What are you, Sup Forums?
I want to know who I am dealing with.
inb4 mods delete - this is Sup Forums related
What are you, Sup Forums?
I want to know who I am dealing with.
inb4 mods delete - this is Sup Forums related
the fuck is Sup Forums
I am become death, destroyer of worlds
I joined this morning
Why do you keep pusing newfag back further?
2007, fuck me.
When was the fappening? that was the first time
Here is the accurate one
I didn't.
This is literally me.
What is "Sup Forums"
Im on "Video Games". This is wierd, am I on the wrong site?
wait i thought i was on r/gaming
Came here to watch Rozen Maiden Traumend with Sup Forums
Get Suiseiseki out of 2003, her show wasn't out until the end of 2004
>reddit came in 2016
newfaggot detected
OP's pic is the original, slightly updated to fit in /vip/ and hiromoot and is much more accurate than your shitty shit fuck
t. OP
forever a newfag
2004, but I didn't come of age until 2012. I never posted though, just lurked.
Old enough to have browsed the site when frames were set to default and EFG was originally posting. Not old enough to have been around to see the cake loli board.
good boy
Ah, the good old times.
2006 after a guy in my class kept telling me
I don't remember
>le 8gag is the REAL Sup Forums
ok my dude
strong bait, you almost had me namecalling you
'06. I only remember because a friend of mine from school showed Sup Forums to me. I was only 12.
>mfw I saw real gore for the first time on Sup Forums
For days after I felt unclean, like I'd lost my innocence.
I'm Death and proud of it.
Rozen Maiden is still my favorite anime.
It's not. The picture doesn't imply that. But it's a important stage in 4chans history because many users left because of censorship and NEVER came back. Are you disputing that fact?
I think 8gag sucked and still sucks.
came for a sweet harvest moon thread on /h/
Same. That .gif of the guy falling off of a radio tower haunted me.
Oldfag. I have tried leaving but it never sticks.
same here
visit better boards, refrain from discussing video games.
This board is such shit.
fite me
>a thing that happened at least twice before is an important part of this terrible site
ok my dude
I first came here in late 2006, early '07. Was never really a regular though until recently. Mostly browse comfy late night threads on Sup Forums. Was going to Sup Forums for a while but that place is a low IQ shit show.
If you weren't so new you'd know there's been plenty of exoduses to other chans over the years. 8gag is nothing deserving its own stage.