defend your favorite video game youre almost sure everyone hates
yes, the graphics arent great and david cage is so high up his own ass trying to make 'art", but it was a genuinely good detective mystery game and the setting is comfy
defend your favorite video game youre almost sure everyone hates
yes, the graphics arent great and david cage is so high up his own ass trying to make 'art", but it was a genuinely good detective mystery game and the setting is comfy
Other urls found in this thread:
>the setting is comfy
like this has to be the worst nu-v meme of them all, like seriously what the fuck does this mean? It's literally a statement without meaning, it's a pointless, worthless buzzword term. take your movie and go somewhere else
It's 'good' detective mystery for someone who has never read even the simplest bestseller criminal novel and the ending is simply retarded on all levels - logically, narratively, dramaturgically. I'll give you that the setting is comfy.
Heavy Rain is a cool game.
Fahrenheit was cool.
Detroit: Become Human will be cool
t. someone who's never been cool
literally any monster hunter game. i don't even need to name one, because some fucking slavering MHfag is already slamming his fingers into his keyboard, full of iniquity and loathing that he neither understands nor has the depth to address
monster hunter has the worst fanbase of all, because the rudimentary patience, skill and knowhow it takes to participate gives so many dull adolescents license to shit out of their mouths at anything with context to monster hunter
the idea that monster hunter world actually upset these fucking discards gives me a potent erection
>literally called heavy rain
how much more do you need? Not enough rain based vidya being made
I liked fahrenheit, Heavy Rain and Beyond.
Duuno why so much people hate Quantic Dream games even though they clearly say they are interactive movies.
Comfortable, familiar, identifiable, nostalgic
useage of the word Comfy on Sup Forums is probably older than you dipshit
>it was a genuinely good detective mystery game
If you ignore the writing and gameplay, I guess. But then what's the good part?
Everything falls apart the moment you think back on anything, the story literally doesn't work unless you can't create memories and just experience each moment individually.
Don't be stupid
>killer literally has thoughts about how he is going to track himself down
>my dad never cared about me and my brother died
>let's make a stupid puzzle where I kidnap kids and have the father's go search for them
>except the asshole fathers, similar to my own, won't get punished because they don't give a shit about their kids
>the only fathers I'll punish are the good fathers, fathers like the one I wish I had
Someone wrote a theory where the killer had a superdad fetish which made way more sense than what was actually in the game.
I un-ironically liked Reach. Its not my favorite but it fits right behind halo's 2 and 3 on my list. 3 was the best in terms of literally everyone playing together, all the kids from school no matter what clique would play together, and online gaming was now a normie thing. I used to play with like 3 guys online to suddenly 30. so many good times. Plus the story was hyped beyond belief and I genuinely thought this would be the last halo
By the time reach came around, most of the original guys from 3 stopped playing, but the online and forge was even better IMO. And I for one liked the story, it was nice to play as a special ops team of spartans, fighting a losing war and none of them were invincible gods (it was also nice they toned down the mythical aspects of the story, I never cared for it). I felt sad when your team member got killed, and felt dread when the game is on its last levels and you know youve lost and are more then likely going to die. It was a good, extra story to wrap the series up. 4-6 are shit though
fight me
Unskippable 20 second long cutscenes are a non-issue when you're playing the best third person shooter ever made.
>never ever
that fucking reporter got one, and to be fair that serial killer story was much more compelling then the origami killer. they should have stuck with that and not done any twists that made no fucking sense
the story was shit ant that was all the game had.
therefore it was a shit game. case closed
When you make an interactive movie then it lives and dies on the story, and those games are horribly written. They do OK when they're just directly ripping off scenes from better things, but the moment you hit Cage's actual ideas they become trainwrecks.
>Unskippable 20 second long cutscenes
Except most of them are unskippable for upwards of 5 minutes, some are 8. Fuck you. And then you get 5+ minute segments where you slowly walk somewhere and do nothing that are also unskippable since they're """"gameplay"""" The game literally refuses to let you play it.
because they are BAD movies
Do u like MGS4?
I liken it to an episode of law and order (the older seasons before it went to shit). You know whats going to happen 90% of the time, so most shocking turn of events or twists are anything but that, the gameplay and story isnt anything groundbreaking,but dammit if it isnt fun to watch and experience because its well done, so I dont mind going through it over and over. I do have hopes they break out a bit more with the story for the next one
Better weapon and armor design than any Soulsborne game.
Static protagonists are always better.
Morally ambiguous dialogue system. No good/evil bullshit.
Story is deep as fuck, but takes multiple playthroughs to digest.
No that's a straight up lie, most intro cutscenes are barely two or three minutes long, and the ones in the middle of the level during the action are often less than 30 seconds.
Your ridiculous hyperbole does you no favours.
Not really. The first two chapters seemed like they had gameplay promise but the game pretty much abandons that.
I also haven't played it since release, so my opinion isn't strong since I don't remember it well.
Max Payne 3 does have my favorite TPS gameplay though, well that and Vanquish. But since Max Payne doesn't let me play it, I take issue with it. The whole "it covers loading" thing is a fucking lie too, so that pisses me off.
>heavy rain
Because they are more about the plot and characters than about gameplay and the plot and characters in all 3 games are dogshit
>No that's a straight up lie
Nope. Maybe "most" is an exaggeration, but I'm not lying about anything. Hell there are unskippable cutscenes that go on for several minutes and then once you can skip it it takes you to another fucking unskippable cutscene.
It doesn't matter if a game is """generic"" if it does everything perfectly (that may be a slight exaggeration).
You are though.
>hurrdurr the game literally doesn't let you play it
>hurrdurr constant half hour long cutscenes in the middle of levels
>hurrdurr five minute long walking simulator sections
I'm not even sure you've played it.
It really could have been actually good it's just very under-realized.
I got Heavy Rain kind of hoping it would be like a modern adventure game a la Sierra
and because I genuinely thought screwing up the QTEs was the most hilarious shit in the world at the time
Character deaths impacting the way the story unfolded was a pretty novel and hardcore consequence that made me want to do multiple play-throughs.
It's just a shame there's less actual game there than most old school adventures
All in all I'd give it about a 6/10
>lies about what I said
>can't even come up with any defense
Delicious, I love it.
Go load up that fucking stadium level, tell me how you don't sit through a cutscene then limp around for 5 minutes.
Go load up the office invasion level, tell me the unskippable cutscene doesn't take you to an unskippable cutscene.
Stream it, fucker, let's see you lose to your own bullshit.
I don't remember anyone saying it was "generic." The game was bad, but that wasn't a reason why.
you dumb little whore
that hurt, user...
because it's true
Ill admit it, its 'teenage girl simulator" the game and beyond that its got some of the most cringy attempts at teen talk ive ever heard, not to mention its another walking point and click movie simulator, but I genunly loved playing this. It would have been better if they
>put more effort into figuring out the time travel technique
>or dropped it all together and made it a straight choice based game
>put somebody else in charge of the dialogue then tumblrina pushing 30
>gave more mystery to the plot to figure out and side missions
I think Heavy Rain is easily Cage's best game.
The writing's still pretty silly at times, but it never blatantly shoots itself in the knee quite as hard as Omikron or Indigo Prophecy did. And the mystery isn't as awkwardly disjointed as Beyond's story was. So once it finally gets going there are some fun moments.
"Comfy" just means something you'd play during winter wrapped in a blanket with a hot cup of coffee. I don't know why OP thinks Heavy Rain is comfy but still, it's been a few months since you mongoloids started flipping your shit every time you see that word and I'm still not sure why.
the real problem is david cage is a wanna be film director, and thinks games are a way to create a new medium. I like almost all kinds of games, but 90% of gamers want arcade shooters, or magic or horror. Something that requires action on their part and they can experience the suspense. Its the same way with movies, nobody will watch a arthouse indie film, even it its a really good one, when the can watch fast the furious # 87
all they really need to do IMO is open their horizons just a LITTLE bit. make the maps bigger, let the player explore, have side missions or customize the character to a degree. If its literally a movie simulator most people wont pick it up. I have hope for detroit:become human but I think I know david cage better then that
Hella fuck your selfie
Thing is, it had the most potential to be decent, but it falls apart really hard at the end with a twist that really doesn't make much sense, and it isn't satisfying at all. That's not to mentioin all the other stupid cage-isms in the game.
I felt the same. Keep the basic plot of a teenage girl living her live in an quaint coastal town, have her go through various, but mundane issues to introduce the other characters and explore the town, and then have something or several somethings happen that she has to deal with. Maybe the creepy teacher at the school kidnaps somebody, or there is a storm coming. The time travel thing, though interesting and ok in the execution, felt like a jumbled mess
I felt the same way with assassins creed, they went too over the top with a time traveling group of assassins when they could have kept it simple and fleshed out the basic story
I adore Spec Ops: The Line for ripping into AAA shooters. Everybody I talk with here shit on the mediocre cover shooter gameplay, but I feel the dissonance between the truly "video gamey" gameplay, and the serious narrative plays really well into the games favor. It is often said how there should be a choice at that one point in the game, (you know what I'm talking about), but giving the player the option of "cutscene morality" in this game would absolutely ruin the whole thing for me. I hate how the game is brushed aside as pretentious or "pseudointellectual" on Sup Forums.
The primary part of the twist that bothered me was the killer still trying to kill Ethan at the end despite him passing his test. Most people complain about excluded information from the killer's perspective, but that didn't bother me as much as his sudden change in motive.
Hell, he even lets Ethan and the kid go if he's alone, but he takes the shot at him if the other characters show up to give the game a more climactic showdown.
>bought this in a bargain bin at a vidya store, thinking itd be another cod ripoff to pass the time with
>wasnt prepared for the feels
also fucking pissed it was in the bin like that for what a great game it was
ethan was the first one to pass all the tests, in fact you find another dad's body during one of your tests so whos to say he didnt want to kill them even after it was done? Mayve he would give them an easy death and let them be together, the dude was crazy and the story was a jumbled mess at that point
It's okey.
You are still a good person
I fucking hate the tumblr teir characters, but the animation and story are really good and brought back some memories
The combat wasn't particularly memorable, but I still think Spec Ops had a genuinely good psychological arc for the characters.
Better than a lot of horror games I've seen in recent years.
>comparing novels to video games
besides, most "criminal novels" are absolute schlock that your grandma finds interesting
>brought back some memories
you kill somebody in the woods, user?
My fucking man. This game is the best. Wicked story, gameplay, soundtrack and James kills it as Max Payne.
gameplay is for plebs
If you want to make that argument, that's a discussion I'm up for, but you better find something better written than the trash that is Max Payne 3.
>nu-Sup Forums
Is this an old pasta or something?
for me the exaggerated dialogue isn't the problem, if anything it kinda makes the game work better, less serious if you get what i mean
comfy :3
lots to build
colonies!!!! :3333
What great arguments. Y'all are just proving I'm right if those are your arguments.
DA2 marks the start of lot of the problems Bioware was getting with EA. But I still think the charm of the character dynamics and quest interactions shines through the rushed development.
It's when Bioware started to go open-world with everything that I think the heart of their writing really started to suffer for it.
recently some faggots decided that "comfy" was cancer and now they go berserk every time someone says it, I've seen it happen a few times already
>literally everyone, from Sup Forums to Reddit to Facebook to Tumbler to Critics to gameFAQs to NeoGAF to Jared Fogle to Bill Cosby to Kurt Cobain, is wrong
Pffft. I've been playing games since 96 and this is probably the worst experience I've ever had with a video game.
Sup Forums is confused.
We don't know our enemy anymore.
They are among us.
it did however remind me of what it was like after high school and everyone came back to town and nobody knew what they were doing in life but still tried to act like they were hot shit
I neither think the combat was any good compared to contemporary shooters. But I can try to explain with my experience with the game.
As the tryhard I am, I started off on the highest difficulty setting, and holy hell was that a drag.
I got through the early levels relatively okey, but after Walker falls alone into the city, things started to get really frustrating. I really start to feel how clunky the cover mechanics are, as I die again and again and again. Like, I didn't mean to vault, I mean to duck! Fuck you, game. I did not enjoy the gameplay much at all, but as the tryhard I am, I pressed on. I didn't want to let this shitty Gears of War clone beat me. But around halfway through the game, the brown military shooter facade the game hides behind starts to fade away. I start to feel weary from the gameplay and the restarts. And then you get to the end...
I think I adore this game so much because at the end, I felt like a parallel of the player character. I must always reach the winstate of the game, but look where that got me this time.
I love heavy rain and I've played through countless times
mainly because that fucking trophy "perfect killer" or whatever is broken as shit and has cost me so many hours fuck that fucking shit i'm so close to the plat fuck you david cage fuuuuck you FUCK!
>mfw when the music kicks in near the end
>What are the eight scariest words in the English language?
>"We're Delta Force, and we're here to save you."
It might had been subpar compared to MGS3, but it's still a pretty solid experience.
The whole "there's more cutscenes than gameplay" criticism can be applied to MGS1 and 2. It's just that the cutscenes are longer since the game itself is longer.
Agreed, it was definitely the best for me. I think people who shit on it are just younger kids who jumped on the "I-totally-know-the-lore-so-im-cool" but really don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Reach redesigned the series into a fight for HUMAN SURVIVAL, where you see spartans not just as the superheroes they are, but also as the frail, mortal, soldiers who can and will die. Combat felt tight, none of that COD bullshit from the later games, and most of all the BEST Halo aesthetic that the series has come up with so far. God bless that game.
one of my favorite games is
Infestation, also known as War-Z
As much as I enjoy 4 it has some pretty big issues even if you forget about the cutscenes, it's filled of "oh, that part" moments, namely the end of act 2 and the entirety of act 3
I was about to mention the whole "follow the trails" thing in act 2 but it's not that bad, the only annoying thing about it is that unless you already know where to go you're going to spend that entire segment with night vision on
>genuinely good detective mystery game
No. No it wasn't. The game lies to you about who the killer is. And not in a "red herring" kind of way but in a "that makes no fucking sense" kind of way.
The disjointed storytelling and the main character blacking out for no reason doesn't help either.
I bet you got a kick out of that inconsequential attempted rape scene.