Mario Party 11

So, Sup Forums, what do you hope to see from the inevitable Mario party 11? I hope they get rid of that fucking car and go back to more of the old style. I'd love to see it get simplified again. The past 3 games have just been a 30 minute long rng to determine who wins because it took the casual elements a bit too far. It should be casual and luck-based but I'd love to actually feel like my choices male a different. What do YOU think?

Uh... I dunno. What really can Mario party give us that the older games haven't done better?



Just revert it back to old Mario Party. The games have been shit for years, and as dumb as it sounds, without the brutal aspects of it like chance time and bowser spaces, it isn't as fun. It's just fucking boring.

Okay, that's kind of a given at this point. I'm talking about actual gameplay.
As a Bowser Jr. fan, I like it better when he's a major boss character or stage element-- it gives him more lines of dialogue.

I do

Fuck yea. With a shorter game option in case some fuckwit leaves the game. Like a smaller map and less turns

I did like how Mario party 10 brought donkey Kong back tho

Anyone here think they should do what they did with Mario kart and throw in link, villager, inklings, etc? I kinda like the idea but Mario kart has too many fucking characters now. There are like 4 versions of Mario you can play as and I don't want that to happen to Mario party as well

How about a Mario Party game where all the minigames share the same unified control scheme based on a simplified version of Galaxy/Odyssey? Where games are more focused on platforming. Minigames are based around fundamentals such as jumping on switches, kicking shells, breaking objects by jumping under them, etc. I think that would be a lot more satisfying.

>it gives him more lines of dialogue.
Thats fair.
I enjoyed him very much in mario party ds where he was a playable character and still had various line of dialog even with his boss fight with Bowser

I completely agree. The thing is a new game can still come out with the same basic setup and still be extremely fun. The type of game is not worn yet in my opinion. Polish that shit
I completely agree, user. I want the controls to be good because these games are notorious for awkward controls that just fuck around. It should in a lot of ways be a mod to the latest Mario title running off the same engine, same models, art style, control, etc

Should the koopalings be here as bosses or playable characters?

I wonder if they choose metal and pink gold for the same no reason like mario sports superstars.

give me the ability to fuck over my teammates like the earlier party games, none of this babying and everyone play nice bullshit

Seriously. How did Nintendo of all companies decide on making tutorial explanations for every single minigame? For a party game! Fuck! You can't even view all the instructions at once. Why has this standard persisted? It's embarrassing.

Bring back mah boi Blooper

Id think they would work better as stage elements or hosts of various boards.
Larry and Ludwig could have their own Medieval board due to them liking magic and horseback riding
Lemmy and Iggy could have their own Carnival style map since they seem both very wacky

I completely agree with both of you guys

I can go either way. I like having both browser AND a koopaling to fuck with you, but I also like playing as a koopaling and having a really tough bowser. I do NOT want more than ONE playable koopa. What would be sweet is if there were 9 boards and each one had a different koopaling miniboss. Fuck off with metal gold peach baby fuck

An actual fucking regular ass no linear car bullshit Mario Party

I have never purchased a Mario Party game for this very reason. Until they incorporate this, I never will.

But user they already made those games!
Here at Nintendo we like to innovate, any new game should have new features!

I fucking wish. I wouldn't even mind remakes of the original trilogy just take away the fucking car

We're not getting old Mario Party back because Hudson is fucking dead.

I think it's only a matter of time. 3 of the 4 big game releases by the end of the summer are practically centered around online play, so Nintendo is definitely getting better


Yea dude it fucking sucks. Why did they replace coins and stars with ministars and ONE big star at the end. Is there some kind of recession going on and there aren't any fucking stars in the mushroom kingdom? What the fuck

BEST Mario party go!
For me it's probably 6, I played a lot of 7 in college but I can't stand how there's 6 bonus stars and it's random which ones you get. I haven't had a chance to play 1 or 2 yet but I've played all the others and I think 6 is pretty solid

>feel like my choices male a different
But mario party often cock blocks you.

I love how in Mario party 1 you could lose coins from losing minigames. Why isn't it like that any more? And bring back boo!!!

Yea but you can do shit. Excuse my horrible typos, but in 10 for example you were completely at the mercy of the other 3 players while you can actually do stuff in the other ones before 9

I really had to make fun about that typo, sorry. I giggled.

Anyways, in my opinion, the quality did go down with mario party 4 and beyond. 9 and 10 were utter shit. I would love a mario party 1 again.

Kek, yea

I did not like 5 at all, but I thought 6 was really fun. I have good memories with 7 but objectively it's not as good as most other entrees. I would buy an hd remake of 1-3 for $60 honestly idc. Add in character spaces, put items in the first one and I'm sold

>I did not like 5 at all
y tho
I liked it

>hd remake of 1-3 for $60 honestly idc
Count me in.

- Go back to original formula
- Online play
- Up to 8 player support
- Everyone rolls/moves at once after deciding on items
- Timer when making decisions
- Bet coins on players when not participating in a minigame
- Make Fortune Street's gameplay a second game mode

I Just remember it being slow as hell. I'll admit I didn't pour over every board numerous times, but what I did play was always uneventful whereas I got a lot more satisfaction from almost every other entree (I had 0 fun 9/10. Bowser party was ok at its best)
Probably can't burn a hole in my hand with the joycon stick

>I hope they get rid of that fucking car and go back to more of the old style.
just give up already
MP will never be good again. The last good one was 7 and DS

Don't make me remember those guys. That damn flying shyguy or that minigame with all players sitting in a boat. My hands were burning and my skin was totally damaged. It was fun as hell though!

Wow that's pretty incredible actually. I'm skeptical about everyone rolling/moving at the same time tho. Especially if there were 8 players. Like what if 2 people get a star at the same time, you know?

8 wasn't too bad
I used to put a paper towel on the stick but I was fucking retarded because it would just rip and still fuck up my hand

I love how this cover unintetnionally mocks Nintendo's overuse of their renders they had about 10 years ago.

As someone who hasn't played MP since 4 I'd like to see a game which just straight up steals the best boards and minigames from every other Mario Party.
Have all the best shit in one game

Just make every Amiibo scanable and call it something like Nintendo Party

I completely agree. I'd love a Mario party with like 10 boards to choose from

Or do like Mario kart and mix old with new

>own MP7, even have a gamecube mic
>no friends to play with

You put that monkeys paw down right now user.
Amiibo party was a disaster and that sounds 10 times worse

I'll be your friend, user

So you want a mario party game with the original formula except not the original formula and an entirely different kind of party game that is nothing like mario party except in that i just so happens to have mario characters as well in it.

Like shit nigga you so fucking dumb that it hurts to see just how fucking hard your dumbness has gone over your head. Seriously m8 reflect on your life just to make sure it is not also filled with the dumb type of thinking you so blatant displayed here as if it was actually well thought out or something.


Hudson Soft devs still work for Konami, but how good their games will be depends on how much budget they are given, and how they use it.

Super Bomberman R is an example of a game with more budget gone into mostly everything but gameplay. Nice visuals (for a Unity game), good ost, good Japanese VA, but simple Bomberman gameplay and sub par online.

I just want some new boards and minigames, really.

Online would be godawful, especially for a traditional Mario Party. It would nothing but people ragequitting halfway through it unless it's strictly for people on your friend's list. And lag would ruin a good chunk of the minigames.

C'mon user. Mario Party 4 and 5 were good. Better than 3 arguably.

>With a shorter game option in case some fuckwit leaves the game.

How would a shorter game help with people leaving? It doesn't really matter since if someone leaves it could just change to AI.

Yes true but i want the original games back.
The new retarded nonsense with the kart and shit is retarded and not fun

So if someone ruins the game it's only a waste of like 15 minutes as opposed to 45

You're kidding, right? 4 is the absolute fucking worst in the series, even below 9 and 10. The "boards" are just floating walkways above a background and they would all still be shit even if it wasn't for that.

5, 6, and 7 are all great, though.

4 plays well, the art style is fucked but it's fun. 5 is slow, 9 and 10 are for retards who can't play Mario party

Sounds cool lad, though I would add back bowser mode from MP10 and make it even better with more minigames and traditional formula (no car), that gamemode had potential.

A whole board takes at least an hour to play through on the lowest turn setting (20), so that's why online has never been implemented.

Wow maybe if they streamlined some of this garbage like having to roll dice and wait and land on a space and wait and patiently wait for animations to play and wait and then before you play a minigame it does a little roulette.
So pointless.

Oh yeah, 4 is slow as fuck. It has ok minigames but the board design fucking sucks, as well as the giant and mini mushroom mechanics.

Hudson soft doesnt make them anymore and ncube does.


You could have it that the star doesn't move until after everyone's move is finalized, so that each player passing may purchase a star if they wanted or do a duel minigame to determine who gets it.

the car design came after hudsonsoft went bankrupt and ncube started making them games. the car is still gonna be there

Fair point. I like it. Let's go to Nintendo

What the fuck. Why did no one tell me?