: Skylines """""soundtrack"""""
Love the game, but god the music is shit/non-existent.
Fuck cities skyline and its retarded traffic.
>here have this giant super lane roads and 123902734234092834 different ways to get somewhere
>caesar III
We have to go back
Yeah. Unfortunately there's zero thought put into the traffic system. Especially when you start to realize that cars simply disappear and the people just teleport to their destination after a certain amount of time stuck in traffic. Like, it's so imbalanced that they literally have the AI cheat in a single player city building game. It's in the player's favor, but still. It seems like a really lazy system that just doesn't work.
It's still a great game anyway though.
you r just too dumb to do it right
The problem I have with those is that there is basically a perfect or near perfect build pattern in every game and I just can't enjoy the games anymore after I used that pattern and build the perfect place. Especially grid based games are horrible in that aspect since at some point everything has a perfect place at a certain location of the grid and it's always the same.
>SimCity 3000 on GOG but not Origin
What was implied by this?
Banished and SimCity 3000 are my favourites.
A while back.
Some music to get you started:
Zero thought? How many traffic systems have you modeled? Or similar complex dynamic systems that had to be turned into a game mechanic?
Your words have meaning. Act like it.
Its a shame sierra died.
They made the best games of this type.
Nowadays is all about boring management and creating creating cities without caring about the resources you need.
It makes me not really enjoy Anno so much any more even though I've been playing them for years. I'd honestly rather play Tropico since it's not picky about the grid system, it just takes longer for stuff to get done but isn't outright telling you it needs this shit in a certain distance.
I just get my production management fix that Anno gave me from Factorio now anyway.
Anno 1404 with Venice
Best fucking game ever created
>Your words have meaning. Act like it.
I tip my fedora in your general direction
I just love watching traffic go from the inside most lane to the outside most lane in one move, cutting off everybody in the middle lane. they do that shit all the time
there are some excellent mods that make managing the traffic easier but you have to micromanage almost every intersection to smooth it all out.
>Your words have meaning. Act like it
Took a little too long for this to come up, but thank you user
Children of the Nile is kind of a hidden gem I guess. Has a realistic feel to it, music is very atmospheric, scenarios are so-so but sandbox is great. I highly recommend checking it out.
>game can't improve on a single aspect it is shit at because tu quoque
good argument faggot
Factorio is such city building/management game crack
>watching that endgame factory process tens of thousands of units of raw resources a minute shipped from the far reaches of the world into dozens of products
Hearthlands is pretty fresh. Check steam.
>building cities
shit is child's play, you're better off building parks
I've been hearing loads about it but never thought of looking into it until this post
>road sim
I got it last week and I can't stop. My current factory is really looking ugly and shitty though. I almost wanna start over, but this particular factory I'm on is about 30 hours of work.
Mercy killing that beginner factory and starting fresh is probably the better idea, but it's fun to try and continuously upgrade that spaghetti factory until your mind breaks apart
Is Dawn of Discovery playable if you don't have an xp or Vista machine? I want to but it, but I'm stuck with Windows 10
my negro
I restarted a few times and there's sort of a hint of organization, but there's also just a bunch of random shit built everywhere and I'm losing motivation to clean it up.
Also, I think laser turrets were a mistake. You need like five times the power production just to support those things. If I knew I could just place requester chests next to all the turrets and supply them with ammo in the future, I would have done that instead. Maybe I should just mercy kill, though I certainly have the resources to just replace.
I haven't played since the last update that changed a lot of stuff, but before that laser turrets were the best option all-around. Energy drain isn't really that much of an issue when your fortress shits out 10 solar panels a minute and you've got a swarm of bots to place huge-ass blueprint solar fields in an instant.
To clear aliums you'd run out with your sanic speed power armour, and place down small battlestation blueprints, consisiting of like 10 laser turrets and a power station to supply them. It was broken, but also fun as fuck for the first hour or so.
But I think there's been changes to power production, so that probably doesn't apply anymore. There's nuclear power now, no?
I'm probably just not big enough still. I do have what I would consider a giant solar field, one that's actually bigger than half my entire factory, but maybe it still wasn't big enough or I didn't have enough accumulators.
About 100 accumulators, but as soon as those bugs come near just four of my laser turrets, they're instantly drained and the whole place starts flickering. Always kills them off nicely, but then all my shit slows down until morning. Have a lot of steam engines too, still not enough I guess.
Yeah, use gun turrets for the beginning
They're fine at that point, but later on they pale against the swarms that throw themselves at you
When do trains become effective? I set up an elaborate load/unload oil barrel system but in retrospect, it was actually plenty short enough a distance to just run a pipe that far. I'm trying to figure out why I don't just run a pipe or a conveyor belt every time to keep a consistent flow going instead of relying on a train. Just for fuckhuge distances, I guess?
>city skylines
Fucking reddit shills.
This game is just unfinished.
Cultures 1 / 2 mah nigga, build up little viking villages and shit.
Get your villagers to gather materials who will want to skill up and construct a shop to use said materials to build things with, get another gatherer to supply the shop with materials until they want to learn the craft, then the original craft will have learnt another tier of the craft to build another type of shop and items, then between all these shops you'll need to establish a proper supply network so will need to build roads and warehouses along with runners/gatherers to keep everyone supplied.
Jerking off to images of this to be released next year.
I will never not think RCT2 is just a cheap knock off of RCT1 because of all the redundant and frankly bloated rides there are in that game. But the customization is hella sweet
Trains are faster and cheaper at transporting resources, so eventually you'll be reaching the point where running a bunch of conveyor belts or pipelines just won't cut it
I usually play on settings that space resources further apart just to reach that point earlier, I like me some trains
Also that one unloading system you create can be used to unload oil from multiple different locations, so a train station is essentially some sort of investment for later, where upgrading your resource input becomes much easier
Pic related is the last playthrough I played on, look how far these resources are spaced apart- trains really help at that point
>Sim City (old ones)
>Tropico (some of them)
There is a lot, but most of them came out in the 90s or early 2000s.
Didn't Paradox ramp up all of its game/DLC prices?
Collection costs 30€ (with the 60% discount) and it doesn't even include every DLC
what did they mean by this???
How many hours in is that?
That water simulation though
Yes, plays perfectly on W10.
It is pretty good.
This is slightly related but, can anyone here recommend Planet Coaster? it looks like a fun and comfy building/sim game.
The savegame says it's 50 hours but 20% or so of them are idle time
They originally lowered the price permenatly but after some backlash they reverted back
I bought it on release, but I can't stand games that make you jump through hoops to get builders to build shit. Is the AI better now?
Thats what the workshop is for
A backlash from lower prices?
>this is what Black & White would look like if it was released today
>you can start crying now
Sim City 4
Lethis: Path of Progress.
It's pretty easy compared to the Impression games but it's still a lot of fun. Great art and music, lots of charm.
I'm liking the new trend of going off the Banished mould. Anyone tried this yet? Supposed to be Banished extra hardcore with fancy-schmancy graphics.
what about the Tropico series? Which is the best?
Yeah it's just a meh version of Banished. Doesn't improve on anything really but now it has FPS mode and building animations and shitty combat.
Are there any victorian looking city builders aside from Lethis?
Emperor: RotMK is perfection.
user games. That's about it.
Mah nigga
Comfiest city builder ever created, nothing like being an insolent yak and not fulfilling trade requests
my fucking nigga!!
this game is comfy as fuck
Umm roller coaster tycoon obviously?
How is this game related to Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom at all?
>no military
my favorite is probably still Tropico 1
Tropico 4 is basically the same thing though
user games?
I wish they would make an old school Settlers game, not the casual garbage its become.
I think he meant Anno
>What is the workshop
>What is effective city planning and load management
The second one is probably too much to expect from you, yeah?
try Hearthlands
>The most popular game in a genre is automatically Reddit
>DLC equals unfinished
Quality post, really joggin my noggin.
Is Caesar IV as good as Caesar III? What changes?
do you need help pulling that dick out of your ass?
I have 400 roads the same length going everywhere with roundabouts and shit.
Taxis, buses, metro and everything
drivers are just cunts.
I haven't installed anything tho.
I like skylines, it's pretty comfy.
Biggest complaint people have is the traffic but the sims being bad drivers is actually more true to real life than people care to admit, most problems can be solved with a little civil engineering 101.
Currently playing Planetbase, not as comfy, meteor strikes make my butthole clench.
a e s t h e t i c s