Select a character, bro

Select a character, bro.

Electron hard counters everyone else.

>he doesn't main Higgs boson

>he hasn't found the hidden character yet

fucking scrubs. I'll kick your ass with my Positron

>that faggot that picks Neutrino
Neutrino mains should go to hell

*teleports before u*

God tier
Strange Quark
Higgs Bison

Top tier
Top Quark
Tau Neutrino
Muon Neutrino
Z Bison

Mid Tier
Charm Quark
Up Quark

Low Tier:
W Bison
Down Quark

Shit Tier:
Electron Neutrino
Bottom Quark

>try to check my Particle Physic Fighter's speed stat

>can't figure out where it's located now

Underrated post.


Higgs boson Op pls nerf

>he hasn't unlocked the coop mode and created a full H atom in multiplayer.
Everything afterwards feels dull and underpowered.


I created my own paticle, cuz I'm such a big fan of this gaem. Tell me what u thing guise.

Name: Chronotron
Powers: Travel in time, is everywhere, invisible to all other particles, is more powerful than Highs Bosom and the tacheon combin.
Likes: Going back in tiem, going 2 fast, changing histury, linkin park
Dislikes: The present, goin slowe, paridoxes, my dad
Lore: The lost powerful particle in the universe and multieverse. His a secret psrticle that no one has discovered and is invisible to the naked eye and to other paticls. If he gets into a fight, he always wins because he can rewind time and change histury.

>not the Strange quark
You can't handle this weapon of mass destruction.


The people in this thread are gentlemen and scholars and this is currently the best thread on Sup Forums, by far.

>higgs boson
How old is your pic?



Who here /ready for the false vacuum/?

has anyone unlocked the graviton yet? my friend said he's definitely a character but i'm calling bullshit.

The hell is that?

The first DLC pack.

Give me a hug!

Vacuum decay, which occurs when the Higgs boson (or any other particle, i think) reaches it's false vacuum. Imagine a ball rolling down a hill and it reaches this valley. Quantum particles, like the Higgs can use quantum tunneling to go through this little rise on the hill to reach it's true vacuum, but it would release enormous amounts of energy. The result would be an ever expanding rip in spacetime, like a black hole but on steriods. It would destroy all matter it touches, until all of the universe is wiped clean. Chances is, at least one false vacuum has already started, but is far off from our sight.

muon best shota

Sorry I said that incorrectly. The universe must be in a false vacuum for this occur in the first place, and the particle would be able to find a lower state. It's the act of moving to this lower state that makes the unstable vacuum.