ITT: Your favourite vidya weapon of all time
ITT: Your favourite vidya weapon of all time
This nigga posting the BR when the pistol exists, when the DMR exists, when the AR exists, when the Halo 1 shotty exists.
Come the FUCK on son..
Reload cancels, son.
Shit at range
Almost as good but was basically just a single shot replacement, burst is better. Halo 5's BR is trash compared to it but original BR is better
Don't make me laugh. Br kills way faster.
BXR baby.
also this
You both disgust me.
my current ds3 weaponfu
>mfw countering parryfags by turning and only striking them with the final blow of the weapon art
>2HR2 blocks before swinging
Glorious. Button mashers never knew what to do.
>Your favorite vidya weapon of all time
>gets within 20 feet of you
>presses L2
>blows you the fuck up
>that sound
Fuking plebs. G R E A T E S T Club coming through.
>mfw powerstancing two of these on release in DaS 2
This is how you powerstance.
Step aside weaklings
>horizontal r1
>stab r2
>passively infused with lightning
>can be buffed with lightning blade to go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND
good taste op
This, but instagib.
my nigga
Shotty too hotty
Fucking plebs
Dat cerebral bore.
>weapon does all the work for you
Project Brutality 3.0 (Doom mod) NailGun
it has to be a tie between the azi dahaka SnS line and the blizzarioth DBs line
they both look so good and were some of the best of their weapon type
dark souls longsword and black Knight shield
What did he mean by this?
Personally, I prefer the air. Honorable mention to Fatal Crest
I'm hoping to buy a replica someday
Good taste
I wind up defaulting to the claymore in about 50% of my Dark Souls playthroughs. I just can't help it. Everything about that sword just feels so fucking right. It's such a handsome weapon, from its fuller to its prominent scabbard. Beyond that, while the moveset is very simple, it's so effective and useful.
I can't help but love this thing to death.
I heard the item collecting sound
only choise
Why is the Q2 rail so much more AESTHETIC than Q3 one?
I loved the chaingun in the new Doom. It has a beefy design and can turn most enemies into chunks.
Red 9 + Stock with a Broken Butterfly on the side. Two of the most satisfying guns I've ever used in any game, both in the same title.
I hate the japanese
Best weapon ez.
Get the fuck out
So ez I forgot to post it, apparently.
The compcet of this weapon it's amazin.
The gun makes vibrates the sword till the point the weapon can generate any kind of wierd "explosion".
FF8 may be not the best of the FFseries, but it's lore and coesive universe it's quite charming and...just working.
A gun that shoots a sword is better then a sword that shoots bullets.
My CB nigga
I didnt play the new DOOM but that shit looks amazing
It's worth playing if you can get it on the steam sale or something.
They're basically the same.
Sounds stupid but I liked the concept of the Murasama, and since everyone's a cyborg or cybernetic arms like Sam at some point, he can handle the recoil of the speed draw on it, awhile fucking with the senses of the other cyborgs and time to react.
The alt fire animation where it splits into two rotary cannons and cut through enemies
I loved nuDOOM
There are very few things that can make me happier than a good AK in video games.
>big quest and story to go get it
>it's worse than my current weapon.
combat cross from castlevania lords of shadow, I love flails and the chain whip and they found a way to reinvent it and make it even more awesome
Agreed, claymore is top notch. Stylish, simple, elegant, and effective.
How can you compete white boi
ak kills with headshot m4 doesn't nub
Shit looks like it'll break as soon as you swing it.
Filthy plastic capitalists.
NuDoom version is also acceptable.
fml you had to mention the steam sale....I just got paid too. rip my wallet.
he only has that one cyborg arm b/c the senator fuked him up he used to use that bad ass sword without it purely on skill alone.
It's worth it.
>getting shot in the head an not dying...ok
>soviet jamomatic
three rotary cannons* the third one is hard to see though
>jenkem + haitians
>that style
>that pose
There are better weapons but I love this one.
dis thingy was so fun
I fucking love the Carnifex
It's a laptop, it's a gun, it's a turret!
This is the greatest weapon of all time. Only pussies need a weapon, the biggest pussies are the neckbeards who use oversized swords to compensate for their pathetic micro-penises, who couldn't even kill themselves as they are so obese any blade that attempts to slash their wrists would get caught in all the fat
the Lionheart is the real deal