Which one is better?
Which one is better?
I preferred DS3, but that is the one I played first
The setting of BB is kinda lame to me. Not to mention the stuttering and chromatic aberration make me want to rip my eyes out
>Vomit in 30fps vs vomit in 60fps
At least BB is a finished game but in 25fps...
Dark Souls 3 because it has more enemy and environment variety.
It doesn't matter if From and Sony Japan Studio make another Bloodborne; as long as it is on the Shitstation 4 I won't buy it.
Sony needs to make the PlayStation 5 already that can provide the following:
Bloodborne The Old Hunter Edition REMASTERED
4K(1440p is "fine'' as long as it has 144fps option) 60fps MAX SETTINGS.
- no frame pacing issues - no chromatic abberation
- option to disable motion blur and depth of field
- reduced loading times to 5-10 sec (my SSD loads DS3 in 3sec).
THEN and ONLY THEN, will I buy a Sony product.
As long as ShitStation 4 is their main device I won't buy their games. Period.
Dark Souls 3.
I had so much fun collecting shit
But I will say bloodbornes story/lore is superior
You only think it's superior because the Lovecraft theme isn't done very often.
Bloodborne was the better game.
Dark Souls had a ton of shit that was not explained. Bloodborne also has probably the best DLC of any game in recent memory.
BB had better music, atmosphere, movesets, enemies, narrative, world interconnection, setting, combat, mechanics, etc.
DkS3 had more equipment, and better bosses.
Not a hard pick.
It was also done incredibly well too. With the DLC functioning perfectly as an expansion to the game.
This. DkS3 is an inferior mix of BB and DaS1 that does NOTHING original.
>You only think it's superior because the Lovecraft theme isn't done very often.
So what?
There isn't really any Dark Souls boss that sticks out like Ludwig, Orphan, Rom, Living failures, Maria, Gherman, Ebrietas.
Doesn't matter the difficulty as that is extremely dependant on the player. But those bosses actually had impact and buildup within the game.
In DS3 they introduced a brand new character in ashes and then proceeded to make him the final boss, even though they had a plethora of other characters that were forgotten and never explained.
The bosses were cool, but they could have made an impact by making them characters that were created across the dark souls franchise.
bloodborne is the better game but DS3 has more replayability
The Lovecraftian theme was done well in Bloodborne, especially with the changing environments/enemies based upon how much shit you've seen (Insight).
However, DS3 is the culmination of 3 games of lore and just ended up a better story/setting. This can change with BB2 etc.
Combat wise, I have to give it to Bloodborne. While the weapon selection isn't as robust as any of the Souls games, the fast paced parrying and high-risk-high-reward gameplay was very refreshing after playing DS2 and going into DS3.
a ton of DS3 bosses stick out. the nameless king, gundyr, the twin princes, gael, friede. they're all extremely memorable
Bloodborne has better atmosphere and movesets. Also it did backstabs better.
Dark Souls 3 has much better level design, more builds, better bosses, and more enemy variety.
>BB is a finished game
>However, DS3 is the culmination of 3 games of lore and just ended up a better story/setting.
They didn't have any returning characters and barely any lore from DS2 at all. The whole lore of dark souls isn't even consistant.
>better music
Fat neckbeard orchestra isn't good.
Muh lovecraft setting.
Literally the most overrated aspect of the game. Some weapons don't even have actual trick modes(tonitrus). Some trick weapons have literal useless gimmicks. This is bad when there's like less than 30 weapons in the game.
Literally everyone agrees that DaS3 had better and more varied enemies. In Bloodborne they literally reuse the basic huntsmen FOR HALF THE FUCKING AREAS.
>world interconnection
Literally just as linear as DaS3, retard.
Oh yeah I loved how half the areas all looked like the same streets.
Casualized healing system and parrying isn't a good thing.
They didn't have any impact on the story, all of the characters were introduced in DS3 other than The nameless king.
This was the last game in the DS franchise and they barely had any callbacks at all.
Especially in the DLC.
Well DaS lore turned to utter shit real fucking quick. It wasn't hard for BB to top it in all things non gameplay.
Demon Souls
I agree with you in narrative and contextual terms, sure. But there are just too many turds gameplay-wise compared to DaS3.
DS3 is the worst game in the series
Just a cash grab
>This was the last game in the DS franchise and they barely had any callbacks at all.
we needed less callbacks, not more.
and all the bosses were built up throughout. gundyr is built up from the very first area, lothric is constantly referenced, friede is all over the first DLC and gael turns up in both. it's similar to BB with its use of maria. there's not referenced in the main game, but is in the DLC.
>living failures
Is this bait?
DaS lore is the ultimate Rorschach test for autism, and I'm sure Miyazaki is laughing his ass to the bank when he watches Vaatifags endlessly extrapolate reused models and easter eggs.
I'm choosing bloodborne, but it's only JUST edging out dark souls 3 due to the following:
>no armor weight, and therefore no worthless stat to pump in order to increase your armor weight
>immediately start with the ability to have max bloodviles, vs having to unlock maximum estus flasks
>rally is conducive to the fast aggressive enemies, where as you fight the same types of enemies in ds3 but it doesn't really make sense
>overall aesthetic
I still think ds3 is great though, once you've exhausted bloodborne. It's nice to be able to immediately jump into a similar game.
I hate how you dumbfucks think anything with a Lovecraft setting is a "masterpiece".
I see it with Darkest Dungeon, Bloodborne and that old shitty survival game.
Le spooky space tentacle aliens doesn't equal good. Get some fucking taste.
Fucking fantastic arguments you retard. Everyone should discard the opinion of anyone who uses the "MUH" argument
Dark Souls 1
How about you just accept that Bloodborne is trash.
cool blog, i'm sure sony will take your demand into account
Thanks for the shitpost user
Playing DS3 for the first time.
Should I talk to this dude at the bonfire in the cathedral place? He's talking about a DLC thing I think.
If not, at what level should I talk to him?
>Bloodborne vs. Bloodborne but worse
Wow hard choice.
>muh bloodborne is trash
Who the fuck cares about the story in these games? It's more about the atmosphere and experience, and although I did enjoy the Victorian setting at the start it did become old pretty quickly.
Ds3's setting would have been better if I hadn't experience them all in the previous games.
I'm so sorry you can't play multiplayer without your fps dropping below 20.
Thanks for the reply.
I think level 60 for Ashes and 80 for ringed city. I think.
>casualized Souls spinoff with a Reddit setting vs an actual Souls game
Wow what a hard pick
I'd hold off the DLC area until you're at the very end of the game, right before the last boss. I think that particular DLC has one of the hardest bosses in the game.
Uses actual instruments... DaS3 uses samples. Just because you're too pleb to notice.
>Muh Lovecraft Boogeyman!
Yeah, it's better than dark fantasy that literally has a handful of arpgs yearly. Also, atmosphere is more than the inspiration, it's the execution... Which was better than DkS3.
Not at all, some were just better than others. Things like the modal "loading" gimmick of Stake, Boomhammer, Beast/Kin modes with Claw/Parasite, as well as special stance strings and mid-string stance change and the incredible quality of R2s and charged R2s as well as forward roll R1s mean I was fairly consistently using several moves per weapon. You literally have no argument... DkS3 was all about riding 1-2 moves in one stance.
>Literally everyone agrees.
No, they don't. They use huntsman too much yes... But the enemies are still better in BB even if they're not spread out as well. If you wanted to say DkS3 had a better distribution of enemies, I would agree... But there's no enemies in DaS3 that match up to BB's best.
>Just as linear.
Nope. After Vicar you can go to the Forest down into Byrgenwerth, to Lower Yharnam, and the first part of Upper Cathedral Ward, Hemwick Charnel Lane, Isofeka's Clinic, Cainhurst, Hypogean Gaol, Hunter's Workshop, etc all before beating Rom.
You mean thematically cohesive? Again, plain superior to DkS3.
>Casualized healing! Reeee!
More moves, better moves, faster, more interesting enemies, parry is fun as fuck, tricking > BA, better animations, etc. Also, it's just a funner game on an intangible level that plays tighter. Also, DkS3 is also casual is shit too.
>Not better mechanics! Reeee!
1. Belt-casting > catalysts 2. BB BSes > DkS3 BSes 3. tricking > BA's 4. tricking > stance swap 5. parrying while 2-handing > no parrying while 2-handing 6. BB charged moves > DkS3 chanrged moves, etc.
I totally missed DS1's DLC, glad to see they made it less esoteric this time, I guess.
Isn't the whole game just one big callback to all the other games in the franchise? It's one of the bigger gripes with the game. I think the best parts of the games are those that are original to it, especially the things with the Pontiff.
>Worst gameplay in the series aside from potentially DkS2.
What makes Pontiff original?
Bloodborne by miles. This isn't even a competition.
>uses actual instruments
And yet it sounds more boring and worse. The only one that sounds good is One Reborn. Too bad they wasted it on a shit boss.
>muh atmosphere
Dark Souls' theme of depression and hopelessness is way more deep than DUDE ELDRITCH HORRORS OOOOOOHH SPOOOPY XD IT WAS JUST A DREAM BRO
>some were just better than others
The hunter axe outclasses all the other weapons. I beat the game spamming r1 with the tricked Hunters axe. Literally no point in using other weapons unless you wanna look like a fedora edgelord.
>no they don't
Yes they do. DaS3 has way more visually varied enemies. Bloodborne had way too many werewolf enemies with similar movesets. Also a bunch of enemies were literal trash mobs that were only a threat of there were 20 of them attacking you at once.
Yep. Dark Souls 3 also offers various paths.
>thematically cohesive
Lol what the fuck. That's what people praised the Souls series for. The fact that there were multiple areas with visual differences is what made it so charming. Bloodborne throws this away. Too many samey areas.
>more moves, better moves
You're just baiting at this point. You think all games with flashy movesets like Warframe are good?
How can you even think this LMAO.
Both are god tier, fuck nostalgia cucks.
Didn't even bother to finish DaS3. Felt too derivative and lifeless. I quit as soon as I got to the Grand Archives. Bloodborne, however, is wonderful.
Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3
>Dark Souls 1 is the best!
>It's boring because I SAID SO!
Literally not an argument to my point. Enjoy your shitty midi.
>Dark Souls is "more deep", so it has better atmosphere because I SAID SO!
Again, not an argument to the cohesion and uniqueness of the setting in BB adding to the atmosphere. Also, Dark Souls 3 doesn't do anything that the previous games didn't do in terms of themes or atmosphere other than shoddily copy BB. Crossing over into the fishing Hamlet from the Astral Clocktower and finding the Hunter's Workshop or being kidnapped and taken to Lost City, or crossing into Isofeka's Clinic, or creeping through the upper Cathedral Ward.
>Literally no point in using other weapons.
Yes there is; fun. Also, just because a weapon has an incredible move doesn't mean other weapons and moves are bad. This critique would apply to all the games, and even games like fucking Devil May Cry. Also, this isn't an argument to what I made mention of. And again, even at it's worse it's still offering more than DkS3.
Yeah, like the Bugmen, Fishmen, Dogcrows, Crowdogs, Mindflayers, Giant Squids, Yetis, Massive Spiders, Braintrusts, Treasure Chests Full of Bones, Labyrinth Madmen, Ectoplasmic Students, Giants, Even Bigger Giants, Alien Fetuses, Ayyyylmaos, Snakeballs, Giant Snakeballs, Snakehead Men, Sharkmen, Seashell Bitches, Fish Wizards, Sideways Dogface Fucks, Hunters, Tickmen, Ghosts, Banshees, Vampires, Executioners, Bagmen, Giant Pigs, Armored Midgets, Giant Centipedes, Flamekeeper with Pups, etc.
The design was way better in BB, kek.
>"I'm literally illiterate and don't know what cohesion is."
The other games aren't cohesive though? It's just lava area, castle area, swamp area, another castle area, forest, ice area... And it's jarring often. BB doesn't suffer this at all despite having different areas because they make a good fit despite being a game with a midieval castle, a victorian township, and a New England fishing village.
>"More movea and better moves?! You're just baiting!"
No argument? Again? So basically 100% true.
>Catalyst casting is better.
Yeah, stopping what you're doing to slowly pull out a catalyst or taking away 50% of your equips is better than having spells on tap while dual wielding and 2-handing and running full offense. On top of that it adds a dimension to gameplay where you can parry while dual wielding and 2-handing. I mean, are you really this stupid?
>You think all games with flashy movesets like Warframe are good?
fucking kek... Are you.implying dark souls 3 the game with triple cartwheel forward-flipping artorias-eat-your-heart-out anime shit is less flashy than bb? u are gone m8