Why did Metal Gear 5 do this before every mission. It let you know EXACTLY what you would be fighting and eliminated any amount of surprise to what you would be facing.
Metal Gear 5 Intro to Every Mission. Why?
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[A Hideo Kojima Thread]
Because Kojima is a hack and a wannabe film-maker
Because 5 sucked, get over it.
Kojima wanted some excuse to throw his name all over the place in the game to say fuck you to Konami and this was the most subtle way he could manage to do it.
>Guest Starring the Skull Units
this usually leads to me calling in my heavy weaponry
He wanted to make the game feel like a television series. Kojima however is sort of a dullard so his way of realizing this is by putting credits before every mission.
wow. masterpeez.
to remind you how awful Kojima actually is
>b-b-b-b-but muh EVWIL KONAMI :((((
gave him a near endless budget and all the time in the world only to shove out a half-finished game and wasted celebrity talent on a protag who ends up being more shallow than the autistic driver in Drive. It's also adorable seeing these same people try to defend 4 and PW which were also fucking garbage
Remnants of Peace Walker
Koji wanting missions to feel episodic
Retarded Kojima shills will say because it's a simulation and therefore plays out like a show. The truth is V was the tired resignation of a man who had grown weary of his own creation. So tiring that he cared not for how well it connected, nor for its conclusion. There might have been some greater intentions for V when it was first being made, such that would create the brilliant scenes that were shown very early on, but those intentions withered away as the project dragged on.
Because they wanted that 80's TV show feel.
Kojima's talent has been wasted by his focus on story. And it's only made worse by everyone dick riding some really awful writing.
God I hated this shit in both vidya and on TV. Every time I hear it the first thing that comes to mind is useless filler and padding out the plot
>guest Starring Sup Forums
>shit poster
>caramel without his trip on
>The man on fire
>mfw Extract Code Talker
Intentionally playing with expectations
That was one of the few notable missions since you're actually indoors for a change
m-muh cinematic experience!
I thought it was cool the first 3 missions but it quickly got really annoying.
Because he wanted it to be just like one of his favorite western TV series, Walking Dead or Game of Vikings or whatever was pop at the time.
I hate it too. It wastes your time and spoils everything.
Pretty much my main and only gripe with the game outside of the obvious mission 51 missing. If those two problems, The helicopter intro and missing ending, had been amended that game would easily be a 10/10 for me.
Currently 8/10 as it stands, which is lenient. Lack of proper ending should take off 2 points alone and repetitive helicopter rides was almost enough to take off another point but I managed to tolerate it through to a platinum trophy.
Kojima cant write a decent story to save his life. his next IP will be utter ass since it'll have such a unresolved story. Im not hoping that it'll fail but that'll it will reinforce my argument of him not being able to write a story for shit.
Peace Walker ruined the MGS series. TPP just being a bigger PW was shit.
hmmm wonder if this mission will be interesting
Because Kojima is a narcissistic hack who has been duped into believing himself an auteur by the vast majority of video game press / fans who think Marvel movies and Dan Brown books are as good as it gets.
That is so fake.
He might do better now that he doesn't have to be tied down by keeping a canon connected. but I have a feeling that freedom is gonna cause him to go full retard, he seems more like a set piece short story type of guy than someone that can write a full story with arcs and whatnot.
>not posting the superior version
>Hires a good actor like Kiefer
>Has him say pretty much nothing and then puts all his best lines in optional tapes
Most of the "tapes" where going to be actual cut scenes that they never got to finish, right? Kojima isn't that much of a hack that he would do something so stupid?
That's what a good portion of mgs v missions are. They tie in so loosely by "KIKONGO GENERAL #4 MUSTVE PURCHASED THIS WALKER GEAR FROM NONE OTHER THAN CIPHER, WE FOLLOW THE TRAIL WE FIND CIPHER" over and over, and none of these Kikongo or soviet generals get fleshed out in any way or mean shit st all.
Apparently he watched the new Mad Max near launch and decided he liked the way Max never talks and just grunts so he removed most of snakes lines
>game is about language
>words that kill
>vocal cord parasites
>lingua Franca (nobody used this fucking weird even in the 80s you pretentious hack)
Of course he's that retarded to do something so stupid.
Who you gonna call?
>Lingua Franca
It is used though? Maybe not everyday conversation, but that term is used.
a fucking detective over here
I mean I know it's used and that it's an actual term, but there's 0 reason to use it over just saying language. Its like that rule a lot of writers follow where you don't throw in big words just to sound smarter than you are because it sounds forced.
Elementary, my dear Watson.
>Venom strangling Ocelot
What? When did that happen?
He called him "Lefty" and a fight on Mother Base broke out.
>none of these Kikongo or soviet generals get fleshed out in any way
It's telling enough that you can only refer to them by their title (The General, The Major, The Number Two, The Human Trafficker, etc.) because nobody is ever given an actual name. It's so conspicious once you realize it that you have to wonder if it's supposed to be some kind of DEEP point as well.
What's wrong with being called lefty
It's not just 'language' it's language that's spoken predominately that's not the official language of that nation. Like how French was the lingua franca for diplomacy for a long time.