Which one is better?
Which one is better?
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Dark Souls 3, it's not even a contest.
Bloodborne, it's not even a contest.
Well Bloodborne is actually good, so that.
How many times are you going to make this thread?
>Bloodborne vs Bloodborne Lite
Did people actually like DS3? It was so straightforward. Zero exploration. A bonfire on every corner. Every boss pretty much required a sheild since they just attacked non-stop.
>casualized Souls spinoff vs an actual Souls game
I sank about 100 something hours into dark souls 3 and Im coming up on 30 something in BB (just started playing about a week ago)
One thing that I can say for sure is that BB is WAY easier than ANY of the souls games. Its extremely forgiving in comparison given the fact that youre constantly healing yourself and dashing with little stamina consumption.
I will say though that its atmosphere is better and so far its story actually kind of makes sense and is far less vague.
Theyre both VERY good games. Which one is better? I dont think theres an objective answer.
This and this.
The good bosses felt like cut BB content only you lack the tools to deal with them.
I just beat the first lord of cinder and dark souls 3 has been braindead easy so far.
Most of the bosses have so little health that I can just mash attack until they die and all the areas have been bland as fuck. Does it get better or do people who say its good just have shit taste?
I have beaten dark souls 3 multiple times and not once have I used a shield
you can look up a play through of a guy clearing DS3 without getting hit once
you are literally just bad at the game
>Does it get better
>Fallen Knight set
Fucking hell
>implying DaS has barely any aesthetic sets as it is anyway
>Never played DaS2
>Never bought boss armor in DaS3
I did actually find that area but don't have the item to get in yet.
Its a cool looking area but I doubt it will fix the problems I have with the game.
bloodborne has a superior aesthetic and the combat is just as fun. however, bloodborne is only playable at a pathetic frame rate.
thus, dark souls wins. but only by default.
Bloodborne doesn't rely on cheap fanservice to mask its flaws.
except for the
The main game has few really hard bosses. I can admit that. Every so often something will give you some trouble but once you figure them out they're piss easy. The late-game picks up with P. Sully, the last Lord of Cinder, NotFuckingSolaire, the Champ, Dancer, and the DLCs. Persist, user.
>and the DLCs
Ashes of Ariandel is the worst DLC for the entire series.
Mostly referring to the boss. Ariandel was fucking disappointing. Bigger area than Ariamis yet 1000x less interesting.
Shut the fuck up faggot. Go play Bloodborne where all the areas look the same.
>implying das3 doesn't have the exact same problem
wow I really love going through 3 swamps and a thousand different colored castles
Comparing rat shit to bat shit
Which is which in this comparison, also nice quints.
How does Dark Souls III compare to Dark Souls I?
>only exception is an area that's already been posted earlier in the thread
Guess what retard? Bloodborne had a snow level as well, its not exactly a novel concept.
Both games have the exact same problems with area and enemy variety. One exception doesn't change that.
Infinitely better.
Your game is still garbage mate
>and a thousand different colored castles
>Implying it's just one exception
>both games are fantastic pieces of video game history
>hurrr mines better than yours
t. neo Sup Forums
>people pretending DaS3 wasn't the lowest point in the franchise
I'd have to go with Bloodborne. There's nothing original about DaS3. It tries too hard with the references to old games and even reuses shit from BB. Seems like a last ditch cashgrab.
all dark souls games that arent DS1 are shit
Bloodborne is better and much more original.
Every FromSoft game has hitbox problems
How is CashGrab 3 anything like that?
>first time playing DaS1
>mfw got beat moonlight butterfly, capra demon, gaping dragon, and havel the rock last Knight after getting the Drake sword
It's finally clicking. Should I buy 3 or SOTFS afterward?
>after getting the Drake sword
You're going to be in for a wild ride come late game.
Not him but Dark Souls 3 probably takes the cake for best boss fights of any video game.
-Nameless King
-Soul of Cinder
-Borreal Valley Dancer
-Lorian and Lothric
I got the axe from the gaping dragon too but can't weild it yet.
SOTFS. Some people think it sucks but it's a very solid entry and 3 is too similar to 1 to play back to back.
>Another dull looking city/castle area where the only thing breaking up the gray is the piss color in the sky
wow...its almost like...every other area in the game...
We're talking about visuals here not gameplay.
The only difference visually to any other area is how vertical the area is and the ash (more gray) everywhere.
I'm guessing since you had to use an example from the dlc instead of the base game that means you're scraping the bottom of the barrel already?
>Drake sword
You're ruining the game for yourself guide reading scum.
BB actually feels like something new. DS3 is feels like a rehash.
DaS3 is is most lazy phoned in shit I've ever played. Doesn't even feel like its own game. Miyazaki is a hack fraud and has only made 1 decent and unique souls game
>has only made 1 decent and unique souls game
Forgot pic.
>Ruining the game by using a guide for a game that is cryptic for the sake of being cryptic
Hey look it's another "soulsborne" game ranking thread, oh boy I'm glad we can discuss this for the 155518181525th time!
I didn't include a pic because I figured DeS was implied, but yes you're correct.
His only other decent games are For Answer and Last Raven, but even those came after the Armored Core franchise was already dead and gone, so they're not THAT great
DaS shits all over DeS any day. Even DaS3 is leagues better than DeS. Stop being a hipster snowflake retard.
>Hiding secrets well is a bad thing
Every "cryptic" thing in the game is 100% optional and missing them won't hamper your enjoyment of the game at all.
Its fine to look that shit up on a second play through but doing it first time around is fucking retarded.
That drake sword guarantees you won't learn the game properly by the time shit gets actually challenging.
I look forward to the threads you'll make in a few weeks complaining about how O&S is literally impossible and Sup Forums tricked you into playing this piece of shit game.
>Which one is better?
It depends on which of me recently played
Dark Souls 3
>hurr demons souls came first so it's a better game
Fuck off
Sometimes DaS is just too damn cryptic I agree. I just 100% Blighttown and beat Quelaag and apparently I completely skipped Lower Undead Burg.
Shockwaves exist in Bloodborne? Suddenly I don't feel so bad that it never came to PC.
Holy fuck this thread, thanks for the laugh, faggots
They're in every game in the series
>the entire series is trash
Good point.
The sword becomes useless in the late game. Starting with an OP weapon will cause you to ignore the game mechanics you are going to need to master to beat the late game. As the other poster said O&S will crush you because of this.
Did you pick the Master Key as your starting gift? You usually need to fight the Capra Demon in the Lower Undead Burg to get the key to the Depths.
VERY hot fit my friend
*tips wolf grass*
Yharnam step is way better than rolling mechanics, the motion looks more natural and faster.
What's wrong with it?
Oh shit.
It's popular isn't it?
Oh god I have to log in and take it off if it's popular, I can't be seen using something everyone else does.
>ten years and you still can't play or enjoy demons souls
des has aged like shit
>Which one is better? I dont think theres an objective answer.
yes there is, it's bloodborne. also you haven't seen shit bro, see how easy it is in the DLC when the orphan rips you a new asshole
Yes. Started with Thief
It's aged just as much as DaS3 has.
You mean L2: the Boss, Episode 2? Ludwig's the actual scrub filter. You get past him and it's smooth coasting.
No it hasn't. It's faster and more responsive than dark souls1. A d for some reason des you tend to not use the lock on after a certain point but in das it's always on.
And dual wield katana is still the greatest weeb shit ever.
DaS3 is easy and unimaginative. There's less content than 2, the gameplay is worse than BB and the setting is just a bad imitation of 1. It's like, the leftovers-goulash of Souls games
Matthewmatosis says otherwise.
DeS would improve so much if it had Poise, Estus Flask replacing grass and drop attacks. It is great but I give Dark Souls the edge in regards to gameplay. I also prefer magic having limited charges instead of MP.
I found BB a lot harder. The combat is more about reflexes and reactionary whereas I'm used to enemies telegraphing attacks in the Souls games. Spammed vials and mashed R1 through most of the game if I'm honest. Severe lack of build variety too, but the amazing aesthetic and atmosphere made up for my gripes.
Dark Souls 3 because it has more enemy variety.
Nioh is better than both
Not him but i watched Matts entire DeS video. Half his reasoning for why it was "better" was because it was original and he even said some of those original things like world tendency wasn't good but it was original so he liked it.
That video was overflowing with bias out the ass. He reminds me of my friend who thought Evolve was going to be good because it was a "original idea" people like that need to be culled. We have enough tried and true game mechanics/setups where a game at this point should be designed tried and true with like 10% originality/mechanical experimentation to see if anything can be passed on.
Just aiming to be original even if it takes down the game as a whole is a idiotic idea. I do agree DaS3 has too many reactionary bosses and could've used some good puzzle ones like DeS but some bosses in DeS are trash and the worst bosses in BB are the puzzle ones. Oh which btw Micolash is Matts "favorite" because hes "original"
probably because you can't adjust mid-swing in das1 when free aiming. first thing i notice whenever i replay it is how stiff the combat feels
>DeS would improve so much if it had Poise
So wrong. Poise ruined PVP.
That's not even close to what he said you faggot.
Because being stunlocked by rapier spam is so much fun.
He's right when he says that the series has thrown away proven ideas though.
>Demon's Souls offered extreme non linearity
>Never done again
>Dark Souls has an interconnected world with design on par with Metroid Prime
>Never done again
>Dark Souls II introduced new enemy placement during NG+
>Never done again
And so forth.
BB is the only Soulsborne game i think is better then Nioh. Nioh has a much better mechanical system and feels like it has a higher skill ceiling then Souls games because of it.
The problem with Nioh is its enemy variety is so bad it drags the game down to below BB in my mind which without such a flaw it'd be so high above the Souls games it'd be comical.
You are now reminded of Nioh's enemy variety.
No need to dodge, just put on heavy armor and use an ultra greatsword. Defensive turtlers should off themselves.
I mean hes not wrong in some aspects but hes wrong in others. Some of those things are good and original some of the things he mentions are bad and were original.
Hell Souls games are Castlevania inspired and basically 3d metrovania in most ways so even though those things only exist once a piece besides NG+ enemy setups they've been done in other games and such before. Every original idea in Demon Souls mechanically like World Tendency is just awful.
DaS1 was the pinnacle of what was good about DeS carrying over. It was slightly non linear and had a great connected world. But From decided to go shit with DaS2 and then ill be pretend to be BB Souls 3.
The framerate is fine you baby. It could be better, yes, but it's perfectly playable.
At least that is fair.
No poise and PvP just becomes about who has the fastest weapon.
Its still better then the core Souls games. Its more challenging unless you abuse some truly broken shit which again you can do in DeS/DaS1/2 PVE as well so who cares.
Its just a shame. The enemies in Nioh have bigger movesets then Souls enemies but fuck its boring when they recycle the enemies you've seen in level 1-10 over and over with different color skins.
Honestly when the other two DLCs come out they should take the new enemies from all three and do a update sprinkling them to other missions.
World tendency was a good idea just not executed well. It works a lot better when you play offline.
>Arguing over Souls PVP
Its like a bad counterpick encouraged fighting game for retards. It has no execution outside of a weird camera tech or two and it has one of the most sheep heavy communities ever. I play DaS3 PVP to pass time randomly and whenever i see a weapon 100x over that was always decent its because some faggy youtuber did a video saying it was good because retards cannot think for themselves.
Jesus Gundyrs was everywhere for a week or two.
Why do they do this?