ITT: Things low testosterone players say, I will start

ITT: Things low testosterone players say, I will start.
>I don't take pvp seriously.

>I hate fighting games

>why dont you just be an idort?

>Overwatch sucks

>Indie games are trash

>ITT: Things low testosterone players say, I will start.

>I own a Switch

>I don't suck dick

>I died because of lag

>I play video games

>I hate futa, and wish you would die for liking futa.

As somebody who has suffered lag, I'm triggered.

>traps are gay

>Wasting your competitiveness in videogames and priding yourself in it instead of an actual real sport
The only lowtest fuccboi here is you

>I need an artificial ego boost by making selectively edited videos of me winning pvp

>traps aren't gay

>overwatch is good and better than tf2 or quake

>only pedophiles like lolis

>I don't play games, I'm just here for the sale

>Traps are gay

I don't take pvp seriously and I hate fighting games. Why don't you just become and idort? Overwatch sucks worse than indie game trash so why not own everything to play more games?
I own a switch and no, I don't suck dick. I only just die because of the lag. I love video games. I hate futa, and wish you would die for liking futa though. Traps are gay.

>we don't need 4 snipers on our team

>I play for fun


>we don't need a (whatever you're using)

>Its just a game

>i take games seriously

>I always turn on japanese voices even though I don't know the language

>I have ED and have much less energy

>western games are shit

>I'm an adult and I still play videogames

>I only play fighting games.

everyone in this thread is a virgin

underage b&

>everyone in this thread is a virgin

overwatch is the epitome of a low T game


>I never tasted semen

>has thicc women
>is low test

Really makes you think

I have not once heard someone speak in overwatch that isn't a whiny teenager. In other shooters you usually get rednecks and neckbeards as well, but not overwatch.

>this low test garbage
If her leg isn't wider than your chest, that's not real thicc.

got em


I feel my testosterone rising

>I don't want to play ranked, it's too stressful

>this game is FUN

>something I disagree with
am i getting it right?