Can someone please explain to me why this ugly, boring piece of shit is supposed to be a classic?
Can someone please explain to me why this ugly, boring piece of shit is supposed to be a classic?
Because it's old
That's literally the only reason why Sup Forums likes it
It's a steaming pile of shit
It's very hard to play today without mods, which can make it much more enjoyable. I can never go back to playing without Accurate Attack and Tireless running. OpenMW also improves a lot.
Nostalgia and nostalgia alone.
Main quest was the best in the series by far.
Everything else ranged from shit to serviceable.
It's only a classic compared to oblivion and skyrim
Nostalgia. If you claim an older game is good you're a patrician.
It would be steaming if it was fresh
Cool as fuck setting and no handholding
I though nu/v/ was just a meme, but fucking wow was I wrong
Nostalgia goggles are needed, and like said you need mods to make it playable by today's standards. I still love it, but even I agree it has not aged well. You need to have a fondness/tolerance for clunky RPGs made in the early 2000s.
might as well just turn on god mode if you're going to play like that, it's the same thing
First original setting in a game in like 30 years.
Can't finish everything in a single play through.
Spells that were too cerebral for millenial babies and had to be phased out.
It's a shit fucking meme game
Worst RPG ever
If you praise this old clunky garbage then you must be autistic
> Implying there is a worse RPG than Fable III
it's not, only bethesdrones who've never played any other rpgs think it's good
Because despite all its faults it's better than the rest.
>Can someone please explain to me why this ugly, boring piece of shit is supposed to be a classic?
they fell for the open world meme
you've never played an RPG in your life
I'm very much enjoying playing it for the first time and the only mod I'm using is MGE XE. The game looks lovely just with new lighting, shaders and view distance.
I love how many comfy Morrowind threads there are thanks to either normies bitching about it or nerds falseflagging.
Post comfy homebases.
The only thing you would lock yourself out of was two out of the three great houses I believe.
There was a way to get the rewards for 2 of 3 though.
Everything else could be done on a single playthrough.
I think you mean Skyrim and Oblivion, you don't have to be a nostalgia cuck to see this is the best game in the series
I played enough RPGs in my life to know the difference between a good RPG and a shit RPG
Morrowind is trash
Old ugly piece of shit with shit combat, shit animations, shit everything. boring quests, boring NPCs, FUCKING BORING
Good thread op
Alright, that's cute. But what is your favorite RPG?
If you're the Gothic fag I'm going to laugh in your face
I'm guessing you also think Final Fantasy XIII is an RPG.
I've spent thousands of hours on Morrowind yet I've never finished Oblivion or Skyrim. I find Oblivion/Skyrim boring as shit. And I don't know why. Maybe it was because I was a teenager when Morrowind came out and enjoyed vidya more back then. IDK. Morrowind didn't hold your hand like the other games do so there was a sense of actual exploration and travel. It felt like your skills actually mattered. Make your own custom shit, without mods.
Gothic 2 makes morrowind look like a hollow ghost world. How do you even role play in morrowind. It's more empty than real life.
Balmora Comfyclub.
Ah, the clown has arrived.
I ain't about sucking tits but I really want to grab, squeeze, and stuff those in my mouth
how can a pair of breasts be so perfect
disgusting fake tits
>complains about roleplaying
>while praising a linear action game where you play as a set character
Those are among the best tits I've ever seen.
Thanks, Sup Forums.
gl squeezing fake tits
are you blind or just plain retarded?
>automatically assumes that my favorite RPG must be some rpg that you don't like
shows how delusional and pathetic morrowshits are
>tfw 3dpd actually makes you feel something
>didn't deny it
>doesn't have an argument
>still hasn't cited a game he thinks is good
Why is it that dropped candles in Morrowind project their own light but not in skyrim, oblivion or in the fallouts?
nice attempt, but those are real bud
have you ever held a pair of tits in your whole life?
i've a feeling you wouldn't be able to tell a fake pair from a real one if your life depended on it
I like boobs
just because I don't wan't to argue with some retard like you doesn't mean you "won".
there are plenty of RPGs that are better than Morrowind. Some of them aren't even my favorite, but still shit on morrowind
Because Morrowind was a labor of love and everything after that was about dollar signs.
Those are about as real as a useful women's studies diploma.
LMAO why has a pair of tits got you so mad that's pathetic
RPG that makes you think about what you are actually doing instead of following a pointer all the time.
That is a pretty big reason right there.
you can literally see the scars under her boobs
So you're just conceding then. Thanks for the talk bud
Sauce on that particular headless chicken, goodtaste user?
I don't care about the size of the tits but I do care about the size of the nipples. Giant pepperoni nipples are disgusting.
>just because I don't wan't to argue with some retard like you
Except you're still arguing with him and you and he's right, you can't even answer the fucking question. What a fucking faggot.
Its fanbase are some of the most hardcore nostalgiafags you will EVER meet and refuse to accept any criticism of the game. It's been like that since Oblivion.
nsfw posts are a rule violation, plus it IS samefag
Yeah they are definitely fake. Some fake tits look okay and I don't mind them but it's pretty obvious.
Mhmm. Mhmm. Yes. I see.
I tried playing it, uninstalled after 5 minutes
Almost made me vomit
Good, go back to TF2/Dota/CSGO/Overwatch
Oh noes, not a rule violation!
Gtfo babby.
Ah, the classic "go back to X" response
as expected from morrowind cucks
The main quest is one of the weakest parts of Morrowind.
>that delicious slutwear
Now you know how women feel when they try to play you
how someone get girls to do that
why are there so many webms/gifs of girls doing this
is it money
what am I looking at here?
is this one of the fukushima radiation victims
SC2 competitive scene.
are mods on Sup Forums a myth?
my guess would be epileptic dude in some third world shit hole constrained in some makeshift contraption to keep him from hurting himself
Amazing lore, freedom, revolutionary environments for an RPG, atmosphere, soundtrack, etc.
That said, the game has some pretty terrible design choices, mainly in combat and quest design. The way I see it, you either fall in love with the culture and history or Morrowind enough to overlook the flaws, or you'll have a miserable experience.
An example would be the Morag Tong. Learning about the origins of the guild and the role assassinations play in Morrowind was really interesting to me. How assassination is basically a socially acceptable means of ending a dispute among Morrowind's elite and how the Empire legally sanctioned the guild so that Morrowind's assimilation into the Empire would go smoother. I was always excited to progress in that questline because I cared about who my next target was and the implications it might have, even though it was always: go to place, kill person, repeat.
Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood is the very opposite. The quests are objectively better designed with a lot more variety, and they're fun in their own right. But the Dark Brotherhood isn't as big a part of Cyrodiil's culture; it's not unique to Cyrodiil and the targets are almost all irrelevant. In Morrowind, the conflicting Great Houses, factions, mages, etc, dictate who's going to be assassinated. You might be ending a feud between rival Telvanni, or you might be taking out someone who's impeding the Empire's expanse into Morrowind. In Oblivion, you're almost always just killing some random person because some other random person wants them dead, and it gives little insight to the world you're trying to get immersed in.
>played around 15 rpgs in my life
>somehow THIS shit is praised as a masterpiece by underage nu-Sup Forums
one word that explains it all: nostalgia
Sup Forums has shit taste, gothic 2 came out in the same year and it a million times better
They're also completely different games.
Human being are incapable of moderating Sup Forums. We need some sort of Echelon 8.4 or something.
I like how they removed one of the posts but the rest are still here
I've never been able to enjoy morrowind, but that webm is laughable. His fatigue is at 0, no wonder he can't hit a thing.
they're both rpgs, that's the point
Welcome to the wonderful world of normies bitching about Morrowind.
Less shitposting, more pornposting.
Bugatti Veyron and a generic cheap family saloon and both cars.
Novocaine wore off early.
it isnt normies. its gothic fags. they think gothic 2 is gods gift to rpgs.
Sure, but that's like comparing Ultima and Mass Effect. They're both RPGs but they have almost completely different design and goals.
The first 2 Gothics are about small, but meticulously realized worlds and a challenging, detailed combat system. Morrowind is about a large world with detailed lore and RPG systems that let you approach problems in a free-form manner.
Why can't we be friends? RPGs are dead, last thing you want to do is have fanbases of the few last decent ones bitching about one another.
i was an oblivion kid, didnt like skyrim all too much, and went to buy morrowind on a simple suggestion by an old friend.
yeah. you walk slow. yeah. its 2003 graphics. yeah. swing and a miss.
those are all products of the time it was released, having gone in without nostalgia goggles or taking a heavy dose of Sup Forums cynicism, morrowind is extremely enjoyable, and the dated graphics and models just give it a sort of nostalgic charm, even if i was over a decade late to the party.
im not the one starting morrowind hate threads or gothic 2 is the greatest rpg ever threads. its gothic 2 fags.