Just picked this up for $20 while on sale

Just picked this up for $20 while on sale

Why did it flop? This game is fucking AMAZING.

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Launched too close to Battlefield 1. It's like they didn't want the game to succeed.

EA deciding to release it during a crowded window with COD and BF1. Prob the best fps of the year but EA gonna EA

>Fear that like the first game Titanfall will suffer from a lack of content
>EA launched it between BF1 and CoD
>Little to no marketing

Its a shame since its probably the best FPS to come out last year, and I love that all map updates are free instead of being paid DLC.

It was released between BF and CoD

The released day did not help, but it was tbe lack of skill-based matchmaking that ultimately buried it.

Don't know how it is on console but on PC almost every match I played had a couple of players who were WAY above the skill level of me and my friends.

It's a fun game but no one likes to be stomped over and over on a new game, you expect to play vs people at your level and then play better people over time.

That just did not happen with titanfall since from the first game you get match witb people on their 20th regeneration.

So we (like I imagine most of the casua audience) dropped the game.

Doesn't help that whenever a suggestion gets thrown that might help the casual audience it is furiously shut down by the hardcore players screaming "just get good"

It's a fun fps with the best single player campain I've ever played in a multiplayer fps but I can't recommend the multyplayer.

EA launched it literally a week between Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. EA's reasoning was that BF1 and TF2 combined would take sales from CoD. It was either incompetence or maliciousness that they didn't realize BF1 would inevitably cannibalize sales from TF2.

Also, supposedly, another major reason was that PS4 players had no idea Titanfall 2 was coming for their platform, considering the first game was XB1/PC exclusive. Even those who consider themselves "informed" about the industry more than your average casual didn't know about TF2 on PS4.

>Why did it flop?
A number of reasons. EA released it right next to COD and BF. Main reason I think though is it wasn't partnered with MS this time. The first TF sold better than TF2 partially because TF1s massive marketing campaign was mainly funded by MS and EA didn't even bother to market TF2.

>muh release window
so? people buy games after a week of it being out bro

It was too good for this world.

Did it really flop? I'd like to think it turned a profit, as it was my personal GOTY

As others have said, but normies and casuals kind of hate it. The game isn't super deep, and you'll be going fast in no time at all with a little bit of practice, but those first 30~50 games? You're going to get stomped. The low TTK and how slow you are until you git gud makes the game seem much harder than it really is.

This situation is especially bad on PC, which is what your average casual is complaining about. Add a completely dead playerbase on that platform, plus what all's been said in this thread? You have a flop on your hands.

Microsoft did the lion's share of marketing for TF1, as I understand it.

The three biggest shooters of the year (DOOM and Overwatch notwithstanding) released within two weeks of each other. There is no bigger way to crowd the market in such a short period of time. It also doesn't help that Battlefield and Call of Duty have more name recognition than Titanfall.

i just don't get it though, like it's not like people only buy one or the other if they want to buy both... people had been thinking about their purchasing decision with regard to titanfall probably since 2016 E3, i don't think games are "impulse buys." also, the style of gameplay between the three is VASTLY different (juxtaposed by overwatch's beta and randy's moba shooter releasing right next to each other).

>a games success is based on pc

Bait aside
Literally the release window thats all
No ranked mode might hurt longetivity.

It sold worse than TF1 by a pretty large margin. Part of that is as said they got no marketing compared to TF1.

>muh origin
steamfags are fucking cancer. how do we solve this problem Sup Forums?

EA's excuse for the release window they set up was that, in their mind, BF1 and TF2 cater to two different kinds of shooter. Therefore, they believed there would be three kinds of buyer: the one who buys BF1, the one who buys TF2, and the one who buys both.

That's how out of touch they were.

My only issue with the game is that the movement isn't as free and fluid as it is in Titanfall 1. The game is shooter kino, tho

There's not much you can do about the juggernaut that is Steam without making a better product yourself. And to EA's credit, Origin is in a much better spot now than it was years ago. It still doesn't change that it's a platform exclusively for EA games, and that Steam is the biggest platform on PC. Even Ubisoft, despite having their own platform (Uplay), plays ball with Steam, even though you can get Ubisoft games direct from Uplay itself and ignore Steam.

i agree with their rationale but it's still probably a retarded business move.. should have waited for people to get bored with BF1 and cod

>Just picked this up for $20 while on sale
Where? It's still 40 on origin.

xbox one sale

Damn it.

The worst part is that Titanfall 2 reviewed incredibly well, and everyone knew from day one that it would be the dark horse game of the year. It's a legitimately good game, which makes its stymied sales all the more heartbreaking.

That said, Respawn Entertainment isn't giving up on the game. The Frontier Defense patch is coming this month, and they have no intention of ever writing off the Titanfall IP; it's their baby. There's a mobile game on the horizon for increased exposure, and they're doing a pseudo-rerelease of Titanfall 1 as a Korean MMO with Nexon. Plus, they still have that "unannounced Star Wars IP" they're working on.

Best titan coming through

>with Nexon
are you serious??? link?

Post your loadouts
Rate others

>Titanfall 1 as a Korean MMO with Nexon
They're going to ruin the titles nonexistent reputation.

>tfw 2 poor to buy a different execution.

I like it a lot but what prevents it from being "fucking AMAZING" and the most underrated game of all time is the lack of enemy types to interact with (in the SP). There is an amazing movement system and really fun weapons, yet the majority of enemies or just mindless hitscan dummies that are more practically fought by not moving at all funny enough. Then those little kamikazee bots are best fought by baiting them by standing still then running. The wildlife's AI is a joke, they're not fun at all. It would be a crazy fucking fun game if they had more projectile enemies and you actually needed to move to survive or enemies that were moving just as fast as the player. Instead they rely more on setpiece/level gimmicks and platforming. Luckily I really love the platforming. With that said, in terms of modern games that rely on those tropes its right up there with the best in the last decade. It also has level design beyond a straight line, that alone blew me away.

Titan combat is really boring at first, but then they start utilizing clever enemy placement and more systems to manage. Making it feel more like you're controlling a mech instead of a really tall soldier (who the fuck thought up sprint that lowers the gun for a fucking robot?)

Is the deluxe edition really just a bunch of cosmetics? I've been waiting to see if it would get a summer discount but I guess that's not happening.


Great game. I liked the single player a little more than Doom and the multi-player in Titanfall 2 was way better as well.

Deluxe Edition gives you a few exclusive camo, warpaints and nose arts. The biggest exclusive is immediate access to Ion Prime and Scorch Prime (Prime Titans are mechanically identical to regular Titans; they look different, sound slightly different and have an exclusive Titan execution).

I get games every day with almost no waiting. It didn't really flop. The community is strong and growing with all the sales it's been on

I've noticed the community growing in the latest patch on PC

Wargames map is cool I guess, but the best addition is to have both Primary and Pistol with AT on the loadout now. That shit changes the game so much for the better.


That's why, oh well no loss.

weird, i have never heard of this before in any pc bangs. looks like the technical test has already started too

People seem to have no problem with Uplay, but fuck Origin amirite

who the fuck have you seen that has no problem with uplay? Uplay does nothing and doesnt even let me launch games sometimes, or makes me download an update after launching it without updating on Steam. Origin is practical but its existence with exclusives is what annoys people and probably led to making Titanfall less money.

>TF1s massive marketing campaign was mainly funded by MS
Then why the hell did they even bother with EA?
Are they owned by them?

No. Respawn is its own identity, and the Titanfall IP is own wholly by Respawn. EA got publisher rights for both games, that's all.

Titanfall had everything right on the execution almost to perfection, of course EA had to balance the universe out.

I love TF2 but the only thing that I can say it's bad right now is the balance of some weapons and the TTK, which they're trying to fix right now.

Ok, thanks for the clarification, also other than that star wars game, is it likely they will continue to partner with EA for future games?

But user, I use all ten for different situations/game types.
All purpose one is
Titan Sentry/Hard Cover
Grand theft semi-auto

Who the fuck knows?

Grappling Hook. Its hard to not use the thing.
Mastiff or Volt
I haven't really used them much, Mozambique I guess?
Grenade launcher
Energy Cell
Stock, I don't have that fancy shit yet.

You can equip pistols and AT at the same time now

And executions are unlocked by performing them in certain way

The way they've spoken in interviews they don't exactly sound pleased with the partnership. Who knows though.

Oh I know that, I just haven't really gotten around to using them yet.

>Learned via Titanfall that apparently normies don't like fucking bunny hoping
>Learning that people want modern military shooters b ack
>Learned they hate movement systems
>Learned they hate moving fast
>Hate sci-fi

I love this game but its hater seriously robbed me of any hope for good shooters in the future. I have no idea how decent DOOM did with their mindset being like this.

>Never use cloak
>Need executions while cloaked
Kill me now. I want all the executions, but I suck at using cloak when I'm used to going fast.

Nothing prevents you from going fast cloaked. Its easier with Stim (and Grapple) but you can go fast without those unless you want to go "break hitreg fast" in which case fuck you.

Yeah, but you're just as easy to see as regular pilots when you move a lot while cloaked.
Maybe I should save it for fighting titans/ambushing people.

>bought TF2 because it always interested me and there was a deal to get it for like an extra 15 bong when I bought BF1
>heard it was dead but thought it was just a meme and I'd still be able to play no problem
>400 players on the most popular network at times and 15 minutes to find a game in any gamemode that's not attrition

im actually kinda tempted to buy, was it still worth it?

It's a good game if you can put up with long wait times and often half empty servers, also if you can be bothered to play the same gamemode over and over because no fucker plays anything else

It's not on steam

What exactly is their reason for their hate?
I can kind of guess why they hate fast movement and bunny hopping since they suck at video games. But I always wondered why they hate futuristic sci-fi so much?
It seems like the only acceptable sci-fi is Star Wars, Halo, and Mass Effect.

>because no fucker plays anything else
Why even play anything else? Who's playing TF2 for team play games like CTF or that cash-in-kills game mode? It's essentially a CoD clone with mechs, so all you want to play is deathmatch/attrition.

The only game I don't wish I owned on PC. Xbone seems to be the most lively from what I've read. Still minute long waits on anything not attrition, but better than 15 I suppose.

I have 450hours or so in Attrition only. Games pop in under a minute on PC EU at any time of the day/night.

Cant tell how bad it is with the other gamemodes but afaik Bounty Hunt is well populated too.

Its not a massive community though, prepare to get shat on by the same autists over and over again ;) in pub queue.

I respect Ronin, but Ion has been my waifu since launch.

My experiences come from the PS4 version

Since amp damage is on a timer now, boost is a tough call for me.

But the other games are populated just not as much, so of course you'll have to turn off attrition if you want to find anything else, otherwise it will 100% be attrition

Come closer, weeby

>Reddit: The Titan

bet you love BRRRRRT posting too dont you kiddo? a10 is your favorite plane?

You're both wrong, it's clearly Northstar.

You sound upset buddy

Did a Legion make your little titan look a little too modest?

Why did TF2 flop? Read the thread. Imagine spending night after night playing this excellent game with fucking retards from Sup Forums, reddit and who knows where else constantly fucking chittering in your ear

oh and god forbid tfg could form a proper fucking party without treating it like the event of their lives. Fuck you, you stupid fucking brats.

Lmao nice try

Best Titan coming through

I didn't touch it because the first one wasn't what I expected/what I wanted it to be.

What were you expecting if you don't mind me asking. It was pretty much advertised as CoD with mechs for years before it's release

Wish I could tell you. D&D is on fucking TV but good luck getting people to watch the original Bladerunner.

No, it isn't.

you dumb weebs need to be gassed

I wanted the mechs to be more like... mechs. Basically if this game were something like MechWarrior with infantry combat on top it would've been fucking amazing for me. I played the first one and the mechs barely felt different from playing a soldier, other than not having parkour and (obviously) being bigger.

I wanted something with customizable weapon loadouts, localized damage, managing multiple weapons at once, ammo management, different weapon types effective in different scenarios on the same mech, various sensors/vision types, shit like that. The actual mechs in the game were so basic it completely killed my enthusiasm. I wanted a mech game with infantry on top, what it actually felt like was the other way around, an infantry game with mechs on top.

>what it actually felt like was the other way around, an infantry game with mechs on top.
And that's how it was marketed.
Were you just a retard?

>Respawn will never make a reboot of Mechassault

Because it is a nice thing and we dont get nice things.

>Were you just a retard?
Not really, I played the beta or free demo or whatever it was, saw the game wasn't for me and didn't buy it. You'd have to be retarded to make purchasing decisions based on fucking marketing of all things when you can try shit out for yourself. I was still disappointed though, felt like the series had a lot of potential which it squandered by being largely generic.

>15 minutes to find a game
Maybe if you're an australian.
Even at 3am I am able to find a match within minute or two.
I'm talking about EU servers though, perhaps American server are dead.

Why is there so many japs always streaming this game? I dont get it.

Extra battery or Pilot sentry
Random execution

Too many people felt burned by the first one. It was okay, but getting old very fast, with no content.
That's what you get for releasing half a game.

Has the new update added any new guns?

Lmao, have u tried gitting gud?

The game is a jap wet dream and the devs are weaboos too

There are nods to Star Wars, District 9, Chappie, Elysium, Gundam Wing and such

No, new map though

git gud faget

Ah lame, the lack of guns in this game really gets to me but I guess I'll try the update out anyways



The Ternator
Energy Cell
C.Falcon nair into knee execution


Let's see you block infinity, weeb

I wish there was a way to block certain maps from my feed. The shitty maps are the biggest flaw in this game.