Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

Cure cancer

Cure cancer. Right options is government gibs for nigger countries

cancer cure bro, the niggers can die for all I care

Cure cancer. Feeding the hungry leads to overpopulation of third world countries.

Cure Cancer

I need to get rid of Sup Forums and posters who use it.

Cancer because World hunger is less significant then curing fucking cancer, plus third world shit holes will find a way to reverse that decision

Neither, the weak should be killed off so they stop holding society back

Chiming in to the unanimous opinion:
Cure cancer

I wouldn't want either of those.

Let them eat Cancer!

Cure cancer. Fixing world hunger will just make the world population explode even more.

How many talented and influential scientists, inventors, doctors, artists, or philosophers have died of hunger compared to cancer?

Keith David could die of cancer, so fuck it hard.

>Cancer somehow applies to the weak
Yet anyone can get cancer regardless
Cancer gibs can fuck right off

Hunger only kills 3rd world parasites who deserved to die anyway.

>Sup Forums wants to cure cancer that's effectively killing non whites
I want reddit to leave

Cure cancer
so my suffering ends. Damn leukemia

Hi Sup Forums

Get out pls.

I'm sorry your genes are so shit you got cancer, you deserve to die

Hunger will kill the 3rd world cockroaches a lot faster

that uhh.....that fucking sucks bro

Hi plebbit, fuck off

>no one goes hungry
congrats you saved 1 billion africans who will continue to do nothing
>cure cancer
congrats you saved those of us who actually contribute to society and humanity

Maybe it's just me, but what's wrong with starving niglets?

I love to see the the little Africoon chimps with those bloated abdomens caused by malnutrition. I understand they make a loud popping sound when pierced with a machete during their many civil wars.

I understand you can feed the little coons for pennies a day, but that would just encourage them and go against nature. Starvation is simply nature's way of thinning out the weak and the stupid, i.e., niggers.

Yet you want to protect blacks by curing cancer


Well, this is quite a predicament. On one side, curing cancer would bring the human population to a stiff increase but probably there wouldn't be enough food for eveyone. If we make everyone well fed, the population will arise so much that every corner of the earth will be overpopulated, new deseases and wars will appear, etc.

I say fuck both options.

whites get cancer too numbnuts neanderballs

Fat chance

Hunger kills more non-whites
Cancer kills more whites.

Destroy cancer to save White children, let nogs starve.
If white children start to starve, other White people will feed them.
If adult Whites starve, they deserve it for being failures.

cure cancer

Again anyone can get cancer shit for brains regardless stop deluding yourself

Exactly, if you have strong genetics you won't get cancer, it's how nature gets rid of those with undesirable genetics

Cancer is the scourge of the first world you dumb fuck

Neither. Cancer and starvation both prevent overpopulation.

cancer kills people who matter

hunger does not

cure cancer, cancer can strike down the most helpful and important people.

fuck the hungry, those lazy retarded shits can starve.

I'm fine with those with shit genetics dying of cancer, they probably had tainted blood anyways

this thread started as a option a or option b but now has slowly turned to a thread on Sup Forums
Stay golden Sup Forums

>cancer only affects black people

Ayyyy lmao, I thought you had to be 18 to post on here?

Cure Cancer

That was the choice I picked for my playthrough. Shame it doesn't affect anything later on in the game.


curing cancer will increase the number of people living to old age and put further stress on the worlds dwindling renewable resources

feeding the hungry will put more people into the workforce and allow for production of more food and goods, on top of allowing a lot more people to potentially research cancer cures

curing cancer is a stupid idea

Pleb is short Plebian which is pronounced (Plee-Bee-En).

Reddit is not pronounced (Ree-Dit).

Saying the word "Plebbit" proves exactly how fucking retarded you are and how you don't know how to pronounce shit with your lack of education and general knowledge of the most common language in western society.

I am purposely spacing this post so you get triggered about your Reddit boogeyman and I fuel your psychotic persecution mania.

>only people with shit genetics get cancer

Sure is summer in here

Cure cancer
Most of Sup Forums will die though probably me too

am i in 2012 again?

feeding the hungry just lets more dindus do nuffin

Notice how the weak and undesirables always the ones who die from cancer, very effective method of natural selection and you want to get rid of that.

>Anime poster
>Never had encounter with Cancer

I'm president. I could just give the cure for cancer, and make use of fertility control agents on California's water supply to depopulate the liberals.

>ending hunger will lead to overpopulation
I'm sure you retards would love people living into their 120s, that's great for overpopulation.

This thread is proof that summer posting is real.

Cure cancer, so we can finally rid the world of Canadians.

What about all the celebrities and millionaires that have died from cancer?

my father beat prostate cancer after a year of radiation therapy and i know 4 other people who survived breast, prostate and lung cancer.

and yes, it is indeed finally summer.

>Notice how the weak and undesirables always the ones who die from cancer
not true at all

Hunger means the poor and homeless get killed, this is a good thing. Also, a lot of homeless are mentally ill so more subhumans get weeded out

Multi paragraph gibbering about semantics is a key sign of autism. Have you gotten a check up recently?

Feed Hungry
We all gonna die from sun radiation anyway.

Curing cancer > worldwide welfare state

curing cancer would entail massively advancing our medical knowledge. In the process wiping out many other diseases and perhaps even paving the way for accessible gene therapy, which would "fix" issues like sociopathy and genuinely low IQ.

But apparently your shit genes didn't give you the ability to think this stuff through.

You got that reversed.

It would be better through eugenics so only those who wouldn't get cancer in the first place

I may have Autism but at least I'm not a complete fucking retard like you.

If you cure cancer, feminism would cease to exist.

eugenics is primitive and people have proven they can't do it right. The future is taking control of our genome and actively modifying it.

It would also be protecting non whites

If by eugenics you mean genociding the entire human race, then yeah, that'll stop people from getting cancer for sure.

Eugenics is very unreliable compared to just doing Gene therapy especially if it has high efficiency.

>Feed the hungry
People die of cancer
>Cure cancer
Non poor people don't die of cancer
Starving people also can't die of cancer

Seems like one option benefits e everyone while the other just benefits one group of people

Eugenics well ensure a future for white people everywhere, disease and mental illness will be phased out entire

Here's the thing, curing cancer gets rid of cancer. Ending world hunger doesn't mean it ends world hunger FOREVER, it's just saying that at this moment no one goes hungry.

cure cancer. poor people still manage to be fat in america and it's for the best if africa/mud cookie countries slowly die out

you posted this 14 minutes after the thread started

shut the fuck up Karl, you manc twat

The poor are parasites, they don't deserve to live

Feed cancer

But it's just wierd innit?

true but curing cancer is a lot harder

>Super Bestfriend podcast 203
>They start talking about Saints Row, chick they have on goes on to say how she hates Johnny Gat because he's a white protagonist stereotype
>Gat is Asian and voiced by a face capped Korean actor. None of them throw her shade being being an idiot.

I expected more and got less, truth in their advertising at least

you vastly overestimate the effectiveness of eugenics.

>ensure a future for white people everywhere
but then again you're a troll so nevermind

Cancer removes just as many productive workers and children as it does the elderly.

Making sure that nobody ever goes hungry just means that less people will work since their number one priority, food, is taken care of.

All I'm sayin' is Africans, do we need 'em?

You can't say it's ineffective because the jews shut it down before it could be tried it impasse

Feed hungry.

Cancer is a side-effect of the population growth. Curing cancer will just make more hungry people as you cut down mortality rate.

Anyone that says cure cancer is a moronic fuck that thinks with their dick not their brain.

>It's the Jews' fault

Well now it really IS a Sup Forums thread

>Sup Forums - Ethics and Moral Dillemas

Edgy as fuck.

>Cancer is a side-effect of the population growth.

No hunger is a side-effect of population growth due to lack of distributed food to go around. Cancer came come from fucking anything,

They should all die so that we don't muddy our gene pool by letting people who were unlucky enough to get cancer to breed. Only the lucky should procreate or else we'll end up with less and less lucky people.

Cure cancer

You can always teach a man to fish.

is a fuckwit

Then why not get rid of cancer so those people can breed healthy children?

>t, leprechaun

Curing cancer implies the destruction of Sup Forums and the internet as a whole, so that.

The only people starving are dumb niggers in ass fucked Africa and Pajeet shitting on the streets.

Cancer is like hunger in terms of danger to the first world.

>No hunger is a side-effect of population growth due to lack of distributed food to go around.

The fuck are you talking about?

Most countries in the world throw out thousand of metric tons of perfectly edible food. Hunger is almost never caused by lack of distributed food.

Then there's this retard that doesn't know you literally need to pay to be allowed to fish in 99% of the world.

Also the mentally ill, subhumans with degenerate genetics. Kill every single one of them