He's supposed to be beige not yellow, who fucked up?

He's supposed to be beige not yellow, who fucked up?

What does the 'N' stand for?

No he's yellow you fucking idiot moron


He's been yellow since Wrath of Cortex.

So 4 years of being beige versus 18 years of being yellow.

he got jaundiced

Naughty Dog made him beige, why would Traveler's Tale get to decide what color he is?

I liked old Cortex more in general. The eyes, the colors, the expressiveness, the voice (in 2 and 3 anyway). Even Skylanders did a better job at portraying Cortex than the N. Sane Trilogy did.

Twinsanity Cortex was the best

Yeah, i saw Oney too, OP

He's not supposed to be this fucking yellow
Agree, remake Cortex looks weird

It's okay.

I love how that game turned him into more of a joke than bowser in the rpgs


Yep, still the best designed Cortex for my money. Lex Lang is brilliant too

an important part of cortex's character is looking really fucking pissed off all the time, not cynical

>the way how he turns into a complete pussy the instant his stun gun runs out of juice

added character depth

He has always been yellow. It sucks you were too poor to afford a good enough screen to see clear yellows

Why did Warped make his N brown?

It's actually the strangest thing: In the official renders and stuff, Cortex is full on yellow. It's only in game that he gets the beige/tan skin tone. Crash 1.

This is artwork from CTR

Crash 2.


Crash 3.

Yeah, for whatever reason they just made him white as fuck in CTR's official renders. In game he's the same beigey tone he'd always been.

somebody please 'shop a dick in that mouth

No screen is capable of displaying true yellow colors.

The people handling the promotional renders weren't part of the team that developed the game.

That is weird indeed, what the fuck is the real color? I like beige more, yellow looks dumb as hell and makes no sense,why the fuck does he have yellow skin?


Hes the yellow peril

racist much?

What the holy fuck is going with Cortex's face here. It's like someone is pulling and stretching parts of it

>Cortex won't rest until all bandicoots are extinct

Wut, I don't remember him ever saying that

what if Cortex was your butler?

Why is it that minor color alterations to older designs annoy Sup Forums so much?


What did he mean by this?

They are the same color


It's weird in Meta Knight's case because for years and years his appearance seemed to be paid special attention to. In Smash Bros Brawl, Kirby copying Meta Knight's powers and getting his mask makes Kirby's blue eyes appear green, just the same as Meta Knight's white eyes look yellow through the visor. Now in Robobot and Smash 4 they just don't give as much of a shit any longer about a small detail like the visor adding a yellow tinge. And all fans can do is wonder why.

The newer Kirby director said in some blog post that he just didn't like how it looked and felt like changing it. He said he considered the old fans who liked that tidbit but in the end he went with changing it anyway. So it's not as if he doesn't care at all.

Huh. I guess that's that, but the dude has bad taste in this particular judgment

every time

I don't disagree