Have you bought anything?
Steam Sale
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Holding out til last day as is customary.
Making really good progress with my backlog though. Finished two lengthy games in the past week.
Decided to leave ETS2 and wait for bigger discount.
Picked up TWD S3. Still considering NuDoom and XCOM 2.
no im just waiting for humble disappointment bundle
previos Thread here :
ignore payday cards, i have these summer sale cards, looking to trade for non-summer sale cards, as long they're of equal/higher value on the market.
also looking to trade undertale for 2 tf2/csgo keys, i have a tradeable version so no need to worry about getting tricked
by the way, how do you guys go about key trades in these threads? whoever goes first is taking an incredible risk especially if it's several games for one or a high value game for several. have any of you ever been scammed in one of these threads?
I bought $19aud worth of games, mainly games that I've never got a chance to play, like Freedom Planet, Sonic CD, Sonic Generations and Poker Night 2.
Don't know about trading keys, but there are tons of Steam groups for trading cards.
>get all the good games i wanted in the winter sale
>all thats left are really bad games that I won't pay more than 2 bucks for
>prices not worth it
so i'm buying tacos with my money instead
You trade using steam itself through the trade function. You look through their stuff, make an offer and its up to them to accept. Zero risk at all if you trade through steam
right, but i'm talking about the keys you get from humble bundles, the ones that are strings of text that you have to input, you can't trade those through steam. how do people trade those?
What would be something good and casual for my dad who is 51?
Got dying light... Is good!
It's not possible to trade them securely. I give them away personally but that's just me. Not worth the hassle
Also he likes to get really drunk and play video games
what kind of vidya does he like?
Its a " Just rebuying the old games I loved playing in 1998-2010" Episode
idk what to buy
He still plays Resistance on his PS3, and loved ff10.
What's Sup Forums opinion on this game?
>Holding out til last day as is customary.
Not anymore. They don't do daily/flash deals since a year or two ago. Now there's no reason not to just buy everything on day one.
what did you get in the winter sale?
How are the half minute hero games?
I'm looking for a game under $5 that I can get a lot out of.
It's alright. Pretty good for a one man project.
But the whole time I was playing it, I was thinking, "This would actually be a lot better if it ripped off Metroid MORE."
Overlord 1 & 2
Shadow of Mordor
Nier: Automata
Jade Empire
Divinity 2
Kingdoms of Amalur
Finished Overlord 1 and Mordor, started Amalur but I've put it on the backburner for now. Mordor was okay; it seems more like an expanded proof of concept than a full game, but it was worth the discounted price more or less. Overlord 1 was fun yet also tedious and frustrating at times. Amalur is really bland and boring with some interesting tidbits here and there.
uh, Arkham City?
it is good and casual
ff7, ff8, dmc3, dmc4, dragons dogma, dreadout, dead space 1, goat sim, killer is dead, quake, and REmake
though, those were nearly all gifts
yes I did
good game,
Bought Fallout new vegas finally and Cities skylines
Im on the fence for wargame, should I and which pack?
does DMC3 really run like shit?
i haven't played it yet, but it launches in 360p by default and my 360 controller didn't work.
supposedly, there is a mod that fixes all that and adds style switching.
but you can just as easily emulate the ps2 version
I think that there is a mod for that, but iirc setup is kind of involved.
Nier Automata is tempting me. I thought it would have a bigger discount or something. Either buy that and maybe something else or buy or some other cheaper games and wait for a better sale but I doubt that's gonna happen anytime soon.
R8 my Library
Just get AirLand Battle.
Pretty cool. Pretty fun.
I honestly don't know whether to get tales of berseria or Nier.
I like Nier (the original) but it's 41 dollars, and I haven't played a tales game I liked since Abyss (I really disliked Xilia. The characters and pace was really bothersome).
Does anyone have any input between these two?
Can you even still buy the original skyrim? I heard the special edition is not so good with mods, is this true?
anyone interested in any of these? I'm willing to give away poker night and civ v and trade the rest
Just bought hitman for 20 bucks. What am I in for
>several posts plug pic related
>buy it
>feels like a flash game in 3D
>it's pretty charming, clearly a labor of love
>refund it
No offense, I just didn't want to add it to my backlog.
when the fuckj are they putting saint seiya on sale?
Keep your voice down, he'll hear you!
nothing really
I already own like 1200 games on steam, so I pretty much own everything worth having
Not sure if I'll like DD cuz from what I hear the warrior is really underpowered
I expect to really enjoy MGSV and Zombie Army Trilogy.
>not on sale
Fuck I just wanted the DLC. I guess I'm gonna buy the special edition.
Is wargame red dragon any good? As someone who sucks at RTS could I still enjoy it?
73 of my 76 games on my wish list went on sale....fml my wallet burst into flames. I def got a few good games I wanted.
>As someone who sucks at RTS
Wargame might not be for you, it's really fast paced and has a steep learning curve.
Should i?
How good is Warhammer? as good as Shogun 2?
Also is KIlling Floor 2 good without friends?
>Bought rising storm 2
>Played over 2 plus hours
>Asked for a refund
Anyway to convince GabeN to give me back my hard earned money? I have played 4 hours and bought it 4 days ago, fuck me.
It's a good game, fuck you
Haven't bought anything yet, though this is what I've tentatively added to it. I may very well end up not getting anything, I'm not lacking games to play.
probably not, you only get 2 hours playtime and like a week to decide if you want a refund.
>Get Fallout 1 during steam sale
>Install and create character
>Get to the Hub and realize I designed my character poorly
>Restart with previous knowledge and create better character that traverses the wasteland with minimal difficulty
>All is well until I get to the Cathedral
>Pushing into cave that has the Master's Vault with Followers of the Apocalypse and companions
>Game crashes
>Restart game and try again
>Game crashes again
>Download Fallout Fixt
>Goes well for about 3 hours, then game crashes again
>Try to start again, Fixt is now busted
>Uninstall and contemplate suicide
What experiences did you guys have with your purchases?
I bought Don't Starve Together, because a couple of friends wanted me to get it for a while.
Total Warhammer wood elf DLC
Assassin's Creed: Shadow of Mordor
I've enjoyed both. I'm thinking of pirating Shadow of Mordor 2 when it comes out. The game was easy but enjoyable nonetheless. I love the personnality hey gave to the orcs
Why does this sale blow so hard?
>Buy Neo Scavenger
>Its actually a flash game
This might be a stretch, but are there any kind of good car combat games on Steam? Kinda got an itch to play something Twisted Metal/Vigilante8-ish.
no daily deals, no voting, no flash deals
all I got was l4d2 for two dollarydoos
Also the whole sticker thing is pretty much pointless
Gook, go home.
>Pushing into cave that has the Master's Vault with Followers of the Apocalypse and companions
>Not just sneaking in solo and blowing the place up with the nuke in the basement
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale or Ys 1+2? Only thing is that Ys looks like an rpgmaker game before it was a thing
Victoria 2 is 10/10
id take poker night /id/MeatShackles/
Wargame: Red Dragon is good I've heard
If ya wanna make some quick money it's not bad
get all dlc for vic2 or it's shit
How do you even make money with that?
Not really it pissed off kotaku cause people were abusing the sticker showcase to make "sexual" pictures on their profile
What about Red Dragon?
Didn't play Nier but I'd wait for Berseria to be cheaper. It has a good cast but everything else is mediocre. Battle system is a huge step down from Xillia and I got bored of it quickly.
The naval battles are SHIT.
Nope, gaming PC died three weeks ago too.
All I wanted was Ark for $10 and Dying Light for 20 or less.
I already have 650+ Steam games and more than half were games I chose and not bundle garbage.
Now I'm eyeing Rocket League for $12 on XBL and State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition for $9.90 on XBL
Has anyone played pic related? It's like a series of text adventures with some graphic adventure elements. Anyway I played the demo and the text displays too slowly for me.
how is the battle system in Trails in the Sky?
Thoughts on pic related? $30 budget
Other contenders were here steamcommunity.com/id/_krule/wishlist
Ok, what if I want it for the historical equipment autism and land battles? Is it better there?
I can only afford one should I get wolfenstein the new order or the old blood?
Not sure why it's sideways, but I can't use paint (or half my OS) atm, excuse phone pic
*and a few of my friends have it, so interested in multiplayer
>buy The Witness
>play it for a bit, runs okay
>start entering more open areas and game runs like shit
>fiddle around with settings and stuff, resetting game
>take forever to load
>lay down to rest eyes while waiting for it to load
>fall asleep with game running
>wake up and have 10 hours playtime
>try to refund and they won't let me because of playtime
How is Furi?
Is the Berserk Mosu game worth buying?
>Is it better there?
So I want to be the biggest bitch of them all, the most evil person ever.
Any game that allows me to do that on steam?
I was thinking Fable, but it has no gender options and I want to be the pick related of the world.
I bought shit.
I have a copy of Dark Souls 2 Scholar to trade for another game.
But would airland be better overall?
Is it worth it?
As someone who owns both, depends on what you're looking for. I really liked automata and found my self thinking about it a lot after finishing it. Tales is pretty neat, though story and gameplay wise I think Nier is the superior. Idk if I'd buy Nier right now though, unless you really wanted to play it I'd wait until the price was a little lower.
Fallout 3
oblivion or skyrim