My gf surprised me today and said she wanted to play a co-op game

My gf surprised me today and said she wanted to play a co-op game

I actually couldn't think of one, and still can't think of anything other than some n64 stuff. What was your favorite game to play co-op Sup Forums? Freshen up my memory/give me some inspiration

Other urls found in this thread: gaming porn

Do you both have separate consoles or you want split-screen co-op?

Lick her pussy.

Lovers in a dangerous space time

Her butt is too large

Resident Evil 5/6

Kirby Superstar
Contra 3
Goof Troop
Pocky & Rocky

There's some snes stuff.

I was thinking of just downloading emulators and using xbox360 controllers on the PC, haven't owned a console in years

maybe minecraft then

Metal Slug 3
Dragon's Crown
Mario kart 8

An infinite loop of fun.

>the absolute state of white "women"


Have to do other stuff too in between

This looks interesting, thanks user

Ah yeah Contra is a classic, was thinking of a Kirby game you could co-op too but couldn't remember what one

>My gf






There's a bomberman that does co-op instead of pvp? What one?

I don't know what you mean

I don't want to play that game anymore but if we get desperate I guess

Lovers is on sale, I personally had a lot of fun with it. Hope you like it :3

Portal 2 is great with a gf.


>tfw i still have a gamecube at my mothers place but the dog had diarrhoea all over the battery and it doesn't function anymore

i have a fetish for unsuspecting women having their skirt lifted

fucking timesplitters

and if shes not into shooters just play katamari. its not coop but its fun to play/watch

>you will NEVER have a delicious brown qt gf to snuggle up and play vidya with

This desu. My gf and I been playing this together.
Also D3 is a good time for mindless co-op

Yeah I took a look at the trailer, looks good fun. I'll nab it off the sale

I've never liked the Portal games much

She will probably like it though and it's short enough. Try it. Or don't, I don't care tbqhwy.

Mario Kart or Mario Party is probably the most fun you could have with your gf on any game

Well, besides naked Wii Sports

>delicious brown

Pick one

Whoops skipped over this one, never played any RE games, guess it could be fun watching her get scared. Noted.

I never played Timesplitters untill a year or two ago, you're right that is a good one

Play Until Dawn together, have her play the female characters while you play the male ones.

You can't go wrong with old-school beat 'em up's like Turtles in Time
Most arcade games actually

Ice climbers

Sunset Riders

Well I own it so we might give it a shot yeah, thanks for the suggestion anyway

>Mario Party
We already went there, I triggered her so much she doesn't ever want to play that anymore

It was good fun gaming porn

How about that game MINEY CRAFTA?

>was thinking of a Kirby game you could co-op
There was that one for the Wii

african shades are on the scale my dude, they always have been.

now back to Sup Forums with you

cinnamon, dusky, and chocolate

If Resident Evil 5 or 6 scares your girlfriend then you need to turn yourself in to the cops because you're fucking a child.

Resident Evil 5 is great to play with the gf if she can get behind it

Love me that californian gold, bedouin dreams, and Evening Evan

>turkish rosewater



The Adventure of Cookie and Cream


Cali, Bed, Dusk

Don't Starve Together. Civ 6.

>My gf
Reported. Kill yourself

I've been wanting to play this with her, but she is a sceptic and a scaredypants

Oh I've never actually played any RE games, thought they were supposed to be spooky

Btw thanks for all the recs guys keep em coming I'm noting them down


left for dead

The only ones I can really see spooking anyone anymore are the remake of 1, 7, and maybe one or two parts of 4, the rest are either too janky looking to deliver a scare anymore or else weren't attempting to be scary to begin with.

normalfags begone

>my GF
you fucking normalfag

I played Dead Space 3 with my ex.

Obviously pulled her through it

>and if shes not into shooters just play katamari. its not coop
We love Katamari has a mode that is basically coop. I had fun playing it with my Gf but yeah it's kind of retarded


I just went out last night and man, females are way more obsessed over sex than guys. You don't believe until you see it.

welp they literally born to have sex lol

Is Lost Castle worth a shit or would I be better off picking up something like Roguelands for co-op?

Contra 3 and Hard Corps.

I love Riley

my gf