How will they tie the P3 and P4 casts to this? They are basically a bunch of old fucks by now.
How will they tie the P3 and P4 casts to this? They are basically a bunch of old fucks by now
The same way they tied in dungeon design and dialogue in 5: they simply didn't.
I hope they won't
Persona 5 is perfect as it is
I was fine with them spitting 100+ Persona 4 spinoffs: the cast wasn't that good and their development was ruined by the game itself anyway
I wasn't fine with P3 characters being in them though, at all
P5 is great and left a good feeling on me, I'm satisfied with the end and don't need to see more, not in the metaverse anyway, i guess some bonus on the characters daily lives wouldn't be bad
Mid/late 20s is old?
forget that shit. They didn't even give p5 a good conclusion.
>everyone forgot about the phantom thieves in the end
>kamoshida and all the other victims are still braindead flaps
>society ultimately remains unchanged except shido loses grip and now PT loses their power and influence
I feel like there was a bigger statement they failed to tackle that couldn't purely be solved by killing yabada
By anime standards yes
The P3 case are still in their 20s right?
Supposedly P5 is set in 2012 due to someone working out the calendar
I was suspecting you didn't get the good ending until the last statement
You don't remember many parts of it evidently anyway
Also, Persona has always been like that: under the lighthearted exterior there is a truth the characters choose to ignore or fight against, not really winning in the end
P4 starts in 2011. Rise is 20 by the time P5 happens, so it's set in 2016
>Koromaru is probably dead
>Rise is probably a washed up ex-idol Christmas Cake with a gaping vagina and a severe drinking problem
You seem to have a lot of pent up anger at Rise. Did she kill your family or something. I hate Rise too, but I wouldn't go this far
>there's a solid chance Kawakami was in High School during P3
>he thinks persona time in-game correlates to real life time
P3's protag dies the year P4's protag start's school in inaba. And judging by the P5 rise poster, she barely aged so it's most likely 2 years after at most.
In short, P3-P5 take place in the span of around 4 years.
You can see Rise posters in the subway station/station square, though. I somehow doubt a washed up idol would have that kind of advertisement coverage in Tokyo.
PQ confirms there is a 5 or so year gap between 3 and 4. The characters have a good bit of dialogue about it.
I knew someone would bring that up. And my rebuttal is
Fuck you
Well there is also the phones. In P4 everyone is sing crappy flip phones. In P5 they have pretty sophisticated touch phones. There is obviously a few years between the two.
Persona Q 2: Time/Space Boogaloo
You see Chihiro in P4 though. She's a third year in P4, and she was a second year in P3. Hmmmm.
I don't know about the phones though so maybe P5 really does take place much later. But what I do know is that PQ isn't fucking cannon and I don't give a shit what atlus says. Same for DAN
Well, then suck it up, because it is.
Your opinion about them won't change the fact.
>ending completely invalidates whether or not its canon
why even care
She would have been 17-18 during the events of p3
Persona 5's spinoffs should just be based on P5 characters like Akechi
They are going to pull some bullshit about why kanji still looks like a delinquent despite him not caring about how people view him anymore. Like they did in all the other spin offs.
>atlus making a spin-off that isn't pandering fanservice
P5: Dancing All Night take it or leave it
Persona 4 cast is still in their early 20s, they were like around the same age as me in 2011 and this game takes place in 2016.
>arguing about character age in a series with dates
How is this an issue?
>Implying it wouldnt be great with the already made outfits
Persona 5 doesn't technically have dates but everything lines up with 2016. They could retcon that though. Why these retards are arguing about the time bewteen P3 and P4 when the games directly state that they take place in 2009 and 2011 I don't know.
>recommended p4 as my first in the series
>play it and replay it immediately after beating it
>go straight to p3, finish it off
>now starting on getting through the p4 anime and p3 movies
>no ps3 or ps4 for p5
I've made a huge mistake. Why does this series have to be so good?
cause waifu
There's no turning back. One of us.
Gross girl, gross picture and gross response.
I feel disgusted.
>Gross girl,
you are damn right
all right which p4 girl age the worst in p5 timeline
rise is already exempt due to her cameo appearance
You're right, I wouldn't like the social aspect of the game as much if there weren't any cute girls to date.
I'm really worried once I get to play P5, i'm going to have nothing to fill this void for years.
we all know who
sssshhh PQ's not canon
>cute girls to date.
are you sure they are cute?
I read your whole reply as the title. Take It or Leave It would be a fitting subtitle for the phantom thieves.
>P3 is in 2009
>P4 is 2011
>5 year gap
>5 year gap
dont you mean
>5 year fat
I just wanted to say that Fuuka is still the best girl two games later.
The real question will be if P5A keeps all the old characters. They wouldn't just get rid of them all would they?
Based on the Golden epilogue, Yukiko changed her style and she already looks like a bland 30 year old housewife. She will only go downhill from here on out.
I've never played a Persona game before 5, but I was always aware of the series via Persona 3 and 4 because of friends were into it.
Finally beat P5 today and now I'm an empty man because the ride is finally over.
P5A when? I want to main Makoto, Yusuke, and Joker
Even if Makoto is a charge character?
I've played years of Street Fighter, I'll manage
You do realize Rise is still an idol and they lose their value once they hit their mid-20s.
Well technically Yukiko is still hot since the TV series even mentions the Amagi Inn and how the hot daughter proprietress.
This was my first persona game, I'm about 40 hours in now.
I honestly can't deal with how stupid these characters are. they constantly ask shit that should be common sense by now. I don't thin there's been an option to say something that would actually be logical to say in any given situations. fucking jap writing, fried brains from nukes
I want it just for this fight.
Persona Q2 could actually have an interesting setup, with a Investigation Team v. Phantom Theives conflict having potential to be interesting, seeing as how the IT are moralfags and the PTs are criminals, but even if that does happen, it's likely that's noy what they're gonna do.
You do realize your teammates are actually the dumbest educationwise in the whole school?
>Dumb Faggot is now rank 5 knowledge
>Dumb Faggot gets every answer correct in class
>Dumb Faggot gets every answer correct on exams
If you're gonna post some fat chicks, at least do it right. These are fucking terrible.
Ryuji vs Morgana is a 10-0 match up
Are you American? Is this what happens when everyone in your country becomes obese?
Your brain develops a fetish so your dick can still function?
The Phantom Thieves would end up just being "fed" to the Investigation Team, just like what happened with the Arena games. SEES got nerfed to shit, IT gets so buffed that its main fucking navigator becomes a fighter.
>Teddie learns how to turn into a tank to make Morgana jealous.
>Yosuke becomes art prodigy to outdo/piss off Yusoke.
>Chie's kung fu DVD > Makoto's actual training.
>Ann worships the ground Rise stands on.
Yalda is just a false god who thinks he's higher than anyone.
The real antagonist of P5 is Nyarlathotep. Just wait until him start up shit like causing riot and anarchy in the hearts of humanity because he think that exactly what they want : freedom.
>thinks he's higher than anyone
>cognition world is based on perception
Whoa, really makes me think
Nyarly will never come back. They scrapped Philemon as well with 5.
Philemon is the butterfly who gives you Lavenza's message.
They didn't scrap him for fuck's sake he's just not around. The blue butterflies were the velvet attendants from 3-5.
Philemon is a gold butterfly.
The butterfly isn't Lavenza
Lmao, I have some bad news. They are going to milk the shit out of P5. And all the spinoffs are canon
Ok I have an idea and it's awful and o don't give a fuck.
>we get the fake igor.
>his death triggers the sub floor of the lowest metaverse floor available to mc.
>there he finds an amulet
>he goes back in time because fuck it why not.
>THE amulets power was reality manipulation
>he merges different timelines into 1
>p5 arena happens
>in an alt universe dance max is happening at the same time
>THE end is every body using each other's strengths and social links to defeat ????????
Roll credits
And there was never another raidou game to ever exist and I commit suicide somewhere down the line. What do you guys think.
Don't all the Persona games, including spin-offs, already occur in the same timeline/universe/whatever?
Yes but the amulet reverts everyone into their prime fighting form instead of p5 linear timeline.
>P3 protag dies
i wonder what word could be behind this spoiler. this spoiler you bothered making for a game that is almost 11 years old.
P4 just has old phones because atlus didn't predict smartphone popularity in 2008.
Wrong flip phones in Japan are more active than touch screens.
I just assumed it was because everyone was a bunch of hicks that were behind the times and that P4MC didn't get an opportunity to switch.
it seems stupid they blanked out the year in P5 when they've already released games that take place before their release (P4U2)
Because it's supposed to be a secret. Then they drop hints that Rise is still a really popular idol, the bitch from DAN is also still really popular, the Amagi Inn is still being run by Yukiko and she's still considered their hot daughter.
so they've scrapped exact dates so they can keep making new casts that are the same age as the P4 cast?
Probably. It made them realized that no one in Japan really gave a shit about SEES since aging them up just showed you how godawful and terrible the Investigation Team's members really are.
>they kept everyone the same age so they can reuse all the existing sprites when arcsys makes P5U
Maybe SEGA decided to be stingy assholes for the side games?
>Implying P3 will ever be in another spinoff
of course they will be, they need to keep dangling elizabeth's journey to save blue jesus in our face like car keys
Elizabeth might be in it again. While she accomplishes nothing. She should go try to bring Philemon back or something
So what do you thin P6 will be about? I've always wanted them to rip off Flatliners. Med students in college playing God and as punishment for their hubris are forced to atone.
Nope high school.
Obviously the two ideas must be combined and its a high school teaching college level medical courses.
Because reasons.
>mfw people tell me that P5 is game of the year when it was the worst persona game thus far
Are people this easily tricked by aesthetics and decent music?
Speaking of music, I wanted to claw out my ears by the end every time I heard "I'm a shapshifter, at poes masquerade"
Fucking too repetitive
That was obviously lavenza
Don't blame me, blame the society for having fine taste.
>Med students
>when the entire point of Personas in the status of psyche/mental health
I want it to be where you're a mental health patient who only is allowed to go to classes because it's affiliated with the institution you're in.
I mean, dude, have you seen Flatliners? its about arrogant wannabe doctors killing themselves to dive deeper and deeper into the afterlife and are then confronted by their deep seated issues/secrets. Wouldnt take much to turn it into a persona game.
>Speaking of music, I wanted to claw out my ears by the end every time I heard "I'm a shapshifter, at poes masquerade"
Agreed. I think the P5 soundtrack is the strongest overall and Rivers In The Desert beats any other final boss theme, but the overworld theme took a severe dip when the vocals came in. That song sucks dick especially by the standards set by P3, wherein every overworld track is the best.
Isn't that just a matter of taste though?
Its not better than Battle for Everyone's Souls.
The bottom butterfly wasn't Lavenza. The top one is.
This. I get not liking the soundtrack but shitting on it is just like blogging on facebook.
Naah fuck you I liked it.
Battle for Everyone's Souls is pretty overrated actually. Music actually suck dick.
Battle for Everyone's Souls is pretty fucking good, I'll give you that. But it's out of place in a soundtrack that's infused with hip-hop, and in the hindsight that it isn't the last battle of the Persona franchise like it was built up to be.