Ruin, has come to our Darkest Dungeon thread
Ruin, has come to our Darkest Dungeon thread
>start game
>grab a second highwayman
>kick one to get more slots
>realize I kicked dismas instead of the other shitty one
I feel bad
What are some good party lineups for Veteren dungeons and up?
Before that I feel like you can run anything and win, but once I hit lvl 3 everything's harder than the start.
What should I expect when I buy this game?
>tfw got two free building upgrade events within a month of each other
Feels nice to be reimbursed like that after wiping a party on a shambler.
Also, will a bank solve my perputual money shortages?
Riperoni Jesteroni
Is this game worth getting? I would've bought it on launch if I had the money, but now I keep hearing a lot of people rip on it for rng. Recent steam reviews are a bit bad too.
It's ok. I still prefer something like XCOM though.
Get it if it's on sale for like $5
I thought recent steam reviews were bad because of butthurt poorfags that couldn't/wouldn't buy the new DLC as the update that added it also tweaked the vanilla game to be balanced for owners of the DLC.
>mfw I just wiped a full level 6 team
Any word on when the dlc is coming to ps4/vita?
I found it really interesting for the first 10 hours. But after 20 hours it just turned into a chore.. I barely even feel like playing it. More like the game plays me as its mainly just RNG.
There is RNG but it can be severely mitagated with a proper playstyle, at lot like XCOM.
At the end of the day your soldier in full coverage and smoke may still be crit and die instantly, but the chances of that happening are in extremely low.
All I want is invites for the crimson court but it takes FOREVER for the infestation to rise enough.
Vestal aka heal slut to EVERY PARTY. Fuck stress, nobody can die if you manage to heal them before the bleed ticks again.
Combine highwayman advance (riposte) with antiquarians protect me for half the team invincible + free damage.
4th spot for damage dealer specialized for era you go in. Leper, doggo master, helion, crusader, doctor.
Other characters are cool too, but really subpar. You want your heroes to stay alive, hit any enemy rank, able to work even when shuffled and BRING LOOT PAYED IN BLOOD.
Healslut, bandit and jew bitch works so good.
Also the mark party with characters who deal extra damage to marked things is good, but clunky in most encounters. Why wasting turn marking when you can heal / kill it?
If you like risk management, you will love it.
How to be overconfident?
It's really fun if you like turn-based combat. also, if you don't like certain aspects of the game chances are you can turn them off in the gameplay settings. Just don't get attached to your party members.
i wiped to a fanatic with 1 hp left
flagellants and occultists can heal slut fine, antiquarian are worthless for anything but gold runs
>not building the jester finale district
Only if you get half your roster cursed like a fucking retard. Otherwise it's easily managable since almost every fight and curio in the courtyard gives multiple blood vials so you can carry home like 4 dozen of them and it takes like 4-5 weeks on average for a cursed character to be forced to drink a single vial. You'll have plenty to last you until you can get invitations.
>heal slut fine
I had champion runs where heal slut managed to keep like 3 characters alive on constant death doors crit hits in the same turn.
>not having every run as gold + thouse upgrade thingies
With the newest update you have even more gold than before dlc. She is like jew. Carry more, find more and stack more items into same slot. The only time you dont bring her is when killing boss.
With her you can actually afford to lock positive quirks and clean the bad ones. Until you upgrade vital parts of hamlet to max, you want her in any medium run for maximum effect.
Still as the game plays, you never have optimal party composition. You simply take whoever is in the roster without schyzo and depression.
Jester got nerfed though.
In XCOM theres several abilities that give you a guarantee hit but in Darkest Dungeon everythings random expect heals. And having soldier in full cover 99% of the time saves him from being critted but again in Darkest Dungeon theres no covers or crit resistances/immunities. Also crit in that game is 2x instead of 1.5x Also theres this heal that is 0-15 healing done? Just an example how ridiculous the dicerolls can be.
Darkest Dungeon is far more RNG based than XCOM unfortunately.
>>not building the jester finale district
Finale got nerfed.
Less base damage and can only be used once a fight
gitgud, use it anyway
the nerf was reverted
I want my enemies to die, not laught. Stress cant kill you, lack of health can. He is like edgy /r9k/ poster who is poor so instead of buying katana he got sickle :-D
Leper with rabies is where the fun is at.
except for the 1 per battle thing
just got my lovely bounty hunter killed by the wizened hag, had to retreat
it's my first character kill and I really liked it
help me stop the tears
For the guys that keep memeing the occultist into being a healer. He never was and never will be a competent safe healer...he will fuck you up the moment you need him the most. Getting the 0-1 heal plus bleed is not worth it just for you to go on the internet and start bragging about that one time you got that awesome crit.
>mfw play on gog
>mfw no jester nerf patch yet
feels ambivalent
updated the game, nerf patch is still there.
and Solo now has 2 uses a fight
>There is RNG but it can be severely mitigated with a proper playstyle, at lot like XCOM.
You're talking shit here. In XCOM there is always something you can do to improve your chances. The game is also set up around the ability to set up contingencies, compare the turn structure in XCOM to Darkest. In Darkest Dungeon you're much more subject to the whims of RNG. The game is more about the premission than the mission itself, really. There are things you can do but ultimately if the RNG decides to dick you there's nothing you can do.
It doesn't mean it's a bad game, they're trying to do very different things. You're not the underdog in Darkest Dungeon, you're a dude getting dicked on so you're forced to do horrible things. It's meant to be a harrowing, stressful and hopeless experience rather than the harrowing, stressful but hopeful experience of XCOM.
why would they even change this? I thought solo/finale was just a fun thing and not actually effective
Game is fairly manageable until champion dungeons in which you have to use every skill to eek by after reeling through enemy crits so you can just regain your HP and lower your stress.
Finale can be set-up for absurd damage and herbs can be used to undo the debuff.
I don't have it on hand but some guy crit the final boss for 120ish damage
>When you damage debuff enemies so you don't even need to heal
Bleed rarely procs, bitch nigger.
Finale was stupidly powerful, though solo can be okay if you were planning on having him in the front again as soon as possible.
ideally by choosing more offensive heroes over the vestal you're not getting into trouble in the first place, bring another small heal in case of RNG
keep in mind XCOM's budget is orders of magnitude higher than DD, being a simpler game the RNG is understandable
>more gold
>carry more
>find more
>stack more items into same slot
how exactly do you do all these things?
I'm new at the game and can't see anything besides creating trinkets and supply items while camping
It's true that XCOM has better offensive options to get around RNG (grenades/shotguns). At least with this game though you have decent defensive options if the RNG goes bad.
Death's door prevents you from getting 1shot (unless two fast enemies both randomly focus the same target). Good heals and guarding can keep someone up for a long time through multiple death doors. And if things go really bad you can try and retreat. Not saying it's on par with XCOM but I think it's manageable.
>undo the debuff
did they fuck with all the self-debuff moves? figure hellion can rape everything by chugging herbs way more than a jester
>Death's door prevents you from getting 1shot (unless two fast enemies both randomly focus the same target)
Guess you've never experienced the crit into applying bleed/blight deaths.
Budget has not really much to do with it user. You don't funnel money into some kind of game design machine that suddenly makes player action more important. It was a deliberate design choice on their part. Not a bad choice either, just trying to do something notably and illustratively different from XCOM.
I'm new to the game and am wondering what are some good team comps? Doesn't have to be "meta," just fun and viable.
Crusader, Crusader, Crusader, Crusader.
4 Crusaders
Holy lance all day
Arbaleast/Bounty Hunter/Houndmaster and someone else.
they can ether mark targets and/or do more damage to marked targets
also the new DLC class is so OP you can only have one of him in your party
>yet another class that doesn't like abom
>carry more
By having one jew lady in your team you can stack more loot in inventory. Like 2500 gold instead of 1500? Even the gems, shields and stuff should stack to higher numbers.
>find more
You want to have selected her as active hero before clicking on any curio, chest, doors whatever. That way you can get gold small and big antiquaries you cant get normally in game for even more cash.
>buy skeleton ~2 skeleton keys and apply them to LOCKED chests.
>pro tip
Before you open chest with loot in the last room, turn light down. It will generate even more loot. In this game walking in dark for whatever reason generates more loot (and more crits and stress).
Replace 1 crusader with healslut and you are good to go.
thanks user
that is not listed anywhere right?
Didn't the Holy Railgun teamcomp get nerfed back in early access?
>Replace 1 crusader with healslut and you are good to go.
Battlefield Heal along with Inspiring Cry.
It could be a positive quirk for religious characters, Tolerant, Pragmatic, something like that.
4 Waifu Robbers.
You start lunging and then you don't stop lunging.
Everything is in the wiki, but that way you lose nasty surprises and that is like half the fun.
Also build building for two free bottles of juice asap. You need the free juice.
>you will know what it is when you encounter it
Deus vult?
Holy shit this game is frustrating. Not because of the mechanics, really, but because of how it slows down to a fucking crawl when all you want to do is play out the scenarios.
Why do enemies have to announce their attacks for two seconds before they perform them, instead of having a combat log? It's such an incredibly frustrating experience being forced to watch this slow combat play out, especially when you're at a disadvantage and just watching your characters get pummeled.
Games like Dustforce don't gloat player failure, it just moves on and gives you control. This game however gloats and revels in player frustration. Pinnacle RPGs or even survival horror games don't do this. Darkest dungeon doesn't seem to have the same interest in good pacing. All it gives me is a headache, which is incredibly sad because i like the characters.
If only the Abom wasn't a faggot backer created character that wanted to be a special snowflake with a pointless restriction.
he even does a little REEEEEEEEE
>try to set up some cheesy repeating point blank shot or lunge party
>the order always gets completely fucked up and fails horribly
How clunky is it to play on console/controller?
I'm doing pc with xbox controller. the controls are clunky I guess, and the icons are for playstation. I put up with it though, gotta go comfy. they've got some work to do, I'm unable to open up the districts screen, and whenever I use a consumable the game ignores my inputs for 1s
It takes some getting used to. Literally every button is used and it can be a bit confusing but I got used to it pretty fast. My only complaint is there is controllers customization and I really would like to swap the functions of the d-pad and the left analog stick. They make you navigate menus/select skills and targets/move your characters with the stick when in dungeons and it just feels bad. D-pad would be so much better for that stuff.
A bit, you have to get use to it before it feels a bit more natural.
Meant to say there is NO controller customization which is horrendous. Also I hate that you can't even move in dungeons unless you're on the map screen and every time you interact with a curio it puts you in the inventory screen forcing you to switch back again just to move. I've accidentally deleted some shit because of this. Also there's no way to mass buy provisions to my knowledge for some unknown reason. Don't see why it couldn't have just been hold X like to reform your party position in dungeons.
It needs more work bottom line.
Not an argument.
Will avoid it for now then and hope they improve it. Or see if my potato can handle it. Thanks
They aren't going to improve it.
Get a Quick Draw Charm.
>mfw accidentally using camping equipment on a curio
why should I bring the abomination guy?
he just stresses my dudes when he changes, so what are the benefits?
he kills bad guys
is Jester bad now? he used to be my favorite
He does a lot of damage
It's almost never worth it though, since the stress is annoying and a lot of units refuse to serve with him
That isn't even the worse debuff. If you take him you can't take the best healing class in the game.
>Stress cant kill you
None. His damage isn't even that great to compensate for the stress piling on and the party restrictions. Also you pretty much need a pocket Jester with you if you want to use transform more than a couple of times. Now they went and nerfed his beast bile ability which was a good ability to use in regular form if you didn't want to transform. He just fucking sucks. I don't care what people say. They could at least remove the party restrictions at this point because he's really no better than the other classes.
If you fags are on Pc why not just get the mod that takes away the stress on the other party memebers
it's like 5 stress which is nothing, the religious restriction is the problem
and the mod that gets rid of the religous restriction too
Any website where I can hear the lines online?
The DD wiki is garbage and has a handful of sounds
I bet you don't play on Stygian either.
because im not a tryhard
And to think he was so op on release, they fucked everyone across the board in the ass in an attempt to "balance" him.
>Go to fight necromancer for first time
>Get in, start in the middle of the map, two ways to go left or right
>Both ways the exact same length, literal 50/50
>Go one way, haha fuck you turns out it's not the same way gotta go back now also fight dudes
>Team suddenly gets voracious with constant feeding checks
>End up having to starve getting to the end of the second wing
>wipe on Necro after he crits twice in a row and heart attacks another
fuck this game
occultists are shit primary healers in champion dungeons that arent ezmode ruins
with the deaths door mechanic, reliability and consistency are far more valuable than omgepic crits that half the time go off on someone barely injured, resulting in 30 overheal. the group heal alone makes the vestal infinitely more useful, with the variety of groupwide attacks enemies have
not that you cant torture yourself with a solo occultist healer, but its definitely not the ideal choice
May as well just get a mod that finishes the game for me.
youtube has a compilation
>Radiant has been completed by 1% of players
what even
vestal is a crutch, especially with OP flagellants
radiant, it's the same with less grinding, it's the better game mode but most people already beat the game by the time it came out
The hunger is the worst and most poorly implemented mechanic I have seen honestly and deliberately left in a video game because people thought it was a good idea. It's so easily solved by some kind of hidden hunger meter and cooldown.
radiant was released this year I think, so I'm guessing a lot of earlier players wont have come back to the game just to do it... maybe with the DLC, except why would you want to play babymode if you know the game well enough to beat it on normal
I just got the base game in the steam sale, and am playing on Radiant because I'm a big wuss
you could have retreated with no loss but some gold. I swear half the complaints about this game could be avoided if people actually used the fucking retreat button
if your party is trashed/stressed/starved/out of items/whatever, and there's 12 rooms left and a boss, why the fuck are you continuing
Just having that Jester isn't a problem. Use him for the stress healing and stacking bleeds. The Abomination can take care of himself when it comes to stress healing so it will only be three other characters. Abomination can wreck shit though.