THE POLLS HAVE CLOSED | Sup Forums GOTM June Edition

Game of the Month June decided
The voting was pretty tight: Tekken 7 vs Dark Rose Valkyrie
The winner is: Tekken 7

Sup Forums has game of the months now? Are we reddit?

Where's Prey(2017) and Steel Division: Normandy 44?


Whoever made that list is a weeaboo trash.

This makes me wanna throw up, I wish there were alternatives to Sup Forums but there aren't

Nothing but weebshit

when will mods ban using weabo unironically ?

You were never welcome here

what the fuck is this generic weebshit from may?

What game is that for the may spot?

Drive Girls (Vita game)

There is no you or we in here, you giant nigger. This place is just a fucking shithole and kinda always was, but now more than ever

holy fuck, im hiding this thread


If anything, you should leave, you fucking human garbage. Nobody cares about your worthless list

Agreed except for March
weebs can stay. You leave.

out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out

Congrats. A second low life who thinks this board needs a list of game which is based on reddit tier opinions. I would dare to say that your taste is almost as worthless as your delusional life, but let's not kid ourselfs, there is nothing lower than that.

Ultimate weeb selection queer

out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out

I loved Akiba's Trip, but Akiba's Beat is garbage and removed everything that made the first one good.

>Akiba's Beat
LOL, how fucking sad to think that someone actually liked that piece of shit.

I knew, I was talking to autistic people, but this goes beyond my expectations.

>this redditor rage
lmao @ ur life m8

You are confusing me with your own kind

Would put Prey for May. Haven't played BotW so I don't know how good it is.

This, Prey is not GOTY material but it was better than anything released that month

>The winner is: Tekken 7