What video games do you play while smoking weed Sup Forums?
What video games do you play while smoking weed Sup Forums?
Geometry Wars 3
literally every video game
I haven't been able to enjoy a video game sober for over a decade
took a break from smoking for 4 months and played like 30 minutes in that time. what a pointless waste of time video games feel like if you're sober.
Hyperdimension Neptunia
I don't smoke weed
My highschool friends seem to always smoke weed when they hang out now though
I want to hang out with them again but I dont really want to smoke...
I smoke as often as I can throughout the day, so most of them. I don't like playing rockband or guitar hero, but I definitely see performance enhancing effects in multiplayer games.
were you the guy who dude'd when I weed'd last week?
sex feels so bad when you're high
video games are no exception, all you do is gray out and expect everything to go your way
if you're friends aren't cunts they'll be totally fine with you not smoking weed but wanting to just hang out
I don't smoke weed. I don't need any sort of enhancer to enjoy my games
DUD-...ah fuck it.
Just play some mil sims. Like Squad.
completely the opposite
>trying to make dude weed pals
lmaoing at ur life user
Weed literally kills braincells
Fuck off tripfag
>tfw government employee and not allowed to smoke
I smoked weed and I could never play games good while high. I was smoking oil though so that's probably why. I gave up weed because it was making me emotionally dead inside and depressed. Be warned if you smoke it long enough you might become an addict like me. I kicked it about 7 months ago and couldn't be happier. Sober life is the life for me, now I actually enjoy my hobbies and gaming again. I am not saying drugs will ruin your life just don't be stupid and know there's help out there if you abuse it.
almost any mgs that isn't 4
horror games like sh2 or dead space whatever, i guess any game with good atmosphere could be potentially fun while high
and the car football one too
weed is for degenerates.
i hope they catch you and you spend the rest of your life in jail.
Mario Cart with friends or Halo 2 multiplayer was my fav when i toked
i know what you're talking about, they say weed is not addictive, but when you're already depressed, or inclined to be, even weed can make everything boring and pointless while sober
Darks souls 1-3 and smash bros with friends.
I can't smoke anymore because of a medical condition called hypoglycemia that i got from ciggeretes, soda on a empty stomach, alcohol and withdrawls after 1 1/2 years of a pint of whiskey and 2 40's everyday (cortisol got fucked), not eating enough, and smoking cannabis though it barely lead to it by itself
(im in a state of insulin shock, and because cannabis cannabis produces insulin, its a terrible experience, also can't have sugers or carbs)
Games like DaS are SO much better when high
>1 1/2 years of a pint of whiskey and 2 40's everyday
for what purpose
rising storm 2
civ 6
i really dont find games that enjoyable without weed anymore
sure i'll play better if i'm sober but after a day or two i realize it's not nearly as fun as i'm just clicking on heads rather than immersing myself into the game
I love music when im drunk. Also, friends (usually bring your own bottle)
How'd you edit the taco out of that gif? That's pretty good
weed is for degenerates
i smoked one weed and suddently traps didn't seem that gay
traps don't even exist outside the internet
Its called being gay
Grats user, you secretly suck dick.
I smoked the Devil's lettuce once... three weeks later I was selling blowjobs for heroine