Has video games taught you anything useful for life?

Has video games taught you anything useful for life?

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Never give up


Modding taught me a proper approach in IT (try to discover things, don't be afraid of things you don't understand well).
Besides from that, not that much I guess.
Now, sauce on that booty.

you can get what you want if you're willing to grind for it


She knows SQL, worth it.

Made better

Don't post 3DPD on our board again.

I've learned a lot of new words and how to pronounce things through vidya. When I was a kid I had a better vocabulary overall and had an easier time understanding new words/readings due to playing older RPGs. Constantly reading notes and dialogue throughout games helped me to improve my reading skills overall I think.

Otherwise vidya has also helped me to become a little more competent with technology. If I didn't have to rummage around files to mod certain games or changing settings throughout my computer, I probably wouldn't know much about the inner workings. Trying to mod shit like Morrowind showed me how simple most files work, and that everything isn't going to break just because you moved a file somewhere. I have friends that are legitimately terrified of messing with computer files because they think it will break their system. I'm not particularly great with computer shit, but I at least know how to sift through basic stuff and know how to fix small problems.

videogames only make me angry

She knows exactly what she's doing.

My god..

Runescape taught me to type like the wind and Tony Hawk games taught me quick mental multiplication.

As stupid as it sounds, vidya taught me the value of money and saving in general. Knowing that I can get a game that could provide hundreds of hours of entertainment for 60 dollars has given me an appreciation for how much other things are. Whenever I think about buying some expensive drink or a device I'll use maybe once a month, I remember how that money could be used in a much better way. Instead of buying shit that will last for maybe a few minutes of enjoyment, I'd prefer to save the money for something that could provide hours upon hours of entertainment.

When you spend sometimes months to save up for a new game as a kid, it gives you a good appreciation for how much money is worth. After saving like that, spending so much on something I will only enjoy for a few minutes seems like a bad idea.

>playing runescape
>learn that steel is iron and coal mixed together

How many times do we have to tell you fart fuckers to go the fuck away and stay in /trash/.


This, games especially RTS's taught me how saving money is important and how to weigh risks(sending troops and builders to an area for resources,etc)

>Has video games taught you anything useful for life?

The basics of CQC.

>Has video games taught you anything useful for life?
Flying commercial aircraft.

>Has video games taught you anything useful for life?
Orbital mechanics.
What delta-v is.
Getting thrust-weight ratio right.

Video games? No, not as much.
NPC's and people? Kind of.

>Just learned some WW2 from COD
>Learned some more history in assassins creed
>Learned some combat tactics in Battlefield
>Learned about the Military in Battlefield
>Learned about the weapons the US military uses(M16, M4, M1911, M9 etc)
>Learned about game plans in Madden
>Learned how to survive a zombie apocalypse in The Walking Dead
>Learned about WW1 in Battlefield 1

yeah a bit

I learned more about European history through Cossacks 1-3 than I ever did in school.

We never even heard about the thirty years war, we just went over slavery and the holocaust for the entire 6 years.

San Andreas did


Kill yourself

i learned a lot in WoW groups about dealing with autistic retards and overcoming personal differences to reach a common goal.

Video games have taught me to hate video games.

video games taught me to give up.

It's full of braps

There is lots of small tidbits of knowledge in Runecraft. Even the cooking.

Leading groups in Arma 3 gave me a better idea of how to handle being in charge of a group of people that's unfocused and getting them to rally with me. Mostly it taught me that being angry in such a position would never ever solve anything, and that I should never take it to heart and be personally offended by it.

yes they have tought me what passion means and how far believing in yourself can get you

people who kill for a living are very sane


this. Except despite having the time, committing to that grind is a battle.


Situational awareness and great hand eye coordination. Both very important to my job.

Do you have many lives because you're a gamer?

Sorry if you were 100% unironic, but that sounded like that.

I learned most about driving when i worked at a gardening that used a downgraded truck(classed as a civilian car) with broken power steering. Everything after that just made a lot of sense, especially parallel parking.

They don't have to be. But they generally are.

You know that guy running in circles in Balamb Garden in FF8, at one point in the game he says TAKE THE PAIN! ONE MORE! and for some reason that stuck with me ever since and every time I'm close to quitting something I remember him, forever running and never giving up ;_;

some vocabulary, though a miniscule amount compared to books
some useful knowledge and useless trivia

not a whole lot

Based retard bro on the scene

>that one part of Recruitment Drive that requires you to be a chem major to complete it

>pants so tight they look painted on

its all entertainment like movies, instead of watching it like movies you kinda interact with a controller/keyboard... make choices if its a rpg and aim if its a fps/shooter

there are cut scenes in video games so it would really make it a like a movie so yea

its entertainment a distraction to your real life, have i learned anything HELL YEA alot of vid games make go research stuff and read about things on the interwebs

i love vid games

>>Learned about WW1 in Battlefield 1


I've been thinking about getting back into reading, is there anything you would recommend?

>ywn infiltrate in her pants

feels very bad

I learned english and abysmal amounts of german from games. With that also the ability to communicate with people.
They have also taught me that half the people on earth are fucking brain dead.

They probably have increased my reaction times which I guess helps. Maybe when driving idk.

>Has video games taught you anything useful for life?
How to reverse and park trailers of 40 metric ton trucks

>An actual, real person thinks they know, or have learned anything about history from those games
Your post upsets me, on a very deep level.

Age of Empires 2 gave me generalized understanding of historical figures like Saladin, Genghis Khan Fredrick Barbarossa and Joan of Arc. From there I gained an interest in learning more about history.

vidya never directly taught me anything, but it did make me want to learn. I went to a shit high school where I wouldn't have had the chance to learn calculus until college, so I taught myself because I could use it to autism in video games more efficiently. The first music I learned to play by ear was music from a cutscene.

Nobody has a source? From the back it looks like a friend of mine, but this girl isn't as thick.

I entered mandatory driving school (stick shift) at age 26. By that time I was already a simracing pro with hundreds of tournament races and ten thousands of practice laps in the bag.

Fucking hell

I started practice at age 16, but didn't acquire license until age 20(mostly laziness).
I guess if you drive a lot in harder racing games, with good wheels, it helps. But i don't see it helping on the level below that, since non racing game automobiles is pretty bad in handling.

I'm great at European Geography and flags because of hoi4

Not really, i'm not sure though....maybe ?

How to parallel park



This is not how it works over here. It's illegal to practice in real cars. Driving school is mandatory to get a permission to drive real cars after a taking test with a dozen mandatory lessons beforehand.

Life sucks and I'll be alone forever

Minecraft, unironically improved my sense of direction and spatial awareness.

this is a 9gag tier post


I think thats true for every game where everything looks the same, and there is no tools to offset the issue.

>It's illegal to practice in real cars
On public roads, sure, but we're talking about private property here.

I would guess he is a urbanite, so the 3x6 meters of driveway isn't good enough to learn clutching.

Doesn't matter at all in my jurisdiction (you can hurt yourself and others on private property, too). You're supposed to take your first hours behind the wheel under professional supervision. If you violate this law, you can kiss any chance to get a license goodbye.

This is the quality of threads on Sup Forums now. Remember to sage this trash and report.

Why you talking about games and not that ass and where to find more of it?

Lots of small ballers ITT

Indeed, it's Europe, it's crowded

>history from HOI3, CK2, EU4, V2 etc
>Different layers of the outer crust from Dwarf Fortress.
>Vehicle and weapon recognition from games such as IL-2, War Thunder, and military shooter games.
>Laws regarding trucking from ETS2
>How to disassemble and assemble a gun from World of Guns.

Not anything indepth or useful 2bh, just listing them feels autistic.

sauce has already been provided

What he said. Without vidya I wouldn't be able to talk to you right now.

I'm starting to fucking sweat.

Why would anyone choose anything but asian at this point?

That love blooms on the battlefield


It's actually iron coal and Flux stone.


Not far?

What race is she, it's hard to tell. Looks mulato latina to me but i can't tell for sure

I answered a question in middle school about what a Yew was, a tree, because of runescape.
Other than that not really

With that ass, she definitely isn't white. White girls have pitiful asses


This is cool and I like you.

They sure didn't teach me SQL, but being from a non english speaking country I learnt a lot from them, starting with FF7

>that camera work

but then
>camo pants
>school fetish porn not using a black chalk board
hmmmreally gets the penis a joggingsource?

Do schools still have chalkboards?

my highscool did(two years ago)
they weren't used, tho. even the students wrote on the projectors

No. Video games were a mistake