Rank the Half LIfe Series

Rank the Half LIfe Series

2 > 1 > Ep 2 > Ep 1 > Blue Shift > OpFor (hehe)


Half-Life > Half-Life 2 > Blue Shift = Opposing Force > Episode 2 > Episode 1

Half-Life is great, but it's not better than 2.

>2 > 1

you are literally stupid, old and contrarian if you think HL1 is better than HL2.

Excellent Tier
Half Life 1, Half Life 2, Half Life 2: Episode 2

Pretty Good Tier:
Opposing Force

Disappointing Tier:
Half Life 2: Episode 1, Blue Shift.

2 was great at the time but it really doesn't hold up.

Are the HL expansions the only good games that Gearbox have ever done?

No, it definitely does. There's no reason behind that statement.

OpFor is boring, and too long compared to the brief variety that is in Blue Shift btw.

>there are people on this board that unironically prefer Blue Shift to Opposing Force and think that OF is the worst HF game
Summer or just neo-Sup Forums?

EP2 > HL2 > HL1 > EP1 > OF > BS

To be fair it's been ages since I played the Gearbox expansions, but I really don't have many fond memories of them

HL2 tries too hard to be "cinematic" with multiple scenes where you stand still and listen to people talk. HL2 is boring as fuck. HL1 gameplay and setting is far better.

I am emblematic of the Sup Forums who thinks with a brain and feels with a heart. OpFor has a bunch of dumb action sequences that are not fun, and like no atmosphere. Blue Shift goes places, isn't unnecessarily long and has some cool new stuff.

The only benefit OpFor has is a large collection of weapons, but they're not great anyway.


(havent played Decay but it looks suprisingly good)

You need to be shot in the head if you can't sit still for like a few minutes, and if that ruins the game entirely for you. HL2 > HL1 still. Next argument, please.

HL1>HL2 starting at ravenholm>OF>EP 2>EP1> BS>HL2 up until ravenholm


lmao you are so young

Half Life 1
Half Life Episode 2
Opposing Force
Blue Shift

The rest is shit.

1 > OF > 2 > Ep 2 > BS > Ep 1

>if you don't like shitty game design you need to be shot in the head

Was alex your waifu or something?

Not upset by this statement at all. I just know what I'm talking about, have played a ton of fucking video games and can see HL2 as better. They're both great, but there's nothing to HL1's campaign that makes it more than what HL2 is.

OpForce has it's moments, and I like that it actually feels like a game and not just an expansion pack, but once the ALIEN X or whatever it's called shows up it kinda falls apart.

I find the Minerva episodic series to be more fun an fulfulling than all of HL.

1 = 2 > OF > Ep2 > BS > Ep1

You obviously only played fucking video games.

>Comparing campaigns

are you comparing the multiplayer? cause that doesn't matter at all.

>Replay HL1
>Marines take almost full MP5 mag to kill

OF>2>HL1>Episode 2>Episode1>Blue Shift

Blue shift is the greatest game of all time

to add, I'd say the mod scene for HL1 was undoubtedly better than HL2's. But both had some good stuff.

hl1 = op4 > ep2 > hl2 > decay > blueshift = ep1

fun fact: ps2 version of hl1 has full support for mouse and keyboard, also it has alien mode cheat and exclusive alien mission for coop

Never played them so far
Not underage

don't post then!

Azure Sheep is the superior Barney experience

Gunman Chronicles >>> Half-Life 1 >= Opposing Force >>> Blue Shift >>> That mini campaign where you climb the cliff >= Half-Life 2: Episode 1 > Half Life 2 > Half Life 2: Episode 2

The reason is that it's full of dumb physics gimmicks, boring vehicle sections, and unskippable not-cutscenes. The only value they had was impressing people with the tech at the time but now they just get in the way and add no depth.

The original's gameplay flows much better and the story is a lot less awkward. The story increasing in complexity and focusing more on character interaction, while still committing to the original's story telling method didn't work well. Everything feels stilted as if the game is waiting to make sure you're keeping up and the character's interacting with silent Gordon goes way beyond suspension of disbelief.

It's a great game, but anyone who thinks it's better than the original just doesn't understand video games very well.

OpFor has the best guns in the series

>anyone who thinks it's better than the original just doesn't understand video games very well.
total non-statement. What if you enjoy the vehicle segments, the physics, dicking around during the cutscenes? HL1 even has slow talking scenes, but they just aren't as long but also have less to look at or mess around with in the middle of them. It just kind of sounds like you admitted HL2 is better than HL1, but that you don't understand why that is.

>obscure flawed game rated above main game just because its obscure
>episode 1 above hl2 and ep2
>blueshift above anything when its on par with mediocre mod
>mentioning Lost Coast tech demo at all
>not being enough of a hipster to mention Uplink

nigga what opposing force is literally the 2nd best half life game behind only 1

its boring as shit for its second-half though

>Gunman Chronicles

I don't even give a damn about your other shit opinions, but Gunman Chronicles is by far the best Half-Life game. Its only flaw is that it is short.

OPfor had the best new weapons.

its not a half life game in the first place, its a goldsrc game but other than that it has fuck all to do with half life series

>What if you enjoy the vehicle segments, the physics, dicking around during the cutscenes?

Then you don't understand video games very well.

>HL1 even has slow talking scenes, but they just aren't as long but also have less to look at or mess around with in the middle of them

Gordon being an autist and playing with boxes while other characters discuss important events doesn't make the storytelling better. If anything it makes it even more awkward. Those sequences being shorter works in the original's favor. The fact that Black Mesa becomes so desolate and that Gordon doesn't interact with any character for a significant amount of time is why it works. Which isn't to say that it's not a problem at all in or that it wouldn't work even better without those sequences. It would, as it does in games like System Shock.

Minerva: Metastasis
Half-Life: Opposing Force
Black Mesa
Half-Life 2: Episode 2
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
Half-Life 2
Half-Life: Blue Shift

a lot of them are honestly too close to fairly call. Half-Life 2 is mostly just the worst aging of them all, Half-Life 2: Update does a lot to bring it up but even then it's still got a lot of meh level design, the worst enemy variety in the series, etc.

OpFor > HL2 > HL > HL2ep1 > HL2ep2 > BS

HL2 > HL > BS > OpFor > Ep2 >>>>> Ep1

Opposing Force > Half-Life 1 > Half-Life 2 > EP2 > EP1 > Blue Shift

>HL2 above anything

What pissed me off about EP1 & EP2 was how there was no interesting new weapons (Magnusson device doesn't count, its just a phys object being punted by gravgun ). It just felt so god damn repetitive. Like I was replaying the same gunplay and killing the same enemies as I was in HL2. The only okayish bit was late EP2, and that nice Gman cutscene.

At least OP4 gave us things like Barnacle grapple, spore launcher, knife, Desert eagle, rifle, Displacer, M249, and shockroach. I will also never understand why HL2 got rid of Gauss, Gluon, Snarks, Satchel charges, and tripmines. What was the though process anyways? "Oh hey cool stuff in the original you liked? Well fuck you you dont get them anymore with the exception of the gauss bolted onto a car" Also remember all the cut beta weapons?

They wanted everyone to use the grav gun i guess

1 = Episode 2 > Opposing Force > Episode 1 > Half-Life 2

Minevra is really cool.
>the guy who made it got a job at Valve
>Valve aren't making SP shooters anymore so his talents are wasted

MP5 is a potent grenade launcher attached to a fully automatic magazine-fed confetti cannon.

Terrible taste

>Valve aren't making SP shooters anymore so his talents are wasted

When's the last time Valve made a new game at all?

1 > op4 > the 2 in rtb we never got > 2 > bs > ep2 > ep1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prospekt

>Used to be huge into source modding
>that glorious era where you would work on stuff for multiple source games, and just move assets around
>vibrant modding community
>2013 steampipe update happens, everything fucking breaks
>truckloads of errors were introduced and took months if not years for some to get fixed. A lot of official tickets and stuff went ignored because lol TF2 and CSGO cosmetics are no1 priority
>Entire mod teams have to give up after source becomes a bigger clusterfuck than before, and many move on to UDK
>Some hold out hope for a new game on Source2 "Any day now!"
>Shit gets worse as time goes by and it dawns on people we are not getting anything new
>CSGO continues to get more cosmetics and TF2 becomes an even bigger clusterfuck
>I gave up on working with source in early 2015
>paid modding fiasco happens
>2017, still no sign of a new Source2 game

Fuck everything.

Isnt Dota 2 running on source 2?

Didn't someone port Decay to steam as a half-life mod? I think they even added the coop to it but I can't remember.

anything on goldsrc/Half-Life source
the rest


Do you count Pizza Ya San as Half-Life? If it counts, I'll rank it above all else.

only the mod tools are, apparently

HL Source is shit

>Satchel charges, and tripmines
They were combined into one weapon in HL2DM

Yes it was soft launched with Dota2; which was basically a port of the existing source assets but the point still stands that the promise of a new game created fully with it and to be released with a proper sdk is nowhere to be found.

I've been watching/playing Half-Life since I was 8, and a few years ago I finally got around to playing HL2 and I was tremendously disappointed. I stopped after ravenholm because it was getting boring. Does it pick up or should I drop it there?

1 > Op4 > Decay (original, not the singleplayer pc mod) > 2 > Blue Shift > Episode 2 > Episode 1

It's a terrible sequel. Everyone I know who played 1 first didn't like it (self included) while everyone who got into HL on 2 thought it was mediocre to great. Was pretty much just a tech demo for the source engine and its physics/facial technology/etc. and not really so much a spectacular game.

Half-Life > Half-Life 2 > Opposing Force = Episode 2 > Blue Shift > Episode 1

>That glorious era when everyone was making HL2 mods and
>No more Smod, Smod tactical, zombie panic, zombie master, Nightmare House, Obsidian conflict etc
>You will never be young again playing all these source mods with your buddies.

This is a shitty feel.

>not including fortress forever
fuck you.

Maybe its too much to ask but can someone give me a quick review of Opossing Force and Blue Cheese?

I know HL1 back and forth but those two where develope by I think the borderlands guys and I don't know if I want them on my library.

Yes i'm at a point where it's actually a problem having too much rubbish on steam library

I will only rank the good games.

half life, opposing force, blue shift.

Theres some great mods. The one that makes a brand new blue shift Azure something is fucking great

opposing force is a great expansion. the boot camp in the begining is goat tutorial mode. New weapons kick ass and last boss is just as disapointing as the first one. Blue cheese is fine too but didnt knock my socks off

I also left out Empires, natural selection, neotokyo and a ton of other ones. My bad user.

>not playing genuinely games because you don't like who made them
kek, are you one of those people who don't like movies with actors who you disagree with politically?

As for your question, Opposing Force is very good. Blue Shift isn't and is a step backward from Opposing Force in pretty much every regard. If you buy both, play Blue Shift first since it's very underwhelming especially after Opposing Force.

no azure sheep or redemption

nigga what you doing

the only good thing half life 2 did was allow Underhell to be made. thats the best damn mod/game ive ever played.

I don't know about the rest of Gearbox's catalogue, but Opposing Force is really solid. It's more of the same as the original Half-Life except but with new enemies and new weapons that are all great, and you get to see things from the HECU's point of view which is interesting.

Blue Shift on the other hand is really short and brings nothing noteworthy to the table; it doesn't even include any of the new stuff from Opposing Force.

Dude, It's a machine gun that is both full auto AND silenced. OF COURSE it has low damage :^)))

Sven Coop got me back into modding. Sure goldsrc is old as shit and has some wierdness to it but with a bit of learning its pretty damn fast to make stuff and J.A.C.K is a great new editor.

The guy who made both Pizza Ya San and Daikon warfare made those campaigns in a relativity short time.

Never played Half Life 1. What is the best way to play it? The original or Black Mesa? Does Mesa include remakes of the DLC?

Sucks to not be able to enjoy both Half-Life and Half-Life 2. Must suck pretty bad, imo, to be so jaded or autistic.

Black Mesa is a fan creation, avoid it until you've played the original. Stay away from Half-Life: Source as well, it's a horrendously broken port of the original assets into a new engine.

Just play the original game that's on Steam, it's still the best one.

You can play both and get a pleasant, but different, version of the same experience. Play both, but I'd say to play Half-Life first.

sven coop if you have friends > black mesa > original > source

At least Sven 5.0 has an improved Goldsrc

Whats the default FOV on HL1?

they are both good. not as good as the main game, but it's cool to see more of black mesa from different perspectives. Opposing Force is better than Blue Shift but they're both very good and definitely worth playing if you enjoyed the base game.

Alright, thanks guys. I'll start with the original for now.

OpFor is not as good as Blue Shift. More weapons does not excuse shitty alien snipers and a boring boss.

Yeah all those improved/new/extra entities like trigger_changevalue are a godsend. Full list you can find at Sven Manor.

Also when it comes to making custom stuff, In only a few hours I had a replacement model made and this map test with J.A.C.K.

doesn't mean it's not worth playing.
for someone who has never played a half-life game, i recommend the entire library in order because there are no "bad" entries. blue shift is probably the weakest expansion but it is by no means bad, and still worth playing.

Black Mesa(if it counts) > Half-Life 2 > Episode 2 > Episode 1 > Half-Life > Blue Shift

Never played Opposing Force, but I have it.

also they're cheap as fuck, especially on sale like right now. a buck for blue shift is definitely worth it.