There will never be a Pokemon game better than these

>There will never be a Pokemon game better than these
>There will never be a remake better than these
It hurts.

But Platnium is better

Prefer the originals for their art.

I agree op
I'm buying a flashcart because of this game

Except youre wrong user

Platinum is GOTD but HGSS is GOAT

my man

also the music was a lot better, not that hg/ss music is bad

>Gen 5 trash

People still like Pokemon for the gameplay? I thought people were only into the porn

Say that to my face fucker

Hey, look, its one of the 10 Unovamons with a good design

I never REALLY played Black 2 now that I think about it.
I only played them in japanese with the menu and pokemon names translated.

There are better games both before and after HGSS, and a better remake before it in Pokemon alone.

First post best post.

The only game that even comes close to being as good as HG/SS that was released before it was Platinum. Every game before the Physical/Special split cant compare. Also the entirety of Gen 3 was absolute gutter trash, you only like them since you were 12 when they released. B2/W2 and S/M are the only games released after HG/SS to come close to them in terms of quality and quantity.

This "taste" makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time. Please delete this post, I am too tired for this rollercoaster of emotion.

are you a fucking gaymo hoennbaby

get fucked

t.johtoddler who saw all three pokemon movies in theatres

>Johtoddlers getting triggered
Come back when Kanto stops holding your hand.

Fuck off, nostalgiafaggot. Kanto is, was, and always will be absolute crap. In fact, the only games it's even half decent in is Gen 2 games + remakes. The originals were broken, sloppy messes and FR/LG is somehow even worse than the originals thanks to gen 3's garbage engine, locking you out of pokemon like Crobat and Blissey until postgame even though theres no reason you shouldnt be able to get them before that, making it impossible to obtain Umbreon amd Espeon AT ALL, removing day/night, using gen 3's horrible soundfont, making it so charmander learns metal claw before Brock, the joke of a postgame that was the Sevii Islands, and more.

>the only games it's even half decent in is Gen 2 games + remakes
>Being this delusional
I hate Gen I faggots as much as the next person, but at least Gen I can stand on its own feet. Gen II is just an expansion pack and may as well be just that. Johtoshitters have no right to act high and mighty when Gen II couldn't get any traction without Kanto.

Johto is 100x better than Kanto though. Every town is distinct and different whereas every town in RBY looks exactly the same. Theres also more dungeon variety instead of 3 caves that are all exactly the same and a rocket base. HGSS also added an extra route and the best safari zone in the series. Kanto is literally just icing on the cake in gen 2.

>t. Kantoboy

johtoddlers are the best

we grew up with the best

we are the best

eat my niggerfaggot shits

Gee whiz I wonder if these are falseflags or not


>the best safari zone in the series
You mean the shitty zone where you have to wait 100 days for Pokemon you can catch in other games in mere moments? And those unique environments harbor Gen I, or the shittier Gen II Pokemon. The good ones were held hostage in Kanto, forcing you to play with Gen I's yet again.

>Being this buttblasted you couldn't come up with a thorough argument

>Johtoddlers have to use a graph from one board to make their shitty gen look relevant

>You mean the shitty zone where you have to wait 100 days for Pokemon you can catch in other games in mere moments?
Lol what? You had every biome unlocked in like a week iirc, and the first biomes you unlocked were the ones that housed the Johtomons that were locked to Kanto in gen 2.
>And those unique environments harbor Gen I, or the shittier Gen II Pokemon.
You mean the two generations of Pokemon that were available at the time? Are you stupid, or something? Also Gen 2 pokemon blow gen 1 pokemon out of the water.
>The good ones were held hostage in Kanto, forcing you to play with Gen I's yet again.
I think there were like 50 pokemon you couldn't get until Kanto in HG/SS? And they were all Kantomons.

You're probably this guy replying to himself, so please stop, you delusional genwunner. This is embarrassing.

Sinnohfag, actually.
>Gen II Pokemon blow Gen I Pokemon out of the water
Gen IV had to make Gen II's roster worth using.

>Took 13 minutes to edit out the (You)s
Also it only took one gen to make Gen 2 have viable pokemon. It took gen 2, 6, and 7 to finally make Kanto's ocean of shitmon viable.

man, this chart is all out of whack
move sm down one, xy down two, oras up one, and make a new group between okay and really good, and move bw1 and the gba games there

Why would I ruin the chart like that
I honestly need to make a tier below shit tier and move B/W and the GBA games there, at least R/B had the excuse of being made in 1996 for being so shitty. R/S/E and B/W have no excuse.

Is this a single person trying to force this or are there people who unironically believe this hot pile of garbage is actually good?