Hard mode in Zelda botw is actually hard

>Hard mode in Zelda botw is actually hard

I actually have to plan how I attack goblins now, seeing how they can gang up, and their health refill while I focus on one. plus the tier 3 goblins sneaking up and one shotting me makes it tense.

Still, Hard mode is a joke compared to other games, like FO4. (Yes I know, FO4 sucks, but the survival mode was an amazing addition)

>health inflation
>mixed with the glass weapons

you can get stronger weapons on the floating platforms

I find the health recharging a bigger factor than the health boost. But yes, I have to occasionally gauge whether or not its worth attacking a camp or just running away. I like it honestly.

>find random chest
>20+ damage spear
>ride horse
>one shots blue goblins
it's almost like the game gives you several ways to increase your damage

Can't you just walk past most enemies? Not sure if that got changed in hardmode but I ran past most encounters.

Where did you find a 20 damage spear?

I chose not to because the best way to get money early in the game is mass producing potions and selling them. Need those goblin parts

best way to make money is to spam that Ice running minigame in the Gerudo desert.

In my pants

I haven't made it to impa yet and I intend to get to both villages and get all rune upgrades before I head in all those directions

on a floating platform near the zora stuff

can you start the game in hard mode without playing normal mode?

It's slightly harder because they made enemies notice you more quickly, but still not actually hard to do.

Do enemies actually do more damage in hard mode?

Master mode feels like a completely different game, which I like
I just wish the beginning wasn't so tedious

Enemies are one tier up, so they do that extra damage

>>Do enemies actually do more damage in hard mode?
like mentioned, enemies are one tier higher so enemies have more base damage, I think enemies with modified weapons (+attack up) have started to appear earlier (but that might just be me progressing through the game faster)

>thread about the hard mode but not the trials
I failed on like room 7 or 8 in the first set because even though I've cleared the game I still suck against lizalfos. It's surprising how the difficulty goes up in this, and I love that it's basically another eventide.

>Add "new" enemy class, another palette swap damage sponge
>Some enemies slightly heal health
>dude balloon platforms LMAO

Holy crap this changes everything back to the drawing board

>but the survival mode was an amazing addition
No, it wasn't. They're completely incompetent and you know it. One of the laziest developers in the entire industry.

I'm worried that eventide and sword trial will be fucking impossible in master mode

Yes i am on the middle trials and loving it. Just wondering if they also get way harder in hard mode

Eventide should be easy. You can get a korok leaf and just blow them into the ocean.

>Holy crap this changes everything
It really does. It changes the whole way you approach the game. First you have to ask if killing any particular group of mobs is even worth it, and then you have to work out a strategy where you might actually win with more than you started with

I feel like it was the game the way it was supposed to be. Normal mode is basically easy mode


so how much do enemies regenerate HP anyway?
I've noticed that during some fights enemies stop regenerating HP for some reason, can they only heal a limited amount or something, so I might have to do 200% of an enemies HP max? or if I reach a 30% HP threshold then the enemy can't heal above 60% or something?

I was keen on playing the trials with three hearts only the whole way through, but the last third of the final trials is literally impossible.

Coming back with all (and extra) heart containers, using two full heals and having 5 fairies, It's still impossible. I won't spoil what happens, but they don't give you any time to think or react in the last stages. Not very fair desu

After you kill your first Lynel, Master Mode is no different from Normal.

Speaking of which, has anyone found a gold Lynel? I've now gotten all memories, beaten all divone beasts and beat Ganon and I just cant find any past Silver.

>It really does. It changes the whole way you approach the game. First you have to ask if killing any particular group of mobs is even worth it, and then you have to work out a strategy where you might actually win with more than you started with

Not that user but this is how I felt when I started playing BotW anyway.
Jump into a group of enemies without planning and you'll usually get buttfucked.
A common complaint when the game released was how fighting enemies is almost never worth it.
Is taking this aspect of the game and dialing it up to 11 really more fun?

giving goblins NTR buff was the best thing that could've happened to this game

Get good kiddo

This, the first thing I did was grab Majora's Mask and didn't remove it until I got the full Barbarian set. You don't even use rwgular enemy materials to enchant the best equipment so there is no need to kill them at all.

Increasing damage numbers is absolutely a way to increase difficulty, but I really think that the game needs more enemy types.
They shouldve added at least like five with this.

I never really found myself in a "buttfucked" situation until I started fighting lynels, and that didn't even last that long. It's just a pretty easy game, and soon you'll have to pick which weapons to drop and which to keep because you can't carry them all, which was the biggest annoyance

Now it's like you have an amount of weapons and arrows and you're unsure if it will even be enough to take out the group. You can count on picking up their weapons at least, so if they're holding some swords it might be an equal trade, but if there's no chest to open then it's probably not worth it at all. It might be better to sneak in and steal their weapons or use the environment

I just think the game gave you all these options, but most of the time they were just a novelty since you could charge in and kill everything easily. But now, you actually have to use every advantage you have, which seems to be the way the game was designed to be played

What does majora's do again?

>Games are too easy these days because of recharging health
>Nintendo makes it so enemy health recharges while you try to kill them with glass weapons

How can they keep getting away with winning like this?

Makes monsters ignore you

It's all the monster masks put together plus skeleton set. So barely any enemy bothers with you.

Damn I definitely need that

Yes, master mode is a seperate save file from normal mode

It doesn't make the game harder, just longer.



t. butthurt

Is there no way to activate hard mode from the current save? Do I seriously have to start the game again to change the difficulty? For fuck's sake nintendo

Depending how you play, Master Mode can be easier. If you abuse the flying enemies and chests early in the game, it will be faster than normal. Same with Lynels, higher rank Lynels earlier = best weapons earlier.

>buff yourself up in easy mode
>switch to hard mode
>"I earned this"

Go back to gamefaqs.

how the fuck do you kill a lynel with shit level weapons and no armor

No bully pls

cool, i might try that

You don't need armor for Lynels... You juat steal bows from flying mobs and juat spam arrows at Lynels chin. They will be in stunlocked from 100% to 0

Witch time and counter.

Do the bosses have more health? Has anyone managed to get there yet?

Mounting them and stabbing them in the back doesn't reduce the durability so you could theoretically beat a lynel with a tree branch

No, only Ganon benefits from Master Mode in the last 25% of the fight because of the shield it gets and bosses regen health if you don't do damage to them.

Did they fix his AI so he cycles through all his attacks properly? On one run he gets stuck using just a handful of moves, try it again and he uses everything from ground pound to tornadoes to multiple lasers to every beast Ganon attack.

OP here, I haven't made it there yet. Taking my time in hard mode. Are the trials fun?

I did that too, i keep the majora mask for like 7 hours or so, just to get some really good weapon.
Now my rotating weapon are all mid/end game weapon and sometime with damge modifier.

But i think hard mode actually force you to play the way the game was really designed, which is think if this is worth it, gear up, and keep high level inventory.

I never had that problem to begin with, so I can't speak for your game.

I think the survival mode took a 4/10 game and made it a 6 or 7/10, which is amazing to me. Survival mode made FO4 tolerable, If you ignore story

Yes there are, but trial of the sword in hard mode is a mindfuck.

I've done this with almost every camp I've attacked. 2hand or shoot in the face with a bow towards a river.

Name one "hard" game that is exempt from this logic.

I'll wait.

>inb4 bloodbourne

>>inb4 bloodbourne
Absolutely seething

Good potion recipes? Just got the game, but I'm fucking loving it. Im a sonybro so not familiar with zelda

FO4 Survival mode
FNV JSawyer mod


>hard mode
>for a game with breakable weapons

Let me guess: enemies have more health now?

>i can't find better wepaon that were added specifically for it and i am stupid.

Survival mode is a good answer but half of it is literally designed to make you travel on foot for longer

Bayonetta 1 and 2

Master Mode simply increases enemy tiers by one, so all red enemies are blue, blues are black etc. The few new enemy placement and lastly enemies who use stronger weapons on flying platforms. You can think positively, higher rank = more drops. It's a high risk, high reward situation.

Yeah, sure. It's hard for the first few hours then it gets fairly easy, just as normal mode. Unless youre 7 years old kid it's nothing.

>Stop time on a huge ass tree log
>Make it fly at 666 mph speed straight on the enemy
>Barely deals damage

well I haven't made it that far but it certainly has made the beginning better.