>playing videogame
>Suddenly remember I'm going to die one day and everything is meaningless
>Sudden urge to either just do nothing or kill myself
Playing videogame
Actually fucking end yourself you worthless, dumb bastard.
>He's a nihilist
How's being 15 going for you?
If you're ever feeling depressed, just remember, Donald Trump is the president of the free world.
If you have nothing to live for, then just fucking end it and stop trying to gain sympathy on a Mongolian carpet knitting board , faggot
>Free world
Okay drumpfty pol pol :)
Mabe me thunk...
why would having a fat orange clown as your leader make you less depressed?
drumpfcucks are so delusional
name one game where this happens
Thats why you gotta play games from your youth.
Escape back into a rose-tinted past where you were fighting Ultima Weapon again for the first time and enjoying the ost to FZERO and watching Crono die to Lavos.
If were gonna die tomorrow, you would spend today doing something really fun. So treat life that way. Nothing you do matters, so just enjoy the things you enjoy until you die. Cause you will.
>Playing Video game
>Remember I could be doing 100 other things better for myself
>I could make a change and do something with my life
>Lose all interest to do anything including video games
t. 16 year old
>Wahhhh I can't have an infinite life so I might as well not live at all!!!!!
Enjoy the fact that you get to live it all.
Eternal life would be eternally worse
>Le live le life while le u le can!
I tip my maturity hat to you!
>people tell me to live on the edge
>try to do it but it only feels like i'm living with a handicap
>suddenly realize everything is a joke and most women are puerile pieces of flesh usable only after marriage
Are you me?
>it only matters if it matters on the scale of the universe
What happened to creating your own meaning
This. Sometimes I just go to sleep when this happens because it's better than suffering.
>remember I'm going to die one day and everything is meaningles
>make my peace with it through philosophy and live the rest of my life happy and with no fear
It's this easy.
Says you.
I don't care about who dies. I'll just make new friends for the time they're alive too and so on and so forth.
Everything gets boring eventually, give it 100 billion years.
Statistically speaking, you would eventually become a serial killer to satiate your thirst for something new.
At some the fact that you're conscious would be unbearable
>friend has a live in the moment mindset
>refuses to remember the good times we had and doesn't plan anything for the future
>Americans christcucks false flagging
Playing a video game is already a fruitless endeavour that leaves you with nothing but wasted lifetime so you're already showing 'em how absurd it all really is.
Stop. Playing. Video games.
>afraid of dying
>maybe i should kill myself
Fuck you Jesus is real i can (((feel))) him in my heart!!!
Philosophy isn't a one-time ticket to happiness user. It takes faith just like a religion
For me it's really the opposite takeaway: everything is meaningless so may as well do something I enjoy while I'm alive and just play video games
fuck off, depressoid
life is the most precious gift user
>constantly plan for the future
>enable a lifestyle where I know everything and no one can criticize me
>wind up poor and unable to find a job because my plans are so flawless
same, but if i'm ever being held at gunpoint i'm not exactly going to be begging for my life.
Synth replicas soon my brother.
You have to know user. Not fear, no. Know, that someday you're going to die.
Me? I have accepted this fact. There's nothing I can change about it. I have stopped fearing death. It felt weird at first, but it feels fine now.
Every morning I wake up, I say aloud: Today I WILL behave as if it's the day I'll be remembered by".
Just try to be a decent human being. It's not THAT hard. People make it look hard, but it's really easy.
You're not born a hero. You become a hero. Everyone gets their moment to proove themselves. The moment to show that they are indeed a hero.
And the thing is, user, you will not question if it's right to do it. You will not be thinking about it. You will do what must be done.
And at that moment, you will become a hero. Truly a hero. Not made-up bullshit like batman or invulnerable superman, no. Being hero is about sacrifice.
Now answer me. When the time is right, will you do what must be done?
I know I will. It doesn't mean war, no.
There are many ways. Firemen, men who tackle others out of car's way. The list could go on, but I can't find any more examples.
I hope you get my thought.
Yeah I feel that. I mean I don't consider myself a nihilist, I just don't really see the point in taking things too seriously when in the scope of things it doesn't matter?
Hang in there friend, just chill and play some video games :)
If today was my last day on Earth I would steal shit and rape people. Can't exactly do that every day, can I?
I hope for your sake this is pasta
Everyday I just want to enjoy video games.
Everyday I constantly think of how much I fucked up, or responsibilities or work.
Feeling the same thing but I haven't played videogames in weeks. Feeling's still there.
>A literal narcissistic retard obsessed with nepotism is in charge of the most powerful nation on earth
Yeah, that makes me feel better.
looooooool wacky
Are you 25 yet?
>go to play video games
>this happens
>check crypto instead