Would a video game sets in the Mistborn universe works?
Would a video game sets in the Mistborn universe works?
Less than your sentence.
Vin was a shit protagonist and none of the characters were particularly likeable.
looks like a standard weebshit setting
True. Maybe making thread while I'm tired isn't a good idea.
are these books good?
I see people jerking off over them occasionally, but I think it's mostly popular among poorly educated americans
They're great unless you have shit tier taste
Mistborn is a shit series for shit people who read shit genreshit. So yes, it'd be perfect.
Wasn't a game already in the works? At least i heard something about one ages ago but haven't heard anything since.
What did the people who spend all day on Sup Forums mean by this?
What do you mean by this?
I spend all day on /lit/. I sometimes come on Sup Forums also.
A game that uses the setting but none of the characters would be good, although pushing/lurching would require bullet time or they'd have to throw out the metal in the direction you want to go requirement.
y no taste bro?
ITT: books you're ashamed of enjoying
Legit fujoshit with shounen fights and deception.
Because instead of reading fantasy shit, I read good literature (like the Bible).
>Triggered atheist in 3.....2......1
I want a game based on Malazan
It would probably play alot like Infamous
They're 9gag tier.
Douay-Rheims or KJV?
You win, you made me chuckle.
Somewhat interesting at first, quickly becomes boring. Book 3 was a slog. I'm not a huge fan of the magic system either.
The game is officially vaporware.
Do you like meta?
Malazan would be alright if the author stopped forcing his fatty fetish on every second female character.
They're anime in book form
I think steven meant to write tattersail, for example, as a thick girl. That's how I imagine her desu.
It's alright. But generally speaking the characters will probably not leave you a strong impression and sometimes you're just reading fast to get to the part where something itneresting is happening. But I found them enjoyable, tho I don't think i'll read them again for some times.
It's alright, decent-ish lore, meh characters, shit MC, kinda bad ending of the third book, and seems like it's getting milked with the 5+ books that came after the original 3.
The action scenes are absolute garbage and you'll probably find yourself skimming most of them by the 3rd book, and the only thing that will keep you going is the lore, which the 3rd book shits on like there's no tomorrow.
Magic system's fun in theory, especially the magic described in the 2nd and 3rd book, the non-main one that avoids the writer's weird "Muh magic must be simple" rule and actually lets you wonder about what it can do.
>he fell for the Mormon meme author
>meanwhile Bakker is releasing The Unholy Consult and completing his fantasykino dual-trilogy
>which the 3rd book shits on like there's no tomorrow
Why do you think that?
The original contract was a trilogy of trilogies: original Mistborn, modern-setting, and a future space opera.
Me on the left.
Just base a game after the third book focusing on Spook.
>you'll never play the Spook dating sim to repopulate the world
I think the Wax&Wayne setting is a bit more interesting.
That book 3 teasing tho.
I could see one doing well in the vein of Dishonored. You'd need good hotkeys to fully handle all the powers of a Mistborn though
It's been a year since I've read it, but it just felt kinda cheap with all the god stuff that the writer kept throwing at us, the the "power of love" and the "the power was within us all along" things, the big guy basically retconning the whole universe, etc etc.
I guess it's kind of following the general direction the book has been taking in the past books, but I personally liked the atmosphere of the first book before they killed off the godking.
The gloomy desperation, him being so powerful that him merely being around them was enough to make them shiver.
That's what I wanted out of the rest of the series, and I guess I'm just a bit salty I never got it.
Oh, my bad then, It's not like I've even read anything past book 3, so I shouldn't really have complained.
No universe got retconned. What are you even talking about?
Threadly reminder that Fanimry confirmed as the one true faith.
>Brandon Sanderson
Stay away from him and his work. That's all I'll say.
Reddit get out
I know it's only very tangentially related to this thread but THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY UNIRONICALLY THINK WHEEL OF TIME IS A GOOD SERIES
Think about that for a second. That's the kind of fucked up world we're living in
Oh, shit, I used that word incorrectly, meant that Sazed recreated the universe at the end of book 3
But it is. The issue is its far from perfect and you have retards screaming that its the best thing ever.
Believe me user even with all its flaws WoT is so far above the average dogshit that gets published.
>It's been a year since I've read it, but it just felt kinda cheap with all the god stuff that the writer kept throwing at us, the the "power of love" and the "the power was within us all along" things, the big guy basically retconning the whole universe, etc etc.
It's also been a while since I read it but I don't think that's how it happened at all. No idea about the power of love bit, and I don't know what you mean by the second part, but the bit about the new god fixing things can't be a retcon since he didn't affect the past.
Only went through the first 2-3 books.
It was a slog, but it wasn't terrible?
Kinda generic, but enjoyable enough if you like power fantasy?
No universe got recreated. All he did was correct Scadrial's orbit. Reread the book before talking about it when your memory is this bad, christ.
A lot of people haven't read anything good in their lives so they just don't have anything good to compare it to. Understand that they only read casually, too -- they're the equivalent of the normalfags who play CoD and FIFA for half an hour after work.
No user it's pretty bad.
Not him but Douay-Rheims, because I don't like piss with my wine.
The worldbuilding and magic systems are top-notch
Action scenes are usually fun
The characters are rather flat
The plot is okay, the underlying story is connected to the worldbuilding and thus great
Same for every Sanderson book I've read so far really
He didn't.
Planet was being destroyed by earthquakes and volcanoes, Sazed stopped them and put the planet back in its initial orbit. He reshaped the continent too and moved the people around so they'd be closer together but that's it. He certainly didn't recreate the universe.
KJV, of course. How can other translations compete?
You deserve nothing but death you piece of shit wannabe-Italian.
Wrong. Learn some reading comprehension son. He used his knowledge of lost faiths and cultures to correct the world's orbit, where Rashek failed to do so.
Sorry the series was too complicated for you user.
Here let me recommend something more to your level.
Was referring to the mist bring out everyone's hidden power, and the couple getting over Chaos in a tad cheesy way.
Fair enough, my memory is shaite, but he also recreated plants, animals, fixed the volcanoes that the godking made and lots of other shit, right?
We're basically arguing about semantics, but at what point does that not count as recreating the world?
You disgust me.
The only good fantasy is Wolfe and Eddison, no exceptions except Peake.
>yfw Evangeline gets fucked for the crime of doing nothing wrong
Also Mistborn was average, Stormlight is shaping up to be much better.
Been meaning to try Malazan Book of the Fallen. I know the first couple aren't the best but I've heard once you get into it it's legit 10/10. Anyone who's done it?
>recreating the universe
>recreating the world
Harmony couldn't move those goalposts further. Stop talking.
Yeah. They are extremely overrated.
Only a retard would choose to read the Bible in the wrong dead language.
>Stormlight is shaping up to be much better
Im sure in 10 years when the 3rd book is out we can make a decision on the quality.
I borrowed Elantris from the library just because it had an okay cover... it was okay, but apparently he keeps dropping hints about writing a sequel but has never done it because he's doing this mistborn stuff
frankly though, I only like singular books, or trilogies at best... fuck reading 8+ books just to finish one story
They're bad. Really bad. Just read the Iliad instead.
>Was referring to the mist bring out everyone's hidden power
Which was explained by Preservation ordering them to do it. What I never got is why he created the magic system used in the book and then made it so only the people who got the shit beaten out of them could use it.
Its literally only the prologue of the first book.
Once you get past that and perspective switches to Corkus the book becomes great.
See I tried getting into Sanderson twice and failed both times. I read a lot of top tier sci fi and fantasy but I also have pretty low standards and will read The Witcher series etc. Sanderson is a special type of boring. It's like his goal is to take the most interesting premise possible and reduce it to a generic soap opera that reads like a high school senior procrastinated on an essay (which I later found out is somewhat fitting because he writes like 3 massive books a year). Then I went to goodreads to try to understand what people like about his writing and no one could really explain it but everyone had the same complaints. So yeah, stay away. I hate using the term meme but if there is such thing as a meme writer he is definitely one.
But I have. I don't exclusively read modern fantasy. I even have a fancy copy.
>No one mentions The Black Company
Really wish we got something for these books. They're really good. And BAttle Brothers aint even close.
The magic system on Ashyn involves people will sicknesses getting powers, the sicker the stronger. No rhyme or reason.
Then read it again you doublenigger.
You're just jealous of my fancy book.
Recommend me a good mystery book where you can reach the solution by reasoning.
KJV is fine for casual reading, I guess.
I feel like he's excellent at lore, worldbuilding and interesting magic systems, but his characters and human interactions are just damn basic
you just posted one.
I'm sure it's mentioned every time someone starts a thread about potential book-based video games.
That's sci-fi for you. I wish I could find a decent sci-fi book worth reading. I've read Neuromancer and a few others, but most of them are incredibly shallow in terms of character depth. Dune wasn't anything special either.
This is a great series, would highly recommend it. The complete book looks nice too.
It's Butler's prose translation, so no, not really. I'll keep my shitty paperback with the God-awful cover if it's translated by the mighty Lattimautist himself.
Dunno why that complain comes around a lot, I didn't read all of his books but while the characters could've probably been more developed I don't consider them flats. Maybe they're simple but they're not stupids for the sake of advancing the plot
People can complain about his books being shit as much as they want, at least he has constant updates about how far along they are.
stop shitposting bern, you know what i mean
I have a paperback as well with a different translation. I just thought it looked cool. I ended up buying the collected Poe and Lovecraft because they looked nice too.
Unrelated, has anyone read Gormenghast?
If you want character depth read Book of the New Sun.
What's this about?
the Fractured Europe series is pretty good
>Europe has broken up into mini countries and etc through various shit
>main character is a chef that gets recruited into a europe-wide postal service
>basic spy games where there's a different border every 5 miles
>story skips through different events
>there's also a train-line that declared itself as an independant country, that runs the full length of europe
>then there's the parallel reality you can reach at certain spots
That's a sweet cape
Yes. It's GOAT. But I was like thirteen so maybe it sucks. I used to like ASoIaF back then, so..
He's got a trilogy planned for Elantris. They'll be released after Stormlight 4 and 5.
Malazan and Kharkanas are both top tier IF you like that type of book. It is very hard to get into if not, and Malazan is a difficult read for a lot of people. Personally I knocked it out in about 2 weeks but most people claim it takes them about a year to finish. They speak in half-prose quite often, and there are a shitload of world-only words to remember. An easier series to get into is actually another book by Brandon Sanderson like Mistborn is, Stormlight Archive; currently only on second book (third released this month) but it's an easier read and pretty fucking engaging even for high fantasy. Other than that, your options are really only Prince of Nothing, and that only because it doesn't focus on self-insert power fantasy character #1 and instead on the side characters, or Wheel of Time, which DOES focus on self-insert power fantasy character #2 but is still a fun read if you can ignore how fucking terrible the women are (read it to see a prime example of why women should not be in positions of power, it's pretty accurate in that regard), or you could always just read self-insert power character #∞'s books, Sword of Truth, if you want to read 30+ pages of a single pretentious monologue multiple times.
Looking for something similar to read with alternate worlds travel for fun and munchkinry. Any recs?
Not flat as in dumb, flat as in not nuanced like a real human bean
They're often archetypes like "the scholarly prince" an range firmly on the good/bad scale while not doing much of an engaging arc. While they do sometimes change over the course of the novels, the changes themselves often don't feel all that natural. There also a lot of modern thought and speech patterns going on, like people in feudal societies babbling on about sexism and whatnot, it's pretty jarring
I wouldn't be able to do it better, but I'm a pleb and I still notice it
It has to do with the meta cosmere stuff. Everyone that gets magic has to be "broken" in some way. Same with Elantris, Stormlight, White Sand, etc.
Not him. I'm this guy . The reason why I have those complaints is the books are just horribly imbalanced. Imagine an writer and director that is only capable of making the first 25% of each of his movies interesting and then, like clockwork everything becomes a generic means to an end. That's how Sanderson reads, sometimes down to the percentage. His books are more manufactured timesinks than they are an experience imo.