>Naughty Dog sold Crash Bandicoot to the devil so they can make this edgy pile of shit for whole generation
Naughty Dog sold Crash Bandicoot to the devil so they can make this edgy pile of shit for whole generation
What were they thinking with that haircut
They created Crash but never owned it.
Another newfag that doesn't know Naughty Dog never owned anything
I hate new Naughty Dog
Jak and Daxter is better than Crash in every single way, we all know you're just bitching because you couldn't finish the game.
They then later sold that away and made an 3rd-person adventure shooter that then devolved into just a cover based shooter with SJW no-fun-allowed bullshit in it after the initial trilogy.
Oh and don't forget that they pretty much fired/forced away anyone who didn't drink the koolaid after the end of said original trilogy.
>Crash series
Crash 1- 6/10
Crash 2- 9/10
Crash 3- 10/10
CTR- 11/10 Best game in the genre
>Jak series
Jak 1- 10/10
Jak 2- 10/10
Jak 3- 8/10
I prefer Jak
No it's not, Jak games are garbage, Jak 1 is the only good one and even that one isn't that great
>Jak 2
Your memory fails, it's pretty terrible game
Try again, I play it every year and it holds up every time as the best game in the series.
i like the jak and daxter series, still i can't take my mind off the fact that jak turned from a happy young man to a angsty edgy teenager in the second game because that's the only way they could sell the game in the 2000s when every kid was just so edgy. the 2000s were the decade of the edge
Who cares it ended up having the best story a platformer game is ever gonna have because of it.
He was literally only edgy in that one cutscene, nothing else he does in the entire game is edgy at all.
Druckman is to blame.
top plebbit opinion. only someone who gre up in the 2000s could have such shit taste
Polddit please leave
>It's edgy to want to get revenge on someone who tortured you for years.
How is this shit still bothering you 14 years later jesus fuck dude get a grip and quit thinking about it. Naughty Dog always followed trends even long before the Crash Bandicoot era and still do
Don't throw Jak under the bus. Crash and Jak are both great in their own ways.
Uncharted was the beginning of the end.
The edginess is that he was tortured for years, but then as soon as he escapes he doesn't even seem phased by this fact at all.
Not sure about the story but it certainly had one of the best gameplay i've seen in a platformer.
What cutscene are you talking about?
You fags are finally admitting it. Thank you
>You look like a reasonably smart man, I want information, where the hell am I?
I love the Jak and Daxter games more than most but he was pretty edgy in that game, not sure why people think its a bad thing though.
the whole torture, and darker more ""adult"" themes were added to please the edgy teens in the 2000s
He was surprised by the new world he was living in, I worked towards fuckings praxis's shit up.
the jak games shit all over the crash games
Get back to Mario kid if it triggers you so much.
He still doesn't act like someone who has been tortured for years, after being ripped from a happy go lucky fantasy land and dropped into an awful dystopian city.
Naughty Dog never owned Crash Bandicoot, Universal did.
>Please leave the thread you are triggered!!
Can we all agree Jak and Daxter are the best bros in video games?
And that Daxter is the best sidekick character?
how is that edgy
>you will never go back to being 5 years old playing jak 2 again
fuck it was so comfy...
Jak 1 = Childish optimism
Jak 2 = Teenage cynicism
Jak 3 = Adult acceptance that both are necessary to move forward in life
I'm sure this wasn't planned, and the whole dark/light jack was a little clunky, but I enjoy Jak's kind of development through the games.
>5 years old in 2004
>I'm sure this wasn't planned,
You'd be wrong.
its the way he says it, not what he says, same goes for lots more dialogue I don't remember off the top of my head
that's the main age range of jak's fans
I fail to see how anyone could consider jak from jak 1 a better character than jak from the rest of the series. He had literally no personality or motivation whatsoever.
What were they thinking with that ugly booger green goatee?
Is this who we have to blame for this wave of sassy afro black women?
Does the trilogy on PS3 have any issues?
>He had literally no personality or motivation whatsoever.
The same could be said for a ton of mascot characters and silent protagonists, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Having no personality is better than having a shitty, obnoxious, tryhard one, something ND and a lot of other AAA devs seem to not understand when they make the protagonist a chatterbox who talks to themselves every thirty seconds.
I really hate how pretentious they've become. They say they don't desire to make games like Crash and Jak anymore because they claim they've "our-grown" those types of games. It's like some 14 year old who thinks guns, blood, swearing and heavy-handed drama are inherently mature.
the bottom right one is cute
they need to sell jak to insomniac or something
"Revenge, the most worthless of causes." ~ King Arthur; Camelot
I remember when I was a kid and I got my PS2 with Crash WoC and Jak 1. I thought that Jak looked stupid and it took my mum days to convince me to try it, and I eventually did purely because it said "by the creators of Crash Bandicoot" on the back. Long story short that was the day I realised that devs and not characters decide a game's quality.
Modern ND can go fuck off though.
The original J&D exceeds Crash in basically every way. It is the best 3D platformer ever made by a Western dev.
>people actually think Crash is better than ANY Jak&Dax game
time to kill yourself my friend.
Crash 2 is a far more enjoyable game than Jak 2 or 3. I get that Jak 2 meant a lot to you when you were an edgy 12 year old, but it's time to remove the nostalgia goggles.
I bet you didn't grow up with Crash. I grew up with both and i've played both series recently (and now N Sane Trilogy) and i enjoy Crash much more
At least you're finally admitting it
u might actually have autism
guess again kid I'm old enough to have played the original Nintendo
>JUST make her as ugly as possible
Jak 1 and 2 are both amazing games that set out to do different things and accomplish those objectives very well. Jak 3 (oddly like Crash 3) attempts to follow off the previous successes but adds too many gimmicks (read: wasteland) for it to be remembered as a classic.
Yup, 99fag here and i can attest to that.
Jak and daxter is our banjo kazooie pretty much.
dont know about the rest of you i like both
Jak 3 has a noticeably worse story and less polished voice acting than Jak 2. The game really feels like a collection of material that was cut from Jak 2 for not being good enough.
>posting a webm from the garbage remakes
Your opinion is pretty worthless tbqh
I think Jak 3 could have been a whole lot memorable if it wasn't so easy. Mostly because of the overpower rifle you get on the third mission or something.
>garbage remakes
stop trying to fit in
Kill yourself, parrot
The trilogy has a few glitches like music looping and no green star in the sky but no game breaking stuff. Much better done than the R&C collection at least.
What are these posts even supposed to mean, besides that you don't like my opinion?
get out
Whatever retard
>Drake can take on multiple Mercenaries at once no problem
>he can beat dudes twice his size
>Can perform inhumane athletic feats
>gets overpowered and destroyed by this scrawny woman
I really fucking hate her
I read about a game breaking glitch that sends jak in the wrong direction whenever he punches. Don't know if that's been fixed.
can someone explain how this works to me? how did they create Crash and neither them nor Sony actually own it?
the publisher (universal) owned it
mystery solved
I remembered Universal just as I uploaded that post. They weren't the publisher though, they were the distributor.
best npc ever