There are people on this board right now that think this is the best Crash game

>there are people on this board right now that think this is the best Crash game

Those people are right


Because it is.

Their brains would be working properly then.

The Naughty Dog Crash trilogy is the only video game trilogy that got progressively better each game.


2 = 1 > 3

2 > 1 = 3

Warped is the best of the original trilogy by far but CSB has far more secrets and shit to discover

>Crash 2 quietly phases out the Australian island and nature vs. technology themes that were in the original
>the gameplay is better for it

How interesting.

Nigger what the originals and remasters are exactly the same game with newer graphics

Too easy besides cold hard crash and some secret stages.

Crash's jump arc is smaller in the remake, makes platforming in the first game harder. Also some of the obstacles are broken/activate earlier then they should.

Honestly I find it harder than part 1. The only thing harder in part 1 is those couple of bullshit levels like The High Road

They didn't have source code so no it isn't "exactly the same:

They used the original's geometric code.

On the subject of secret stages, I liked that 2 actually mixed it up with getting the colored gems. 3 is just
>death route
>death route
>death route
>"secret" warp entrance that's piss easy to get into and doesn't require any lateral thinking

Some of the secret entrances in 2 were well done but there will always be one that will always baffle me on how people were supposed to figure it out.

are you really gonna make me ask user

Its the easiest

Pleb opinion: 3>2>1
Wrong opinion: 3>1>2
Correct opinion: 2>3>1
Retarded opinion: 2>1>3
Hardcore opinion: 1>2>3
Contrarian opinion: 1>3>2

Such as...? The only two I can think of are the Green Gem and the Purple Gem. And they're dead giveaways anyway because they do something out of the ordinary to spark a thought process of whats going on here?

Meanwhile Crash 3 had two secret levels, crashing into a sign with an alien icon on it and dying to a certain enemy. How did anyone figure these out 20 years ago?

Crash Bash best game

The thing with crash 1 that I always hated was the save system had to always reserve a easy level for the gem save, also, grinding lives for later levels was a chore because the life crates only works once per playthrough, after that they just become regular wumpa crates, only exception being the n.brio bonuses.

Most of the secrets were at least slightly telegraphed.

The one in Un-Bearable however, you would never get without knowing about it beforehand or just messing around.

just keep playing the n.brio stage on The Lost City. You get 6 lives a shot and it's piss easy

I never got why there's a golf ball behind the 2

I've noticed this a bit too often.
Kinda driving me insane.

Thats the moon user.

That's not how you spell "Team Racing"

Well the first Crash had obvious rough patches and errors, and Warped was weighed down with too many gimmick stages, so doesn't that put 2 in the perfect position of refined platforming, but not too heavy on gimmick stages yet?

why is the first post always the highest quality and most factually accurate post

how the fuck am I supposed to get past this


>not n. sane
You had one job, user


The one in Un-bearable was the one. The game consistently makes the point of falling down holes = bad. I mean, they did mark it with the three planks but fuck, who would jump down a hole on purpose?

Hi how's it going

Yes, sorry I forgot about that one, thats a legitimate.

Stop blowing raspberries at every first post you see, you mouthbreathing fuck