
Other urls found in this thread:

I'm glad cuck culture is becoming mainstream. Too many assholes in this world need to be more reserved and quiet.

you could have at least tried on the shop


Where is my sons wife?

>not biological
what the fuck?

>shopping tweets when you can just rewrite the html code

You can almost taste the edit.

>Being a step-dad makes you a cuck.

You're just dumb.

>this slav-tier shoop
you idiots will fall for a n y t h i n g

The fonts aren't even the same retard

It does, there is nothing more pathetic than raising another man's child.

I would spend a 1000 hours in mspaint than hack into twitter.

>I only fell for obvious bait ironically

That's the best most people on this board can hope for


kill yourself nigger


His son does look fucking lame though. Should have given him a bit of muscle mass and a non numale haircut.

>there are seriously people who think devs wouldn't lie about that kind of thing just to hide a shitty plot twist
Remember the damage control for Arkham Knight?
>"Jason Todd isn't the Arkham Knight"
>"No, really guys, stopping saying that, he's NOT the Arkham Knight"

Kids always look lame though.

>that weak ass jaw
Little cuck kid.

post the pic where neogaf defends cuckolding

How is he Krato's son if he doesn't even have his red birthmark?

This meme never gets old

Yeah I called that when I was playing it. I never read any reviews for it lol. WORST joker puzzles ever. Not hard horrible, just annoying, and ALOT of backtracking.

Sup Forums is so desperate to bash on games for being SJW they have to make shit up.

Because Kratos wasn't born with that mark? It's basically a tattoo.

It was funny with Birch because his situation closely fits to a cuck.

But this shit is weird creepy possession complex stuff. Fucking cringe really

>inspect element
>type in extra text
fuck, so difficult

yo sauce on your pic my dude?


Wow I guess because you are a fucking nerd everyone else has to be too!

Brainlet, pls go.






what did he mean by this?

although it does kinda look like he got a faint scar in the same general shape

And fucking some kid's mom in the process.
There's nothing more pathetic than being a fucking virgin, you know that, user? You do not have children, user. user, being a step dad is one step closer to the actual accomplishment of your life than anything you could ever dream of. First off, step dads fuck and you don't. And secondly guess what, after years of fucking and fucking, step dads impregnate mommies. Step dads make kids user, that's the truth. In fact, why the fuck would you imagine that anyone has ever been interested in raising someone else's offspring, for truly, this is unimagineable for anyone who ever had a chance of raising an offspring of his own.
user, it is comfortable for people like you to believe that there is anything out there that is actually lower than you, but there truly is not. Even cucks, they do have a sex life. You don't, but it's okay to believe in this myth, most people do. But the delusion that step dads do not have a sex life or will never have kids, that is laughable, user. You will have, in order to progress, to accept that they do. There are people out there, that fuck grown women daily, and they are infinitely superior to you, in every possible aspect, user. Most people are, user.

When did cuckolding become the cornerstone of Sup Forums humor and culture?

My son's father told me to play this series but it seems to casual

Doesn't that mean that Kratos is the bull?

When retards started taking the bait

kratos will die at the end of gow 4 and on gow 5 we're going to play as his wife's son, but now he's a teenager. the series will go on and on each new installment the kid will be older until he has a kid of his own and the cycle repeats

I would rather die a virgin then raise another man's child.

whats with the retards in this thread

>he typed all of this out

imagine being this insecure because someone made fun of you for not knowing something trivial

Step dad of 3 detected



I didn't read your post, nor am I the user you're replying to. However, what if he does have a wife and kids that are all his like most men? What if he's not a cucked sad sack of shit?

So do you think leftists will comment on how a greek is appropriating norse culture?


Good one!

>all those ass blasted faggots ITT mad that they won't get to play this game

>Gods why is my life constant suffering and misery?

That second swing once the camera zooms in better not be automatic


This thread is a good laugh

Of course it is.

Its God of War. Of course it is. It's a cinematic finisher.

>people on Sup Forums are so fucking autistic that they have to comment on the fact that the shoop is badly made
>they don't even understand the concept of irony
fucking hell, they need to bring back conscription in every country

>iconic weapon weapon gets replaces by some shitty axe

So if Kratos dies in Scandinavia, will he go to Valhalla or will he get sent to Tartarus?

>extremely slow attacks where you're not allowed to move while the animation is playing
>cinematic finishing move

He's a fucking outsider and that woman in the trailer even says the gods don't like outsiders. If Kratos died he would definitely not go to Valhalla.

You guys are fucking idiots and don't know what being a step-dad means.
It's not incest because your not biologically related

you do know what happened to them right

stay mad

Just don't use the finisher then, retard.

If anything it's probably automatic like finishers in all these movie-games are.

>raising another person's son is cuckoldry
>raising another person's daughter is CUTE, CUUUUTE 10/10 STORY I WANT A DAUGHTERU
What's the difference?

You can fuck the daughter when she's of age and cuck the dad 1000% by giving her a son.

>fucked up parenthesis
>different font
>half of it is blurry and half not

was this bait all along?

m8 the literal, not meme, definition of a ''cuckold'' is raising another's offspring.

>(not biological) is a different font from the rest of the tweet

OP is a faggot as always and anyone who fell for his bait should feel bad for themselves.

Both are equally cucked. But, is also correct.

>enemies just stand around doing nothing while Kratos beats them up

bad shoop

what is a e3 demo

It looks like Ryse: My wife's son

>IT'S JUST A BETA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nah, I'd in ironically have more respect for a 400 lb Russian hacker virgin than a stepdad.
Stepdads are the scum of society trying to pick up the mantle for the super scum of society.

Are Norse gods stronger than Greek gods? I hope so. I want to see Kratos get flayed like the faggot he is.

Fuck, didn't mean to quote.

Well. That's a new one.

The trick is that step dads FUCKING DON'T, user.
The kids of someone else will never like you, anyway. And mothers always want to have an "exclusive" kind of thing with their kids that they are sometimes okay with sharing with the biological father, but never with the step-dad. Yeah, you can be 100% absent and in most cases you will actually be EXPECTED to be. It just works like that, user.
You truly have no idea what it is to have sex, to raise a child, or to be in a relationship, that's kinda funny, user. I would find it sad that you're wasting it all away if there was anything in you that was worth passing down in the generations, though.

Imagine not knowing what F12 does

do people actually think this looks good?

don't argue with my meme definitions!

So many delicious (You)s!

t. beta orbiter cuckold cowboy

you must me a retard

There is only one excuse for a normal man to have step children, and that is to not only erase his vanquished enemy's lineage but to forever twist it in his own image.

>I-I was only pretending to be retarded!
Like pottery.

Games always look worse than the e3 demo's, though.

example: The Last of Us

>trying to damage control that bad