ITT: God tier villains
ITT: God tier villains
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>darkness lmao
Kill yourself
i never was able to beat him
Neither mr Vegas , yes man, NCR or even legion were willians
NCR cuck detected
better than both these bland fags
was he really a villain? he was merely an obstacle as everyone else.
Master is top tier villain - he is wrong and until it is exposed to him, he harms wasteland. when he is told the truth, he realises his mistakes and decides to end himself.
>A good enough villain that he actually convinces the player himself that he did nothing wrong to such an extent that most will actually defend him
Truly a great character.
House isn't a villain.
How is mr house a villain whatsoever?
You can steamroll over his compound on very hard difficulty without a single weapon.
>House realizes the folly and malleability of man and so decides to take it into his own hands to re-establish civilization and human progress
you african american
OP said to post villains guys
all of them literally did nothing wrong
You can't join a villain dumbass
You can join a villain. You can't join an antagonist.
house is literally the villain in 3 out of 4 endings
Anyways, he would be better if he conviniently place a terminal that conviniently unlocked the chamber which he was resting. It would be better if it had to be activated by the platinum chip or something
*dibs fedora*
the master was literally in the wrong though
You did this in the last thread.
I'd really like for you to explain how House is a villain.
yes man is the true villain
this. they all did what was necessary when no one else would. true heroes.
Nice post, heretic.
All doing what they thought was right. Subjective villains. Which are the most realistic villains. Or what people on Sup Forums like to call non-villains.
Elijah was a psychotic misanthropic bastard who just wanted to kill everyone who didn't obey his ever command. Frank fucking-punching-a-deathclaw-to-death Horrigan was more sympathetic than Elijah.
- To add on, the Emperor psychically cried out in sadness (weeping and such) across the galaxy when he realized he fucked up shit by adding more conflict that would result in more chaos. So not really a villain if he feels remorse.
Burn chaos scum.
Why did Elijah want gold lol
Elijah was a misanthrope but he wanted to make the world better in his own image. He didn't want to end it all. He wanted to reshape the world in a way he thought would be better. But I get your point. He is more grey-area than the rest.
>God tier
>Literally dies when you open his safe space
He wanted the hologram technology and all the other amazing technology that survived the war at the sierra madre. Also he wanted to weaponize that fucking red fog.
He was just a killer who aspired to be a mass murderer. I could use that same reasoning to justify anything.
Kill someone I disliked? I was just making the world a better place for me to live in. It's still evil. The Master killed more people than Elijah and he was still a more decent being than Elijah.
He was almost God-tier but then that meddling ex-UNATCO punk ruined his plans.
House really isn't that great. People just like him because they like to imagine themselves with the same kind of competency and relaxed power he has
Childhood is when you idolise House.
Adulthood is when you realise Caesar makes more sense.
>I'd really like for you to explain how House is a villain.
He lacks any compassion what so ever and ever cares and deals with things which he deem to have some sort of immediate benefit to him. He is willing to make the lifes worse of many and let people suffer simply because of them having no immediate value to him with anything outside his small domain being able to go to all hell for all he cares as long as hes got his precious Vegas and virtual babes.
So pretty much he is like a mildy more nuanced ayn randian type of person who only cares about themselves and their power. With the only things that interest him being how he can expand his wealth and influence. No matter the cost or pain others may incur in the procces.
To put it as simply as possible House is a selfish faggot willing to do anything to get his personal way of wanting to rebuild the new ,post nuke, world in the image of the old world he was so fond of.
this speech ruins any seriousness the AI had:
>He lacks any compassion what so ever and ever cares and deals with things which he deem to have some sort of immediate benefit to him
>He lacks any compassion
As opposed to the NCR and legion shafting everyone in their own special way? Fuck off with muh compassion its the wastelands not some fairy land where every one loves and laughs.