Is this a bad redesign? I'm really not digging the yellow. Also, Wolf 2 thread

Is this a bad redesign? I'm really not digging the yellow. Also, Wolf 2 thread.

>that fucking collar

Are they really going with the head transplant nonsense? What a joke.

There are scenes in the trailer where BJ keeps his original attire and wears the Jew Suit underneath it. If you like that look more, don't offer to get your head chopped off.


Most chads in usa vote right.

Amercans killed Nazis to protect america not go against nazism.

Seriously why does Sup Forums go on this board when they don't play videogames and get triggered by everything?

Yeah, his outfit is a huge step down from TNO. The jacket looks too small and he doesn't really look combat ready.

Im not pol.

Sounds like something a Sup Forumstard would say

Because you are a newfag that doesn't realize that everyone on Sup Forums also post on Sup Forums? This ain't Reddit, kid.

This design is retarded, they should've kept the jacket from TNO which was pretty nice
Also how come he comes back after taking a nuke?

>Wolf 2 thread.
it's not 2, it's 11

I'm not pol retard.

Sjws are retards though.

It simpler and more casual sure. But hey at least he has some sort of bright color to him. Though it being more casual seems to make some sense since he will probably be seen in game going around cites and such. Which means that something more lets say combat ready and with muted color would stand out more in a casual crowd.

The design makes sense in a practical way. But given that it goes for more of a fashionable take than something made for combat. It probably will rub some people the wrong way a tad cause of it.

>I'm not pol retard.
>Sjws are retards though.

Whatever you say ya unsubtle dumb fag.

bad? no
extremely generic? yes

Why do you feel the need to grasp at straws and bait?

It looks pretty silly.


>G.I. Joe Blazkowicz

I don't need it...

why do you SJWs worship anit white propaganda?

Why do you worship SJWs?

I don't like the new jacket and he should have kept the beard. Do you think I'm baiting because I used "2" and not "II"?


He just looks like a meaty Ryan gosling now in a place beyond the pinesol

Both suits are in you idiots. The Yellow jacket is for the head transplant choice. The TNO jacket is worn over the Jewtech power armor choice.

What head transplant choice? Is there some video where this can be seen?