Diablo 3 Necromancer

>Necromancers back, baby! I bet Blizzard has put a ton of work into it to put Diablo 3 back on the map! They had a PTR and everything. It's gonna be so cool playing around with new skills and sets!
>Inarius set dominates 99% of leaderboards
>Wanna try it in group? Sorry you have to give up 50% damage reduction from unequipping Unity
>Wanna play skelemancer? Have fun dying from 1 goat spear and constantly spam skeleton mages (so interactive!)
>Wanna play bloodmancer? Have fun sacrificing your own health with zero survivability for subpar damage
>Pestilence what?

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This, holy shit. I'm afraid of criticising them too much in the general chat but what were they thinking? I enjoy playing Necro but there is almost no balance between the sets. I hope they shit out a rebalance before the next season starts.

If I don't give a shit about seasons or whatever else endgame this shit has, would replaying the campaign with necromancer once before dropping the game again be fun for me?

campaign is always fun, whatever class you pick.

Isn't the Necro like 15 dollars? It seems like too much just to replay the campaign.

I've been playing campaign with my friend using a pair of necromancers and I've been having fun. The endgame of diablo 3 never really grasped me past torment 4, it's just a cookie cutter build cluster fuck of an experience.

grim dawn necro will be better... and free

Not worth it imo. Same dialogue as the rest of the cast except now spoken by a Necromancer. You won't experience anything new except some class specific stuff pre Malthael fight. Skills are designed for high level sets and items in mind. They aren't especially fun on their own.

Inarius sucks too.

Just get a job

>it's so fucking shit nobody talks about it
as expected

yeah, i cant wait to play it on my ps3

Im having fun so far. Meleemancer is best

If you actively purchased the Jew $15 Necromancer pack for Diablo 3 you deserve any disappointment or regret you feel.

You literally threw money at a failed product because of the name Necromancer. You are everything wrong with modern gaming.

I'm pretty sure the expansion will cost money.

>Just get a job
You mean like replaying D3?

Who /ready for real Necromancer/ here

I had some entertainment leveling him to 70, playing some rifts and running through the new zones.

It's just not enough, it's clear that they are just throwing bits and pieces of the cancelled expansion at us. Diablo 4 when?

Grow up

>failed product
>Diablo 3 reached the 10th best selling game of all time in 2015

Necromancer will not be free. He is a part of the upcoming expansion, which will cost money.

You are the 4th person I've seen say this, and I have no idea where you people get your misinformation.

>having a job justifies accepting a corporation's bad business practices

>I spent 15 bucks of the almost 200 bucks I've made through WoW tokens.
>So I deserve regret disappointment, and I'm what's wrong with video games


It's because the fags will be pirating it

>The class isn't perfect, but I'm still having fun with it, and I'm happy to support the franchise. We've gotten a lot of free content over the years, and I've gotten easily over 200+ hours of enjoyment out of the game as a whole.
>I'm also relatively confident that Blizz will change some of the lamer stuff. They've done a pretty good job of revamping un-fun or underpowered abilities and runes for other classes in the past.
>I do wish that skeletons didn't look like glow in the dark toys though ;/
typical blizzdrone

d4 wont reach quarter of that after d3's buyers remorse

>Diablo 4 when?
It probably will depend on how well the inevitable D2 remaster does.

You underestimate the power of Blizzard games selling like hot cakes

>Diablo 4 when?
Probably never. They've made shit loads of money on packs in Hearthstone and loot boxes in Overwatch which is low effort shit. Why would they waste resources on a new Diablo?

This dumb video pretty much tells you everything you need to know.

Because Diablo 3 was one of the highest selling PC games ever made

>waaaaaah muh gaming is today is wrong
>waaaaaah i was born in the wrong generation waaaaah
Get fucked. I hope gaming dies just so we don't have to hear you bitch about how much it sucks today.

Yeah but they could make a shitty f2p Diablo game on mobile and make way more money for less effort.

I've spent $15 on dinners I've regretted more than some nothing DLC.

D4 will happen. Even Brevik thinks it's inevitable. The franchise is just too big for them not to make a new Diablo game. The genre still has life in it and Blizzard can spin Diablo 4 as the redemption story of the franchise after the disappointment of 3.

will brevik come back?

He said he'd totally come back if they asked him. He'd love to.

>£15 for one (1) singular class

Jesus christ

Speaking of which, the new zones that came with the patch give some decent indication where they could take the story without writing themselves into a corner. Namely, if the demons can't beat the nephalem, join them by ingesting the power within their blood.


That would require D3 to be a failure, which it certainly wasnt for Blizzard

Blizzard is trying to hire Grim Dawn's lead designer actually

They also imply at the end of RoS that Nephalems could get CORRUPTED.
So they could just make the classes of Diablo 3 into bosses in Diablo 4.

Woah, source?


well it better be for d4 because no amount of patching will make d3 as good as GD

>jews are right because they run the world banking system

The winning side is always right, user

>implying they'd ever do this after whoring out D3 to HoTS and giving every single hero a personality and heroic paradigm

The moment things like Li-Ming and Sonya happened, that possibility in D3/D4 got discarded. Fanboys would turbo-rage at Blizzard and they are strangely subceptible to never-evering things that touch rage areas.

>Grim Dawn's lead designer working on D4
>Dustin Browder as game director of D4

I would be incredibly excited. I fucking hope Dustin Browder was moved to D4, but we won't know for a while. That motherfucker is the best.

Make the male counterparts the evil ones then, I don't see why it would such a huge deal.

>jews are winning
they're all going to burn in hell like losers

That'd imply they exist/are canon as opposed to the heroes presented in HoTS, again causing a shit storm over muh HoTS representatives and so on.
Sadly they have driven themselves into a corner where using the same plot device they already used in Diablo 2 would only harm them.

>responsible for sc2
>the best

Why does Grim Dawn have such fucking terrible art when Titan Quest's art work was 10/10?

The HotS heroes are not the same heroes from D3. They're, if anything, alternate universe versions of the D3 Nephalem, from timelines in which THEY are the Nephalem.

And that's just TRYING to make sense of it, the real truth is that they don't give a shit and just threw them over into HotS, whereas D3 has items that simply reference the HotS characters by namedropping them.

So in short, yes, that very well could be a possibility and is honestly a really fucking awesome idea, having the Nephalem be a boss in each act.

SC2 was a very good game though. They pulled off the asymmetric faction design almost perfectly, and mechanically it was one of the most impressive games I've ever seen.

The problem was that it was fully designed for eSports cancer. The custom games of sc1 weren't there, there was nothing except ladder for a very long time. This scares away people who just wanna play for fun instead of having to endure the stress of climbing the ladder every single day.

I'm talking about release btw.

>Responsible for Heroes of the Storm

Yeah, he's fucking great. They only started doing semi-dumb shit after he was moved to lead a new "unannounced project".

Dunno man I played and got to masters (when it was introduced) at release and the blobby combat situation was never fixed.
99% of games always revolved around a single fight and that made the game be a lot less viewer friendly than brood war which always had multiple skirmishes around the whole map before the game would be decided

It doesn't matter if they could. They could bring back anyone from any game by all means, but they ain't gonna do it. The characters have faces and names now, even if anyone wants to throw the alternate reality buzzconcept around, the people now have expectations of how the characters would behave, and repeating the same old tune as with D2's assassin would simply piss people off in two different fronts; unoriginality and waifu-destroying. They just aren't going to chance it. They never do.

holy shit, kill yourself you subhuman shill

im pretty sure he wasn't implying the video was a positive thing

They could also have some of the Nephalem classes be NPC's, like the Demon Hunter.
Wizard would surely be a boss because of the whole being very power hungry thing and we could get to see Xiansai, same with the Monk returning to Ivgorod and corrupting the monk council or something.

I am ALL for them pulling a Torchlight 2 in D4, it really really just comes down to whomever they're going to have writing the thing, and how willing they are to try and shy away from the more Hollywood type story structure Metzen was gearing towards near the end of his career.

You can't make your own build in this game. You HAVE to use the sets the developers created for you, or the 1-2 outlier LoN builds (which are still a set). Each class has like 25 different skills and 100 different skill runes yet the sets dictate you're only allowed to use 1-2 4-5 skills and 4-5 runes. What's the point of this game if you can't even make your own characters and are forced to use preset builds the developer made?

>15 bucks
Fuck Blizzard
Seriously, fuck them

The funny thing is that when asked why they never went with a traditional talent tree and stat distribution system, they said "well because people just end up playing the exact same builds and statting the exact same way so whats the point? this way, you get to change your build whenever you'd like"

>huh i wonder what Inarius set does
>3000% multiplier on anything hit by bone armor


>I'm a corporate cuck, why aren't you?

This game was way better when I was making $500 a week just selling shit on the RMAH instead of equipping it.

That was kinda true though. Diablo 2 had very strange design decisions. Stats were useless for the most part and barely required any planning. You put in the minimum dex and str required to equip the gear you plan on getting and then you dump the rest in Vit 99% of the time. The classes were so imbalanced that they usually only had two viable builds at most. End game was just farming Baal runs as quickly as possible so you can get the gear required for your build. And boy howdy was it fun grinding for runewords.

Who cares? As if I'm going to give Blizzard yet ANOTHER chance, or any more money to fix shit that shouldn't have been so horrendously broken in the first place.

It was just a fucking video. Necro isn't that great is the point.

Can someone explain to me why do people constantly criticize diablo 3 for its "shit story"? Are they actually implying Diablo 1 and 2 had good stories?

To expand on that, why is D3's story considered dumb?

That's the thing, just because D2 had some flaws with the way stats interacted with gear and builds nad shit, that doesn't mean they couldn't have sat down and worked it out. Cookie cutter builds are always going to be present, no matter fucking what, but between talent trees, stats and gear, there are still some people who manage to make funky builds that semi-work, even if it means essentially just being all twinked out.

The illusion of free choice still feels better overall even if it's a minority who will actually put it to good use. I sincerely hope they go back to the traditional set up for D4, and make it actually work this time. Torchlight and Grim Dawn did it pretty decently, and everything is able to be improved. These motherfuckers have the money to put forth the effort needed to attempt improving it.

Would you say the story is good?
Or the narrative for that matter?
It's awful in any regard.

>end game was baal farming
what?????? what about ancient tunnels?

>people pay 15 dollars for this

>The classes were so imbalanced that they usually only had two viable builds at most
two for each class or two between all the classes? either statement isn't really accurate but the former might be considered accurate if your definition of viable is meta/best.

>End game was just farming Baal runs as quickly as possible so you can get the gear required for your build
you farmed baal for xp not for gear/drops.

It's the difference between having a narrative which is subtle and passive vs. one that throws everything in your face via cutscenes all over the place, and one that also follows typical Hollywood action flicks both in story structure and presentation, because man are those D3 cinematics actiony.

>one minion

Come on, step it up.

Is that the greatest aRPG ever created ? ( Grim dawn)
What mod?

Grim Dawn's Necro is going to have skellies as well.

it's poe (not him but he posts that every thread)

It's the Necromancer, coming with the expansion.

PoE is garbage.
Press one button to oneshot 4 screens.

ya i'm not a fan of it either, i hate how they do teleports (they are so much slower/weaker than d2 sorc or enigma)

I enjoyed it, endgame is pretty bad though but I only play seasons and wth friends mostly so I still enjoyed it. I know it's a waste of money but I can afford it and I hope it gives some measure to helping D4 get made

>lying about something so trivial and easily proven wrong
Stop shitposting and kill yourself.

is it actually grim dawn? sorry, someone said it was poe in an earlier thread, my mistake

I just dont see the replay value in diablo 3. I beat the game one of the harder difficulties and if I felt done with it. Only came back to mess around with reaper of souls before ditching the game again. Don't get me wrong I had fun. But just watching numbers go up to the point to whete the only difference between levels of play is how long i hold down the mouse to kill an enemy. And seasons dont sound appealing either, I tried it and had fun till i had to start all over.

the ONLY good thing about D3 was the characterization and voice acting / dialog. If you played through the campaign getting every convo the PC got pretty fully developped and the voice acting was genuinely good. It's hard to believe but the characters have genuine depth (except for the retarded witch doctor)

How is the necro dialog / voice acting?

Fuck off you retarded shill
D3 is dead

flame dash is pretty great, but limited by charges
lightning warp is not limited, but slow as fuck

D1 and 2 stories were rather subdued. It was mostly about the atmosphere and the setting in general. I wouldn't say they're works of art or anything, but they put in something engaging enough without being shoved in your face and convoluted.

D3 is more like a hollywood adaptation. D1 and D2 heroes were mostly normal people that noticed some evil going on and went to investigate it. D3 heroes are super powered special snowflakes that awakened once more after the Worldstone exploded. There was no real reason for this considering that normal humans fared just fine against demons when they actually tried. Retconning D1 warrior into being Leoric's son makes no sense because no one recognizes him in D1. Adria, also being from D1, being pretty much the main villain that fucks everyone over is silly at best and just more nostalgia pandering for the sake of it with no regards to story or logic in general.

There is a lot more focus on the angels this time around. They are beyond fucking dumb. I understand the whole hubris thing and "ewwww, hellspawn" they got going on, but this is beyond ignorance. How many times does Hell need to fuck up Sanctuary before they realize that the enemy of my enemy is a friend? Next stop is Heaven after Sanctuary and giving it up is a silly tactical decision that only Tyrael seems to understand.

The whole meleodrama with Leah in general is boring and there's no real reason to care. She's a Mary Sue and apparently Diablo essence is in your DNA or something if he knocks up some bitch with his demon cock. Also, let's kill one of the best characters in the series with a jobber nobody demon who somehow just teleports into New Tristram because she can somehow (what about the other demons?????) and for some reason says who her master is out of the blue like some Saturday morning cartoon.

TL;DR They took a simple concept and made it more convoluted and melodramatic. D1/2 aren't amazing stories, but they were just enough to push you along

How is he shilling when he's shitting on it this much?

can't it not go through walls?

how many?

Titan Quest is better than GD though.

GOD how I wish D3 was a better game. But it isn't.

Truth is, D3 is a steaming pile of shit of a "game", no matter how many chances you give it.

The writing for all villains are even below Saturday morning cartoon villains.
Talking with your companions/NPCs was mostly fine, though.

xpac, soon*tm
getting necro and inquisitor as the new classes, so if you prefer to JUDGE THE HERETICS you can opt for that instead. I wonder if they will keep the lore intact and remember to not allow those two to subclass each other.