ITT: obscure ports
ITT: obscure ports
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[every western game for the wii]
Was that actually any good?
Did it utilize the tablet well?
>batman: now with electric boogalo gloves!
>comfortable control scheme
>"full" THPS gameplay
>intact soundtrack
>impressive frame rate/visuals for an NDS game
>YFW this is a plot point in Origins
It's literally Arkham City except with shocker's gloves, thank god i never played Origins
Vita got some weird shit
i bet litterally nobody has played this XD
Was it good tho?
that mickey looks uncanny
Its probably the second best Arkham game behind Asylum. AC and AK are consolized garbage and pure capeshit.
thats what she said....hehe
Nice try, WB Montreal.
>somehow less consolized than AC/AK
you're full of shit m8
try harder next time
Snake Eater for the 3DS. The one great thing about it is once Naked loses his eye the 3D stops working
origins is unironically good I agree. It gets so much undeserved hate
so is AK, but nobody gives it credit because of it's PC release state, same goes for Origins
This game was so fucking fun.
You're shitting me
That's actually kind of neat, shame that port is so shit.
I just remembered I bought Street Fighter IV on my 3DS with humble bundle and never downloaded it.
It was the first game I played on 3DS
blops wii
with a hacked N3DS and clock settings, the framerate issues are nonexistent, it's a functioning port now
No, it didn't even get any patches. WB dropped it like a hot potato.
How so? Does it make sure the framerate runs at a locked 30 or what?
pretty much, played it for the first few levels a while ago and it was a stable 30
>port chaos theory
>give him the new shitty look
its the only version WHITOUT the game breaking bugs though
The comfiest port of RE1
Top this.
git gud pleb
I didn't like origins that much, had a lot of recycling and generic stuff but i still think it was good, and nailed boss fights and characters a thousand times better than the Rocksteady ones, still city and especially asylum have god-tier atmosphere.
DS = Deadly Silence
No, faggot, it's not the only version without the bugs just because it's the one you played, faggot.
I still remember losing my shit when nintendo revealed a new handheld running chaos theory and MGS3. Where has the time gone?
For the one rich kid whose parents buy them everything who just had to have a portable version of SSX3 back when it came out
Just quickly watched a video of its gameplay. Its visuals actually do look really nice. It could probably pass off as being a 3DS game with tiny tweaking.
The game is literally locked in engine at 20fps you retard lol
>$200 for an esrb rated copy
fucking why
Jet Set Radio got a GBA port by the same team that handled the Tony Hawk GBA ports.
I'm actually a little annoyed that it doesn't emulate well on my PSP.
What am I looking at?
That was sort of a thing, I think Guilty Gear had one called "Dust Strikers" and I was legit worried that No More Heroes 2 was going to end up on the system.
Remember when COD was on the DS and it looked like shit?
Symbian port for Dawn of sorrow. It was a pretty solid port, the signs were numbers presses on your phone.
The DS WaW community was great.
>implying Arkham Knight didnt encapsulate Red Hood's childish, unreasonable brooding edge perfectly
t. doesnt have a n3ds
Its been 7 years since the 3DS has been announced and people were optimistic about games. So yes.
To this day, there's no better looking game than Resident evil revelations. Now, when I say better looking game I meam for a realistic art style. There are better looking games but with cartoony or colorful styles.
Are there more games like that on the 3ds? I can only think of Splinter cell, Metal Gear, Resident evil, Ironfall Invasion and that Asylum ds game that got ported
Inventory management but it sucked ass, it wasn't intuitive, and had a huge "button" to activate the power up which was charged pretty quickly, catwoman didn't show her boobs.
Aside from that the game was the same as the other versions, it had all the DLC and looked good.
I bought origins on PC day one and had literally no porblem, was the game buggy or something?
i've heard this so many times and I just don't get it. That Bane fight is like a shittier version of Mr. Freeze, how is that nailing boss fights?
the control scheme is great
>Disk 1 of 2504
How do you even play this? Is it a tap game?
It's not bad, it's not good, and I could never 100
% it because it doesn't tell you what's left to collect.
AC > AK > AA > AO
Full game only playable in nVidia devices I suppose
>You will never play ds cod with your bros again
It only works with more powerful miniconsole stuff, it's a pretty ass port though
>tfw Return to Arkham doesn't have that suit
I mean, it looks horrible, but they promised all the content. They should've included that.
The main issue was a game-breaking bug that corrupted your savestate, along with other reproducible bugs that caused constant crashing on PC, but you're right, not everyone suffered from the issues.
It's a fucking shame that Arkham Knight's release was so bad that they pulled it from Steam for a limited time, after the fixes the game runs butter smooth. At least the reviews are finally above 70%
You can go out and buy a physical copy of San Andreas for PS3 at Wal-Mart or GameStop right now. Or not, because it's a terrible port.
it's not, it's a shitpost
Bane was so forgettable that i remember the croc sewer sequence in Asylum more clearly than i remember it
Remember that weird period where third party publishers kind of sort of supported the Wii U?
I am ashamed, but I did buy this.
Resident Evil 4.
For the Zeebo.
Ever wondered what RE4 would look like with N64 graphics? Now you know
Fun fact, this is a port from the iPhone version.
>king combos
Why are the zombies blue...?
This title was actually fun as fuck. Basically it was CoD4 except you used the zapper to aim and shoot. It was the only light gun game I've ever played that wasn't on rails and it actually worked really well. The multiplayer was also fun and pretty funny sometimes because there was no cheat protection, so you'd get hackers with Wii Remote icons in their name jumping around the map spamming grenades - but only every once in a while because remember, this is the Wii, so most of the players are just well meaning kids who want to play cod but their parents didn't get them an Xbox.
Also, the best part of multiplayer? No voice chat.
I still hold that this is the best Call of Duty title ever made.
You are like a little baby
>1 of 2504
>the cough-ex-i've
What were they thinking?
I'm impressed, it usually takes a lot to impress me
I don't even want to imagine how shitty this must be to play
Probably not that much worse than the shitty ps2 version
I had it
I'm surprised how good the sound quality was for that
I've almost beat it on my phone. The screen controls actually work well, but I have a bluetooth controller I hook it up to.
Your phone can easily be the handheld emulator machine everyone wants so badly.
Lurked thread, saw or knew everything, didn't even know this game existed. A light gun version of CoD 4 for the Wii... Well fuck me. And what do you mean not on-rails, does it play like Cabela's big game hunt?
Because it had an EXTREMELY limited run on vita, to the point that most websites just mention the physical copies were yurop only
Basically normal controls but you use the wiimote for aiming
No dude. The game is hardlocked at 20 FPS. No getting around that. Best you can do is have a stable 20.