Why cant consoles invest more in fps than in the 4k meme?
Why cant consoles invest more in fps than in the 4k meme?
because unlike resolution you can't upscale 30 fps and call it 60
>Why cant consoles invest more in fps meme than in the 4k meme?
frame rates don't sell
because thats not what the shareholders want, they want the newest buzzwords and memes, remember 3D tv playstations awful gimmick, motion controls, VR, now 4k
Just like they market 60Hz TVs instead of 4K TVs, right?
Console games are sold based on how good they look in screenshots. If the game's bad in motion, then the console player has been cucked into a large investment for a poor experience. Then they are left penniless and forced to defend their shitty purchase on anonymous anime-based image boards.
Console gamer cant see more than 30 FPS
Cpus aren't very good, maybe?
Well yeah, no one can.
Well there's interpolation
I play R6:S on Xbox and there's a big difference between multiplayer 60fps and terrorist hunt 30fps.
marketing towards normalfags.
"wow look at how pretty those graphics are, looks just like a movie!"
This. Investors like seeing pretty graphics.
next gen will
games are becoming too expensive to make, hence the push for 4k. devs are already making 4k assets, so it's more of a free 'side grade'. same thing will happen with FPS-- because it does look visually better, but it'll be another 'side grade' so costs don't go up yet again
it's just cheaper to push for 4k atm, and easier too.
Graphics are the current marketing meme. If the game looks like shit then it won't matter if it's 60 FPS.
>But what does that have to do with 4K?
Most people are retarded and they believe bigger screen = prettier picture. So if a competitor slaps 4K onto their product, then everybody else will be forced to slap 4K onto their product, too, which is what happened.
Are there even any televisions that are less than 60 Hz?
Sadly this, it was even the reason why Insomniac stopped doing 60fps games.
Why did Ashi had to die?
She never existed.
4k is a bigger number than 60.