Mfw mvc:i shills

>mfw mvc:i shills

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I actually feel a little bad for the people who have to shill MVC:I
They have nothing to work with and their game is a joke.
Even the PR guys can't stop shoving their feet in their mouths.

It's probably one of the hardest games to shill in a long time and it's only made worse since people don't even have to look for reasons to hate capcom these days

its gonna be a great game

Yipes from the fighting games community

It's gonna be a huge mess of a trainwreck.
The only thing left to see is if it's fun to play in spite of that which I doubt given what I've seen so far.
That demo was ass and the gem system is retardedly broken.

Maybe people will figure it out and it will end up broken in a good way, but I forsee a lot of jank and a lot of free infinites.

That was painful to watch. I am really looking forward to the last year UMVC3 will be at EVO.

you can tell he hates it and is only doing it for the money so he can get out of the rough neighborhood and watch more superheroes alone

Holy fuck this is the look a broken man, despite all the shilling, I really do feel bad for yipes he loves mavel but marvel doesn't seem to love him

i love it

reap what you sow yipes

MvCi is almost a carbon copy of SFxT but with MCU characters instead of Tekken
those who forgoe history etc etc
>same format i.e 2v2
>same busted gem system
>same netcode
>pro shilling
>downright ugly to look at
SFV proved that gameplay doesn't mean jack shit if the game is trash in every other aspect


>Graphics are bad! The Game MUST be bad!

Fuck off.

Vs. games were were originally 2v2

Gems system in SFxT and Infinite have NOTHING in common other than being rocks

We know nothing about the netcode

SFxT ver.2013 was a better game than Ultra

The game does look ugly tho

If graphics are shit that shows the game isn't polished.
It's not unreasonable to think that the rest of the game is similarily unpolished.
It's a gut feeling that even casuals notice and that's why there's so much backlash.

KoF14 looks like butt but it's better than most fighters on the market right now both gameplay and content wise.


How do NRS games have a billion sales yet consistently fail to scrounge up as many players as SF and Smash? It doesn't make any sense.

It's not a fact it's an assumption.
If MvCI ends up magically being godlike I'll eat crow like every other person with a rational brain.
I'd be downright pleased to be proven wrong.

However as Capcom is well known for scummy cash grabs I have no hope.

I-It's no longer mahvel baybee, is it?

because normies buy them for the cool gore/capeshit tie ins and then drop them after a week

>the last Evo to feature MvC3 probably ever
>fewer players than the last 4 years


Being Yipes right now is suffering


NRS fighter have a huge casual playerbase.
but with each new installment the numbers of competitive player base rises in number.

I feel bad for Yipes, but he just has to smile and nod until release, half-heartedly commentate a few tournaments, then wait for DBZ to release and everything will be OK. He'll get his precious e-sports money and commentator exposure.

Every game is down. Marvel is the oldest game there not called smash and not as accessible on a basic level.

>that rise in tekken players
>that drop in street fighter players

People saying the game will bomb on the tournament scene are just blindly repeating what they heard other people say because of the ugly faces. The gameplay is fun as fuck. The stones help characters more than any assist could ever do, and the tag system is a step forward on team synergy.

Hi Justin! Shouldn't you be practising?

If the gameplay is as good as you say then Capcom should have put it in the demo instead of that trash we got instead.

SFV bombed because of the lack of single player content, that's why they're shoving us the this story shit.

Delete this shit

fucking crapcom man...



I wish this genre had more games so they could get rid of all this fucking garbage and make a venue worth attending


never fails

Go away Goku

I want to play Hokuto's new game at EVO!

I won't pretend that I'm not also excited for DBFZ but why the fuck is the fanbase surrounding it acting so damn cancerous about MvC:I potentially failing?

You mean like how people said that SFV would start to lose steam after the first year? Yeah those people were so stupid.

If someone is actually hype about DBZF you can bet they probably don't think about MvCI at all.
A whole lot of it is people sick of capcom's shit jumping on the alternative like a liferaft and shitting in capcom's general direction as a parting shot.
It's annoying, but it should stop once one of the games comes out.

No it isn't, even China barely cares about KoF14

by making every character that can fly, fly in the same way as magneto is a clue that the game is going to follow the SFV rules every one being "alike" since they will be trapped by the system and marvel/capcom will mandate who will be the best characters for the tournament scene the rest will get shafted

>'What character are you most exited for?'
>had to say Dante because Magneto isn't even in the game
At least DB Fighterz is looking good

Yipes has always made the FGC hype as fuck. When he bodied Fchamp on his dark phoenix in 11 seconds you could see the salt on Fchamp's face. But it is sad to see that he wants this to be good but Capcom has always had a problem doing scummy cash grabs.

super heroes are fucking stupid anyway. who gives a fuck how about capcom vs something fucking interesting instead

Reminder people like JWong and shit are contractually obligated to play MVCI so it really serves no purpose for them to shit on it.

Because you get hardcore shit on if you play NRS games and the amount of harassment isn't really worth trying to play it. Seriously. I gave up on IJ2 because I literally cannot talk about it or strategy or match ups without people attacking me for playing it.

It's just that there's a difference between the obvious direct and indirect incentives for the FGC, and literally reading copy from marketing prospectuses.

Not that I'm one of them, but it's because the DBZ game is similar enough to make the comparison that it is doing what "Mahvel" stood for, but better. It's 3v3 crazy chaos backed by a really good art style. It's what the next MvC game should've been like going by a lot of peoples' expectations. Then MvCi was shown off.

I'm just saying he literally has to play the game or be fired from echofox. Was the same shit in EG. Don't like UMVC3? Too bad, you're signing up for every major UMVC3 tournament because you signed a contract.

If everything goes as it should for DBZ, will it be the first anime game to succeed in the FGC?

What could make fairies tier 1?

What do you mean? Both GG and BB have done well enough. If you're going to be dumb and say "it'll replace SFV," then probably not. That said, it makes me worried as an SNK fan seeing as everywhere that plays KoF currently are exactly the same places that will lap a DBZ game like this up.

>super heroes are fucking stupid anyway.

I unironically agree with this. I know Marvel vs. Capcom is a classic franchise but nowadays capeshit is everywhere and it's nauseating.

This shill shit doesn't make sense. Why would they say the game is good if it's bad? If the game is bad, but capcom think it's good and release it like that, all those shills will be stuck on playing another shit game for a living.

skullomania when?

Some of the players are probably contractually obligated to play the game for a bit anyway.


>that drop in street fighter players
To be at least a tad fair sony/capcom aint ponying up the huge amount of cash prizes to entice dumb shitty nerds to play/enter so there is at least that to account.

"that" being that there is less people forcing themselves to play it for the money.

players in teams are obligated to play it, for one. Doesn't matter if K Brad or J Wong think it's the worst fighting game ever. They will be playing it if they want to stay on their teams. PR Rog even confirmed that a fact with EG years ago when he stated on his stream how he hated UMVC3 but had to enter tournaments because EG required him to.

>even China barely cares about KoF14

China is the future user, same with KOF

I've been playing a decent amount of SFV, SF4, KoF14, Tekken 7 and Guilty Gear Rev 2 in the past few months and without a doubt KoF14 is the worst of them all.

I much prefer 2d fighters and yet Tekken 7 still feels better to play than KoF14.

I've never been more disgusted by a game than after playing the demo for it. Jesus Christ what a fucking awful looking and feeling fighter.

The game is bad too though. The graphics are just the icing on the cake. In current year on next HEB consoles, you'd think that if you're going to get a game with a "realistic style", that the graphics would share the quality of te style.

Gameplay is a whole other basket. 80% combos wth one character mashing on power stone. Framerate and movement animations look sloppy (look at Chris). The """"""""story"""""""" is fucking stale and forced as fuck. Dante doesn't feel right. Spencer has not projectile invincibility on start up of bionic arm (and I hated that move).

Then there's day one dlc with fucking sigma. Sigma. A main fucking character to THE FUCKING """"""""story"""""""". How do you fuck up that bad? The roster looks shit as it is, now the dlc is locking all the main characters? Imagine playing a different genre where you had to purchase dlc to play the main character? Seems bullshit doesn't it? It is.

So tell me, what makes you want this game? Honestly give me a reason I'd like to play this game, full 60$ price, then pay another 20-40$ afterwords on dlc. I'm waiting.

>so he can get out of the rough neighborhood and watch more superheroes alone

He's married.

If he doesn't make it into this game alongside Allen Snider and D.Dark, I'm going to punch a hole through Arika's work building.

all the more reason he has to shill, needs that money to provide

Here's a clean version for people who don't want all that bullshit.

You nailed it. It's basically sfxt all over again.

All MvC:I shills can suck my dick.

Give me one reason I should get this game.

>Pokken numbers from last year not listed
>Yet they'll still bother with the Soul Calibur 5 numbers from 5 years ago

Thanks EVO.

when marvel dies, yipes will shrivel up and die as well
please buy marvel

is that new footage? It looks a little better.

Capcom is the cheapest fucking company on the planet. They're not going to play Arika for those characters.

yipes must be waking up in cold sweat every night.

Very sorry for you bro i love the heart you put at your task just push MVC3 more man, fuck MVC:I

at least it's not injustice 2

you guys are just saying it sucks because the graphic is bad but once you actually play it you will see how good the game is

Fighting layer EX when

IJ2 is waaaaaay better than MVCI

i have a feeling that really broken shit is going to be revealed in the first week or two

Modern capcom is fucking schizophrenic with no direction. Make it casual but target fgc/e-sports, remove 'troublesome' camera angles but throw in costumes where underboob is out and little is left to the imagination. Remember the radio silence from them? Remember the shit they still haven't added to SFV along with other broken promises?

This all the way. The roster and how they're handling characters is disappointing so far. Why should I give a shit about the game when it looks like it's a by-the-numbers, just going through the motions affair? DLC should add to the game not fucking complete it.

If you hate MVCI, you're just a homophobe!

SFV gameplay is fucking trash too though.

Poor Yipes. I really liked him back in the day.

>people unironically saying it's fine for fan favorites not to be in a fan service game

How much of your soul does it kill to have to shill something that you and everyone else clearly hate. I feel bad for Yipes.

It's all just functions after all,

Dude they're just functions XD Lmao.
So long as everyone's favorite character playstyles are in there it doesn't matter.
You should try it out and see.

>some of the same people who shilled SFV are shilling this
>people will fall for it anyway
can't wait for capcom to die so they can stop forcing people to play shit games for the money


LoL as if function_shield toss is in any position to talk.
He's a nazi now remember? This is why you shouldn't get attached to characters. It only matters how they play so you can show off and make sick combo videos.

>yo d00ds I know you all think the game looks like complete shit with a fuck ton of cut content resold to your dumbass for exorbitant prices BUT TRUST ME ONE THIS the game is so fun to play I recommend pre ordering the ultimate edition

He's criticized the game dozens of times now. Also he works for KI devs, not capcum.

Max said that if Strider and X weren't in the game, he would have no reason to play it. Makes me glad none of my choice picks got in. He seemed genuinely saddened by the "functions" statement.

>Implying Max won't just do a handful of MvC I vids then abandon it like SFV

I kept giving them chances up until SFV and just gave that game away for free. It really sucks that their games overshadow others or get pushed due to name, e-sports and fanboys ready to slurp shit.

Post the most disgusting shill, Fchamp at E3 saying it's the greatest game ever.

can i get a quick rundown on that new function epic meme?

>Tekken 7 is the first fighter where I'm actually trying to git gud.

Looks like I chose well.

Some people still hope they'll revisit Darkstalkers or even Rival Schools. I hope they go under before they rape those corpses.

Combofiend said something really retarded trying to justify why x men and other fan favorites aren't in the game.

You should be able to find all the details in this article.
Try not to kill yourself after reading it.