in honor of canada day who is your favorite canadian video game character
In honor of canada day who is your favorite canadian video game character
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Frost from Siege.
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Trevor Phillips
present in the GOOD marvel vs capcom games
My favorite depiction of Canada in video games is the Fallout universe.
the guys from sleeping dogs
That guy from 1080 snowboarding on N64
We need some better Canadian characters. The good ones are few and far in between.
At-The-Basket Dick
I legit could not think of a canon Canadian character. I am Canadian, I feel bad. So I guess I'll go with Ricky.
>you will never eat pancakes and drink Tim's coffee with Raquna
I honestly had to reread it like ten times when she said "Princess of Ontario" because I thought there was no way that's what she actually said.
>Ontario survives the apocalypse
>That means Toronto probably did too
doesnt canada get annexed in fallout?
who else /makecanadagreatagain/ here?
I think that's the point.
Fuck off Sup Forums
who /ottawa/ here
She also said that in the original Japanese version too, so there is no doubt that is exactly what she said.
Because the only thing Amerilards can annex is a hamburger?
Raquna would probably prefer going to a bar.
Where my /London/ boys at
even the apocalypse doesn't want anything to do with Toronto
my favorite too
Anyone else residing in ottawa and going to be playing vidya instead of doing the normal person shit tn?
its annoying how every fucking thing is closed