Hey mods, if you're going to start pruning F/GO threads, make sure to get FEH threads too: >>382452339

Hey mods, if you're going to start pruning F/GO threads, make sure to get FEH threads too:

Other urls found in this thread:


always the same fucking janitor

Posting Caren should be illegal.

When is Caren getting in the gacha

What culture has your favourite servants?

just fucking say in the title that it's fate/extra or w/e
janitors are retarded and can't tell it's f/go

Do not worry I will be reporting them as well. We need to start getting rid of Fire Emblem Heroes and F/Go. They need to go back to VG and not here.

Fuck's sake.
Here's the refuge discord discordapp.com/invite/zfhAAw9

Fuck off

For curiosity, where should be the proper place to discuss F/GO on Sup Forums if not Sup Forums?

Posting Caren should be rewarded

Silver lining is that he only does it for an hour or two a day. Deleting vidya threads is tiring work.

/vg/ where the most cancerous goes.

Make sure to report all the P5 waifu threads too!


Go to /vg/ to get spoiled on the story and mocked by jaded JP players.

FEH threads are better than normal Fire Emblem threads though.
Which is not praise for them since FEH is an abysmal game only retards are still playing.

Free Herc/Waver, in case anyone wants them.
Password is 1234

kill yourself my man

Where do you get Gems it's the last daily I have?

Make sure to report Persona 5 threads as well. They've overstayed their welcome and they have their own general too.

Should be /vg/ but mods don't want us there either.

/VG/ because if it is a never-ending discussion like a MMORPG or a cell phone game it belongs there. It violates the rules of Sup Forums.

Side note I hope to god E-Celeb threads can be purged as well.

oh and the id is the filename

>I can't have what I want so nobody can have it as well!

How old are you, 13?

This seems biased to me. When MGSV came out for two months there wasn't one general about it on Sup Forums, but like 7 at the same time, all day everyday.

Why was the KH gacha forced to /vg/ bit the FE and f/go ones allowed?

Mods should be impartial, its their job.
Stupid nintenkiddo.

Why not just take over a FEH thread.

Maybe the mods should delete the non vidya threads like another steam friends shit :^)

Those threads can stay because they involve video games and are not about a never ending game that are based on cell phones like F/Go and Fire Emblem Heroes. If you want to make waifu threads of them then do it but do not bring your game talk on here.

Fallout New Vegas general threads has to go as well.

Nah that's dumb

>neverending game
wtf cant talk about dwarf fortress/rimworld etc. anymore

>stop talking about video games we only discuss waifus on Sup Forums

>delete Nintendo threads
too many shills in the woodwork for that to happen


If the mods actually followed the rules 80% of Sup Forums threads would be deleted

They aren't allowed either. Only neverending shitty twitter screencaps posts

Why not just hijack Fate/Apocrypha threads on Sup Forums
It's not like they're getting any discussion done anyways since there's no subs

How to make sure people hate you and delete all your threads 101

>Let's spam thread 500 of a card game that belongs on /vg/

>Never ending games aren't allowed on Sup Forums
I'm sorry? Since when were dwarf fortress and ace of spades threads banned here?

>get banned on Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums

No subs?
I would've thought Fate was popular enough that at least some group would pick it up.

Actually why not post the F/Go on there I do not see why not.

Pass doesn't work senpai.

>ace of spades
Haha mods delete the threads if they keep popping up more than a day. Same thing happened with that one fun submarine game once.

>Fallout New Vegas
>Persona 5
>Trails Kiseki
>Smash Bros
>Switch is a failure/success
>Someone on twitter said something
>SJWs suck

All of these threads pop up multiple times per day everyday as well, we should also start deleting them and sending them over to /vg/

OK let's delete NV threads too.

It means you were too slow. Have fun staying in reroll hell shithead

He does prune FEH threads. It's the same newfag mod too. Does it at the same time everyday. God forbid actual discussion of video games happens on Sup Forums.

Fug, guess I can't talk about Smash bros or Splatoon on Sup Forums either

They are on /vg/ now.

I didn't know that having at most 2 threads up because people are dumbasses that don't use catalog is now spamming.
There's plenty of games on Sup Forums that can have 5 games at time that discuss nothing but waifus and have generals on /vg/ but, no, this is the game that's cancerous.

Purse Owner is still getting threads?
I mean, I liked the game, but what's left to talk about?

Let's just ban all vidya discussion for games that were not released the same day.

>Trails Kiseki
But they have a general.

Gotta wait for netflix. :^)

Nothing at all. If any thread should be banished to /vg/ at this point, it's Persona.

I've missed other accounts previously and the error message is different, the other ones say that the transfer has already been used, this one says to check transfer id or pass.

Those threads are not cancer they are just autistic.

Doesn't /vg/ have a SMT general anyway?
Or are those two fanbases still at each other's throats?

/vg/ has both a SMT general and a Persona general.

Access the irony is there is a Persona generals as well as Smash Brothers. Even from what I remember Fire Emblem as well.

There's both an SMT general and a Persona general.

No you don't get it
This janitor is really happy he's a janitor and he's really mad at Fate becoming the new hotness of gacha in the west. That makes him ANGRY.
So he wants to show mommy how great he is and deletes these threads.

It's literally one guy. One of the mods is /ourguy/ and deleted a bunch of posts telling us to fuck off to /vg/ earlier today.

Welp, shows what I know.

Smash bros general died because of dic
Discord faggotry

Yes they have both. And they are usually good, they bring up waifus as well.

Let me put it this way: I typed it before you and it said the transfer was already in use, meaning someone took it before me. So on top of you being unable to type in a 8 letter string correctly, its already long gone. Shithead

You say that like its a bad thing

Maybe stop having 3 threads up at once and it won't be an issue

Sup Forums without LOL wouldn't be Sup Forums

Diaz and his cartel unironiclly killed all the sub groups.

It could be a lot of people on Sup Forums do not like mobile games and see no point in them. But also I do have to agree the worst threads are the E-Celebrity threads. Those truly have nothing to do with video games and just drama.


And now there isn't

I did hear something about that ages ago, but never paid much attention to it because I don't watch that much anime anymore.
That's pretty fucking sad, really.

How the fuck do you get this game to work?
On android it won't fucking word due to root. And I'm not gonna go back to stock for one game. Magisk ain't doin shit, Xposed isn't for Nougat yet.

While on PC no emulator will work.

I just wanna roll waifus


use memu

There are several guides on how to make it work on memu, go google.

That is true there use to be a time when janitors tried as much as they could to keep it one single thread on one thing.

Sometimes you will see 4 fire emblem heroes threads, 5 persona 5 waifu threads, and 3 SJW and E Celeb drama threads(which are awful) that push everything off. Something needs to be done.

There's a guide on /fgog/ for getting it to work on Memu

pls respond

They'll tell you to fuck off. They did the same with One Piece: Treasurer Cruise.

P5 threads are nothing but waifu posting, shit posting, and spamming stale memes (pancakes xdd).

I wouldn't even mind if they were gone as well, but the new fag mod leaves them up and targets us. Fuck someone should complain on /q/ and get him fired.

One of the green dailies.
The green dailies today is for pieces and monuments so it won't drop today.

They sniped all the translators and hired them at crunchyroll.

After years of such whenever theres a show not being hosted on crunchyroll/amazon/etc subs are pretty much non existent unless some user gets off their ass and does it.

Yes, because the game is not new anymore.
Why not let at least one thread of F/GO on Sup Forums at least for the first months of release?

And it's not like MGSV was an exception, same thing happen always when a new popular game comes out.

>Spend AP grinding Orleans so I can reach the point for grinding Caster pieces
>Save it so I can abuse levelling up from the EXP daily and grind daily for caster pieces



To the user who gifted a Waver/Herc account
Bless your soul user, you've ended this user's reroll hell.

Don't forget the 10 souls threads up at any given time of day. Been happening for the last ~7 years now

Check the discord. We have a starting guide on emulator.

Your right, seems like Sup Forums has a lot of rejected people from other parts of the board. I also witnessed threads being deleted because it talked about anime being on Steam even though it was on topic on Sup Forums. Only Sup Forums allowed it.

We may need to just be more considerate than being mad really.

Anyone want an Altera, D'eon x2, Viva la France account?

So some days it's just not possible to drop at all that seems stupid.