Weekend Mario Retardy. I'm new to streaming, so I won't be as good as lomelli but, I hope you enjoy it all the same...

Weekend Mario Retardy. I'm new to streaming, so I won't be as good as lomelli but, I hope you enjoy it all the same. Streaming pro-tips are appreciated.

Games will start in about ten minutes. I currently have Mario Party 1, 2 ,3 and 4. So any other recommendations for Mario Parties are welcome.

join in at /solaireislove on twitch

Where my Luigifags at?

Since this is a different stream maybe luigi will have a comeback finally?

Luigi can still win.
Screen cap this.



i believe in you op

Thanks lads let me know how the sound is going

Looks like you fixed the sound.

>luigi is winning
fucking step up wario you fucking faggot

"chad feast" is the funniest thing I've heard all day.
Also wow a mario retardy thread, haven't seen that in a while.

Eyes are incapable of seeing or comprehending any device invented after the 1950s.

Nice I'm fucking in

Here's a bump for my friend the fat fuck Wario you better win you goddamn fat jew

guys wario is getting jewed in last again we need to lend him your energy

He's getting pumped up form when he steals first place in the end.

Proshi winning as expected.

Not anymore.




4d chess m8 4d chess

I see.

>"""Pro"""shi cucked out of a star
Luigi is /ourguy/

also wild west borb since we're in western land

WEEGEE dominating this shit

why didn't I save all those wario images from that wario thread yesterday

wario status = still fat and jewed

luigi found 2 hidden blocks what the FUCK
and he fucked up "pro"shi too

Welfare Kong will win


I remember when I used to have friends

and we'd play 4 player mario party on n64

those days are long gone

Big Koopa Cock


>mfw wario

Luigi got destroyed.

>mfw i believed in wario all along
>mfw wario is predicted to win

best fucking minigame

Luigi got BLACKED


DK won in Western Land twice in the past day to now.

RIP fat jew current year-current y ear

The dong is da real MVP


Bump for new game

We need a new streamer.