What is the last game you played that made you go "god DAMN I fucking love videogames" ?
What is the last game you played that made you go "god DAMN I fucking love videogames" ?
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Also I get that feeling whenever I replay the Silent Hill series.
Deus Ex I guess
Witcher 3
>inb4 some autist starts screeching the bad combat meme
Gears of War 2
Nier automata
finished the DS3 DLC. Fucking GODS
Trails in the Sky. Now I gotta get around to playing Second and Final chapter.
Breath of the Wild
Witcher 3
Probably kingdom Hearts 0.2, since it rekindled my old love for the series in a way I haven't felt in a long time.
Either that, or Environmental Station Alpha for how fucking nuts it gets.
Furi, before that it was Nier Automata, and before that it was Bloodborne.
Yeah fucking Breath of the Wild
Ubisoft almost made me forget what joy exploration is.
Witcher 3 and Nier Automata were the last two.
Dawn of War.
The Last of Us
Batman Arkham Knight
Pic related
I didn't even know this genre existed. Picked up commandos 2 at the recommendation of Sup Forums and the tutorial is telling me nothing of how to play
Witcher 3 then Tekken 7 then Bloodborne
BOTW on cemu
Almost got tricked into the Switch meme
Bloodborne. It was the only one for a very long time.
Pirate's curse.
It was a sweet feeling.
Mario Maker Wii U
A lot of old classics that I keep replaying
Pretty much every game I complete.
Pathologic classic HD
I'm playing it as of 3 days ago and its world building and atmosphere is amazing, along with the feeling of dread it instills.
Every time I think of Homeworld I think about how much I love the series.
Any Tomba game
Persona 5. Now I'm in a position where I don't know what to do any more.
Unironically the new Zelda. For some reason I just got stupidly giddy over getting to manually climb up a sheer cliff face, it was both hilarious and amazing. The "climb over everything" gimmick spoiled me for a lot of open world titles.
Finished all three routes late October last year
The witchah 3
Metro Last Light
>"final" chapter
Ride doesn't stop there, buddy. 7 games in and we're roughly halfway through the story.
I never wanted it to end. I really wish devs had give us an extra year or two after beating it, with only school, activities, work, friends and everything social.
Why couldn't p5 make me feel this way? I waited so long for its release, only to be disappointed.
Dead Cells
Wanna spoonfeed me on how to play it on PC ?
Good fucking lord.
I'm on the start of day 4 of the Bachelor's route at the moment, this being my first playthrough and all. I've yet to have any of The Bound die.
I have a feeling that things are going to get tits up really fucking quickly from now on. Am I in for a wild ride?
botw or replaying any mgs game.
Breath of the Wild
grandia 1
star ocean 2nd story
stalker SHOC
Mass Effect 3
I'm sorry but it's true.
Breath of the wild m8.
Other examples from the last few years would be both Xenoblades, W101 and MGR.
Also, discovering the persona games and all the other PS2 SMT games was a great year. (they were barely advertised in bongland and I got into them late)
This is going to far
>god DAMN I fucking love videogames
i have never thought this
Never played it though, I just watched Let's Plays with the jumpscares time stamped. Damn what a great game.
Nier Automata, Ending E left me thinking of the game for a couple of weeks after completion. Goddamn I loved that game.
Simpson hit and run
is that the day you go into the factory? that is when shit hits the fan.
The combat is Good.
probably Half-Life 2 or The Darkness 1
Breath of the Wild
Then I got off the Great Plateau and the whole game shit the bed
Just recently, Far Cry 4. Specifically the Shangri-La levels.
The game itself is just alright but those damn moments in the game, holy shit, I'm having a blast.
>Witcher 3
For the story, atmosphere, exploration.
>Yakuza 0
All around a good game.
>crash remake
Pure nostalgic fun.
Klonoa 2
Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters Edition World Championship 2006.
As a game, I think I respect 3 a little more but 4 has this chilled out small town vibe that's fairly unique.
I loved 5 but I was hoping for as big a jump as 2 to 3 was.
Hyper light drifter.
SMRPG on the SNES, paper mario, and metal gear solid 3.
They all have such top of the line gameplay.
Pretty much every game ever. When you're watching the credits go by and you're just thinking like "damn, that was a good game".
Unless you like to play shitty games.
Witcher 3
Yakuza 0.
I'm playing games more regularly now because of it.
Hollow Knight
>all these new games
stop lying to yourselves
last one I experience was hotline miami and before that OoT
is this loss?
Ace Combat Zero
You should check out One night at Flumptys 1 and 2, best fan games ever made
I'm not sure, I haven't done anything yet apart from going to the theater right after midnight.
The previous day consisted of me trying to desperately get ahold of an infected sample, forcing me to lie to nobles and the townspeople alike. Along with seeing an actual infected district for the first time and shitting myself.
I hope I can make a game that makes people feel this way when I become a game developer.
>Deus Ex shelved in favor of Disneyshit
>Even if it returns it's still in Square Enix's hands
Release me from this Hell.
let's face it. as bad as games are getting, there are a few that still light the flame of gaming that burns within us all.
Did what most $60 horror games do in 20 hours in 45 minutes for free
I think it captured the deep sea rather well in terms of environment and the building aspect was pretty funsies.
Also I'm a sucker for collect-athons.
Me too user. Me Too.
I truly felt empty after that. Damn this game was good.
Yo-kai Watch
What is this image displaying?
google and go into the first BOTW FPS GUIDE you can find
I just checked and its the Fifth day
Getting a lot of BotW and Witcher 3 on here.
Is open world action adventure the way to go?
This, combat is pretty fun.
Persona 5 I guess. I mean, it wasn't as good as persona 3 and it kinda fell short of my expectations, but it was still a pretty good game. I really haven't felt "DAMN I fucking love videogames" in a long time. Last time I felt like that was when I played Final Fantasy 7 for the first time about two years ago.
Dark Souls 3
Dark souls for me. Haven't played it since the PC release and even that was just a single playthrough. No NG+. Just started it back up again. Having forgotten most of everything after ringing the top bell, and even some stuff on the way to it, I'm having a lot of fun exploring everything again.
There's a thing in BotW called "Hero's path" which tracks all your movement you've done in the game, in the map. The first guy shopped it so that the hero's path looked like a loss edit
Witcher 3
Soul Hackers
i fucking feel you man. spent like 50 hours just exploring prague. hands down the most impressive game environment ive ever explored.
STALKER - Shadow of Chernobyl
Holy fuck
The entire stretch of Breath of the Wild -> Nier: Automata -> Persona 5.
I can't think back to any point in my life when something like that happened. Just a wonderful time to be alive.
Looking at it objectively, I think 5 is a better game, but the atmosphere and characters of 4 propell it above and beyond any other RPG. I'm right with you in having wanted it to never end, user.
Oh man oh jeez oh boy you're in for some wild times.
If you're not burnt out by the time you finish Bachelor, don't forget the other two are almost entirely different stories in the same game, they're not just reskins with attitude changes. Haruspex route in particular is great.
Did you find the hunchback's daughter?
The Witcher 3 to be honest with you.
"The Witcher 3 is bad" is just a Sup Forums meme and a poor one at that.