

shit taste but ok



I'm indifferent on the first 3, but I fucking hate OWB

>his taste is this bad

OWB's narrative was great and so were most of the locations, the two biggest things that ruin it for me are the constant enemies spawning that at high levels are just annoying to fight, and that fucking school you need to go through a total of 4 times with night stalkers and military cyber dogs.

>le serious gamer with a sophisticated sense of humor

OWB was good fun. kill yourself my dude.

>Playing Nu Vegas at all

the only 'good fun' in OWB is killing the Think Tank


tldr; the guy who wrote this thinks the brotherhood deserves the mojave


Finally. 100% agree.

>kill the guy who shot me and helping people fuck robots
>bad premise

Why is that?

Memes is not a valid critique.

I dont know how people think LR is so damn amazing. I thought it was ok I guess. And dead money was so tedious that I just said fuck it after a bit and tgm'd the end because I couldn't stand it any more

>LR above anything
The only thing good from LR are the Ranger Armors

The humor wasn't for me, Big MT isn't that interesting to explore, the school level, and it's a slog to get through.The giant scorpion was interesting but the rest of the enemies weren't memorable. There is no one to talk to besides the Think Tank, and the combat locations weren't good enough to make up for the lack of NPC's throughout the rest of the map.


>Who will? They're all dead!
Christ I knew he wasn't paying attention but I didn't think he was that retarded.

Don't forget about EDE and good loots.

Did Mobius have his voice pre-recorded on his robo-scorpions or was he talking through them?

Is it me or is this illegible?

I'm pretty sure it was all pre-recorded.

>Stop that! You'll damage he hull!

The Good:

>comfy exploration
>Joshua Graham
>Randall Dean Clark
>best story
>interesting companions
>interesting characters
>lots to explore

The Bad:

>weak story
>combat (ghosts)
>red fart
>everything especially Ulysses
>who the fuck thought spawning night stalkers everywhere you go was a good idea

the story and characters carried HH and DM. But LR and OWB for me at least had uninteresting stories that made everything else worse. LR atleast had some good loot but I can't remember a single thing from OWB that was worth keeping.

gord help this man

>>who the fuck thought spawning night stalkers everywhere you go was a good idea

I was under the impression he's partially in control, or at least watching the live feed. He starts mumbling and talking to the robots if they lose sight of you.

>can't remember a single thing from OWB that was worth keeping
>that weird halo thing
>the sink

The Stealth suit from OWB is waifu material.

>best story
I beg to disagr-
jesus h christ

Name one (1) wrong thing with ED-E

None of the NV DLC is worth playing so I find it kind of pointless putting them in tiers.

OWB > DM > LR = HH

>he doesnt like ED-E

you don't have to play Honest Hearts to get the best part out of it but I think most of the fun of Dead Money is going through the hard as nails gameplay for the loot at the end.

Too bad it's worthless.

>LR not in dead fucking last
Objectively wrong

DM > OWB > HH > LR

DM: Absolutely loved the story, location, atmosphere, and premise of Dead Money. Had amazing voice acting, really tragic backstories, and I actually enjoyed the playstyle of being sneaky and scared.

OWB is practically fetch quest the simulator but it had great dialogue and some nice backstories as well. Exploring the Big MT is probably the best environment in all of Fallout for me cause it feels like a relic of the past.

Honest Hearts had little in ways of plot but Joshua Graham and Randall Clark were really high points. Probably one of the best characters.

Lonesome road was a bit linear and Ulysses was too preachy but it wasn't too too bad. I enjoyed the Divide because it was complete destruction we hadn't seen anywhere else in the series.

So all DLC's really excel at somethings while not so much in others. It's a bit hard to tier them because they have some really good pro's but I still prefer DM for the atmosphere and story.

I agree with everything you said except the part where Ulysses wasnt too bad.
He ruined LR by himself.

I honestly don't get the hate for Ulysses. I thought he was an okay antagonist.

You an find out that the doctor's wife died, but you have to ask Sarah in the strip vault. If you don't play it, don't judge it.

The brotherhood live in a hidden bunker for a reason. If every brotherhood member that ventured out had a note/tape/map saying the way back to the bunker, the NCR would have found it and wiped them out.

A lot of the times you can't really do unmarked quests without reading notes and dialogue and stuff. if you read dialogue about helios 1 in teh game, you would have found out that the gun bought from the kid is a superweapon. It has no related quest, because you have to find out on your own. Isn't that what you wanted?

This is probably bait, but there is a lot of validity to the rest of your points. That said, they apply to fallouts 3-4.

The robot is fine, but the dialogs with it in LR seem like they'd been written by a fat creepy woman who treated it as a surrogate baby. It's a floating TV screen that suddenly acts like an overly emotional dog and your courier only has a choice of fawning over it kicking it for no reason. It made my skin crawl.

Hyped in the vanilla game and three other DLCs, then you find out he's just a crazy idiot who you can calm down without speech checks.

they hyped him as some incredible foe that would test the stability of the entire mojave and he is just some legion shill that didn't like the courier. bear and bull

I don't speak for the others but I enjoyed lonesome road because it was a tough, but fair challenge.

HH was flat out easy, but that's okay- its about exploration and discovery

OWB offered a challenge in that the neemies were bullet sponges, but once you got th eproton inversal axe, it was just kiting the same gorillion health enemies for ages whiel slapping off miniscule bits of health.

Dead money was actually challenging, but it was a cheesy kind of challenge. It didnt expect you to be good at combat, it just cheesed you by fragging your neck, which basically forced savescummiing.

Lonesome road's challenges were the tough enemies, especially at places like the couriers mile, long 15, dry wells, Cave of abbadon, Rawr. They offered a challenging and rewarding fight, without using cheese tactics. It's a true test of the player's combat skills only really present in Deadwind Cavern, deathclaw promotory, and Camp Golf/the Fort.


Posts like this are why I didn't play any of the DLC beyond HH. HH was fucking awful. Graham wasn't as good as I hoped he'd be, the environment was fucking awful to traverse, and the only remotely high point was searching around for that old dudes notes. If the other dlcs are WORSE than that then fuck that im not wasting my time.

OP has shit taste, but at least he has a taste of his own.

Reminder to help revive /cfog/

Not him, but stealth is literally impossible in OWB either by design or because of a glitch. Everything needs to be faced head-on and it's retarded. The map is boring as all hell. I just finished it for the first time and I hated it. I'm glad I got it out of the way before moving onto the others. The inclusion of Stripe as a wild wasteland encounter was clever though.

>I didn't play through this content to form my own opinion because of memes on Sup Forums

Patrician taste for once. But don't worry summerfriends, you'll learn to appreciate HH once your pubes start growing, until that: stay salty.

I just realized I don't remember what the game is like without jsawyer ultimate and a dozen other mods I always use.

My only issue with your taste, OP, is that you put THE BEAR AND THE BULL over OWB. No need to project your silky smooth balls on us.

Play the rest of them and form your own opinion. Lots of people think HH is the worst because of your opinion. You might like OWB's humor or Lonesome Road's atmosphere. getting your opinion from Sup Forums is retarded especially if you already own the other DLCs

Damn it man, put some effort into your shitposting.

I know right? XD

What a Penisfinger he was, haha!

OWB rules!

Unironically agree. OWB was just a bunch of obnoxious ""humor"" with no actual hook to it at all.

it's a personal thing. If I had to do an objective look on all of them, LR is definitely the weakest. Ulysses is just so damn uninteresting and he is the center of the whole fucking thing.

killing subhuman, serving jews, what kind of Sup Forumsack made HH?

Honest Hearts is fine, but its biggest crime is just being boring.

Dead Money is stealth and narrative based, its pretty good but if sneaking isn't your thing then you are going to hate it.

Old World Blues is fun, great area to explore and is a good laugh. Not exactly hard but the enemies are bullet sponges, but has the best gear in the game.

Lonesome road sucked, its probably the only thing you get of challenge but it gets hyped up so much by the other dlc's that when you finally get to it, its hard to experience anything but disappointment.

BEAR AND BULL had good combat at least. Best combat in the whole game. It sure beats kiting six gorillion health scorpions in a huge circle around the crater for 10 minutes swinging away multiple full durability proton axes because you're apparently not allowed to sneak or talk your way out of anything.

Problem is they made him choose to nuke whatever faction you'd supported by that point, so instead of having an actual consistent motivation and philosophy he's got this multiple-choice nonsense that doesn't mesh at all

The the setting of OWB was completely superior though. The place itself, sentient appliances, the motivations behind everything when you get to the end and lets not forget the delicious stealth suit. I'll admit the humor was less than stellar, but it was a better experience than LR.
I'm pretty sure you get to pick who to nuke if you pass a skillcheck.

Lonesome Road was fun to explore at least. The Big MT was fucking 'MT' of anything interesting.

I just purchased New Vegas and I'm looking for some mods that are just improvements, nothing lore-breaking or anything of that sort, any recommendations?

Linear Road was not fun to explore, it was a hallway with nukes and nucler-powered ghouls and radioactive deathclaws and burrowing pokemon that we're supposed to think are dangerous.

LR is a hallway, my dude.

Project Nevada
Enhanced Camera
Nevada Skies/Fellout
Enhanced Blood
Preferred ENB
Texture Packs

I mean Ulysses himself and his decision. And the fact that he has the ironclad will and utter insanity to launch nukes at people for a personal vendetta and make backup plans so that the nukes fly even if he dies, but then he can be talked out of it all with a two-minute conversation

a hallway with interesting stuff is better than a empty canyon

Truth. The Marked Men were pretty interesting, the guns were definitely better than OWB's sci-fi-fag fapbait, and the upgrades to ED-E made for fun mechanics if a completely uninteresting side-story. My gripe's just with Ulysses himself, like I said

>burrowing pokemon that we're supposed to think are dangerous
They fucked my shit up a few times.

And I got killed by raiders. Doesn't mean we're supposed to think raiders are some wort of unstoppable doomsday scenario slowly encroaching on human civilization. Tunnelers are shitty writing.

Genuinely curios, for those that think OWB isn't funny, is it because it's too silly? What would be funny fallout dialogue to you? I can kind of understand how the toaster would be less funny on subsequent play throughs but I feel like the whole totally misguided good intentions narrative of the tank is hilarious

>Tunnelers are shitty writing
They are, but they also hit like a deathclaw.

penis fingers

2 words out of the whole script?

every dialouge with the think tank boiled down to them being crazy. it's amusing the first time but every other time the 15 minute conversation with them makes me want to shoot myself. the school is also atrocious. The same joke about him hating school is played while you have to search for some dumb fucking terminals while being hunted by bullet sponge military cyber dogs that kill you in a few hits. the SINK is alright, but not good enough to make me think anything that postitive of OWB. penis fingers

Does the majority of Sup Forums not run project Nevada?

Good Fallout humor is dry, witty, and grounded, stuff that fits into the gritty-but-off-kilter setting. OWB jokes are "lol so randumb" shit that you'd expect to hear dribbling out of someone wearing a Deadpool t-shirt


Would like an example to back up that point, friend. I can see where anyone would label it HURR REDDIT non sequiter drivel, but I fail to see where people want to cast it out as trash humor wise when most of the highlites come from similar quips from side characters in the main experience

The remarks from people in the main game are grounded in a character's personality and happen every so often. In OWB it is a nonstop barrage of random lines that I never liked

>it just isn't for you/10

This. It's like if instead of one left-field joke about "long-dick Johnson", Cass just followed you around the whole game screaming "Large penis! I once knew a man with a large penis, and twice knew a man with an even bigger penis!"

>supported House through the entire game
>Ulysses keeps acting like I'm Mr. NCR

He's so damn poorly written.

You disgusting neutral, it's Bear and Bull. Not Bear, Bull, and Steve.

"My caravan keeps getting dicked over. Reminds me of Long Dick Johnson, he had a extremely long penis. Also had penises for his fingers." x10000

Ulysses is first hyped up as being one step ahead of you everywhere. He was stumping the Think Tank before you were! He was saving Christine before you were! He was outsmarting Elijah before you were! He found all the cool hidden spots before you did! He watches your every move in the Divide - if you can even spot him!. Then he turns out to be an incredibly pompous asshole of Metal Gear Rising caliber except played without any irony, constantly calls you out on being in bed with NCR or Legion even if all you did was one inconsequential fetch quest for them, and the dialog doesn't even have the option of telling him to fuck off.

At least you can blast him in his stupid ass while he's busy posing in front of the flags in his temple.

OWB feels like it was written by the same people who wrote all of Veronica's dialogue.

I couldn't stand that reddit-speak twat even before I heard Felicia Day was the VA. It was like having a character written by Joss Whedon follow you around.

Not to mention you need to be liked by the NCR to do a main quest. Fucking bullshit.

This needs to be a mod

>All of Cass' dialog is replaced by Carlos tier puns involving dicks

So you're saying that it's not that the dialogue isn't funny, but that there's just too much of an emphasis on humor to the point where it's unenjoyable? My point is that when fallout is funny it's exactly in the nature OWB is abundant in, calling it stupid or banal is tardomagoo shit

What are some must have mods that still keep the game vanilla?

This game is good and I enjoy it a lot

>played HH for the first time while drunk
>only remember following the marker from one place to the next, killing tribals everywhere
>also there's a mummy and a guy in a hat
I finished it but couldn't tell you what happened, but I remember lotting an old shop.