>Sup Forums will call anything mediocre
Sup Forums will call anything mediocre
Anyone who calls the Galaxy games mediocre needs to be shot on sight
You're mediocre
No u
How to instantly identify a shitter.
t. salty nintenbro
Galaxy was better than Mario 64 far and away. Galaxy 2 was the pinnacle of 3D platfomers
t. 30 year old Wizard
I'd never take the opinion of a Wizard seriously.
Literally the most narrow-minded, closeted people on earth.
Hope you're doing well.
Newton was a wizard
Respectable opinion
>streamers main game is Mario maker
>casually speedruns 64
>plays sunshine, 3D world, all the 2d marios
>won't play galaxy
>Literally the most narrow-minded, closeted people on earth.
But the average age of Sup Forums is 16-24
I know right, they are far from mediocre, they're straight up shit.
Fuck, you're right. I'm sorry, just don't curse me or anything.
64>Sunshine>Galaxy 1/2
It's not mediocre, it's fucking shit.
>Mario game released after SMW
>not trash
Pick one, cocksucker
U r mr gay
For me personally, it's 64>Galaxy>Galaxy>Sunshine.
I know Galaxy is a mechanically superior game, but for me it just feels like more of the same, kind of like Fallout: New Vegas.
I can't stand the controls in Sunshine, it's still very good, though.
>Galaxy was better than Mario 64 far and away
In terms of music, sure.
And level design, and graphics, and content and performance
>the game made 10 years later has better graphics
Wowee thanks for letting us know
Only Galaxy 2 for this since Galaxy's idea of """content""" is replaying the game as Luigi.
The mechanics are good but it's easy and bland so it becomes a really forgettable experience.
It's more like the people who find a popular thing mediocre start to think they're the ENLIGHTENED ONES who need to spread the truth to the ignorant sheep.
The guys who don't like something are just much more vocal than the people who do like it.