Why are there so few GOOD naval combat games?

Why are there so few GOOD naval combat games?

Large warships tend to be a bit cumbersome.

Closest thing I've found is Guns of Icarus, but it's fucking steampunk and followed the TF2 guide of ruining any chance at a consistent artstyle.
Still, the base concept is nice. Wish it was truly naval.



World of Warships is pretty fun.

Rebel Galaxy is a breddy gud ship combat game

Because the concept is fundamentally boring as shit

How is shooting at a speck on the horizon fun?

haha faggot


"few" there are none
the last naval warfare game i had fun playing was Battlestations Pacific, and that's far from a realistic representation. Regardless i found the CV mechanics fun, although damage control was better in Midway

Good reply

That's a nice advanced ship you have their, would be a shame if a pre-WW2 torpedo biplane defeated it.

Because the best one can't be topped.

Yeah but you're shooting at the best girls and not g00k trash

>no bulge on the girl
KanColle is so shit.

>It moved so slow the Bismark's AA guns could not be set low enough to keep track and hit it

Top kek.

>tfw you will never drop tallboys on the Tirpitz.


At least until you hit her in the rudder

Sup Forums
>Mobile games are so shit
>Slap a few hot girls on the cover
>Mobile games are amazing


Gross, that shitty game only exists to ruin discussion about this subject.

B-but it's a browser game!

>tfw successful patrol

Impossible to balance or you'll be stuck in a very specific limited timeline.

Naval combat could be fun if your were just one sailor on the ship and had no control over whether your boat got exploded by missiles or not.

Is it wrong to think the only reason to buy SH4 is to be able to get the U-boat dlc

Not wrong at all.


>sailor simulator in the vein of my summer car
>wander around the ship, officers yell orders at you
>technically have a role but you can do all the mechanical jobs in autistic detail, and you can do them properly or shittily and your incompetent superiors usually won't be able to tell the difference
>spend your time getting drunk, dodging the guy who wants to fuck you in the butt
>ship ends up getting blown up by a torpedo

Abyssals are better

Because if you want to practice naval combat just get on a boat pussy. All the cool combat sims are Space combat because you can't do that in the real world yet.

Where's hoppo?



the only difference between real life modern naval combat and video games is bad smells, worse food, and shittier displays

It was defeated by more than that.

Japan must be destroyed


Blackwake is fun but it is dead as fuck and the community is shit.

Nigga that's kawaii.

[Citation needed]

Prove the Bismark was not halted by A FUCKING BIPLANE and Royally BTFO.

There should be a game about one of the German auxiliary cruisers. Like the Kormoran. Patrol around looking for allied merchant ships to sink while dodging allied warships. Final boss is the Australian cruiser HMAS Sydney.

Too bad, they are just enemy fodder and never get developed.

Even on side materials.

What about navel combat games?