I remember the times when you would buy a game by the look of its cover and it never was a shit game
Why is it so hard to find a good game?
Sounds like you need a Sony Playstation 4 my friend.
I know what you mean nico poster but maybe we just had lower expectations back then.
Just gotta spend more time researching what games to get nowadays, still plenty of fantastic games being released. Rocket league, hollow knight, and p5 for example.
Finding a good game is like finding a good barber or dentist
It can be a pain in the ass
This desu
Because the game industry is so corporate now. It used to be a small group on devs that would make a game and then find a good publisher, like some bands do with a record label.
Now everything is done by codemonkeys in 100 cubicles, trying to meet holiday sale deadlines. It's so fucking lifeless.
my mom bought me Dark Omen because I guess the cover looked cool, pretty good game also
You can always put in more of an effort to have fun.
So vidya is dead now? Look they need to remake crash because games nowadays are trash
you now have supreme taste.
What I now do is watch game critique videos and shitpost on Sup Forums
Artificial Academy 2
Honey Select
There has always been shovelware garbage. That's why Nintendo invented their Nintendo Seal of Quality. I remember Chakan: The Forever Man released without an ending because the devs felt no one would ever beat it so they just put out an unfinished game.
Now in the information age you monitor game releases, you pick up on all the garbage that passed you by in your youth.
sounds like you need to stop being jaded.
t. 00's kid
I am ok with this. Not a raburaibu fan
Dumb idol posters
>getting games by the cover and never was shit garbage
this literally never happened in the story of videogames, shitposter
That's some shit taste.
Stop being a contrarian and ask a friend. There's definitely good shit out there friend.
Hey guys look, neko neko naaa! Or whatever.
>implying I have friends
can we have some more LL! porn like the other day please
It's not, you're just getting older and more jaded.
If you were still a kid you'd probably like most games you picked up
You'll have to settle for idol m@ster
Shitty cover art is the recent I didn't play ICO until way later. Then it turned out to be one of my favorite games.
Dumb Sup Forums poster
Yes if you are 15 and only played the new shit you litte shit
Preach it brother. Hating modern post-2006-2007 gaming was Sup Forums's creed for the longest time but it seems the redditors destroyed it. It makes me sad.
Fuck off this is Sup Forums
So its finally stop to play vidya?
Fuck off retard, you are actually fucking retarded and came here after the reddit invasion of 2012 if you think that shit is true. Discussion of every game getting trolled into oblivion is what makes this board suck cock.
why play vidya if you dont enjoy vidya?
Bullshit, if anything the opposite happened, look at all the shitty indie shovelware trash
You can always emulate if you really feel that way.
Sorry we called you out on your shilling of a PS4 we wuz kangz cinematic experience, but no, we aren't reddit. The reddit invasion started in 2014 after the GG ban caused all the good Sup Forums users to move to infinitychan. Most of the shit shown this E3? They're tearing that shit apart, because they fucking know better.
But go ahead and keep pretending UbiMario 06 and Call of Duty Six Gorillion Edition will be good.
Now that's what I call EDGE
It's this pasta?
It's likely a combination of you being more jaded, Nothing But Hits Syndrome, and actual problems.
If you're talking physical release, then it's definitely a decrease in quality and time between good releases. If you actually put your game into a box and onto store shelves, the game is either:
a) so big nobody in their right mind would want to download it
b) shovelware bullshit that companies pray grandmothers will buy by accident, or
c), sometimes a subset of a, actually good.
Most of what you see was likely either released literal years ago and not patched since because consoles have still not grasped the concept of content patches (hence the "free DLC" terminology Nintendo has to use for peasants to wrap their fucking heads around the idea) and there weren't enough bugs to warrant a patch, or straight up shit. Or both.
If you're talking online releases, it's the EXACT opposite problems. They release faster than particles of shit in the worst diarrhea storm of your life. The games you see on say, steam, are either:
a) so fucking miniscule and pointless that they wouldn't release on console because it would cost too much
b) something in a genre that doesn't interest you
c) something just done straight up shitty, but they don't care, because they can release it easily, or
d) actually good
Most of what you see is either not to your interest, more quickly and shoddily produced than shovelware, or straight up bad, or some combination of the three.
Also, you tend not to remember how shitty games are.