So we have finally reached Pixar level graphics. PC wasn't even able to accomplish this first.
Xbox and Nintendo and suicide watch.
Sony always wins, baby.
So we have finally reached Pixar level graphics. PC wasn't even able to accomplish this first.
Xbox and Nintendo and suicide watch.
Sony always wins, baby.
Other urls found in this thread:
Sony needs to make remakes cuz their games are shit
>PC needs ports because their games are shit
>Microsoft needs backwards compat because their consoles are shit
>Nintendo needs rehashes because their 3rd party support is shit and their consoles are weak
Videogames are shit.
we reached that with insomniac, thank you very much.
No, this looks more like a late 2000's Dreamworks. And much worse in motion. Let's be real here, or there's nothing to aim for.
Can I just say, I love Crash to bits, and in all of the elements of this slightly mediocre remake, I cannot stand the way wumpa fruits look, they look so out of place and strange?
Anyone else get that?
check your eyes, DreamWorks early stuff looks super dated compared to this
>he didn't play Ratchet and Clank on PS4 in 2016
Pc reached modern levels of Pixar a long ago.
I mean, if you say so.
nope you're just n-sane.
The motion blur hurts my eyes in so many levels
I like the game but honestly this does not look good. It's very noticeably blurry.
But has Ps4 reached the level of 2d hand drawn fluidly animated graphics like they used to do in the old times.
Never ever Sony ponies.
Never ever Sony ponies.
Honestly why does anyone ever play more the one game per genre?
If you do I hope you understand you're just playing the same game but slightly different.
This logic works for every genre.
Unless it improves the gameplay to make it more fun then the best already, then you have no reason to ever play anything else.
>chromatic abomination
pls no
>pixar-level graphics
lel, you wish! At least Pixar movies can hold their framerate stable!
>indie '''''''games'''''
>also on steam
LMOAing at your life
>Ori is a "game", not a game
Gee, I wish I could tell the difference
No seriously how can this shit only run 30fps
But can it run at 60fps?
How is Cuphead not a game?
Because it dares to not push the console's processing power to its absolute limit.
Pixar movies run at 24 FPS.
We've been reached those levels if you're one of the twenty people who played Tearaway Unfolded.
That's a generic fur shader, which is something that's been done for years. Disney renders fur hair by hair.
Pixar movies aren't video games.
>Disney renders fur hair by hair
why do they do this?
Because they can? Animations are rendered, not played in real time.
Because it looks way better
Because it looks REALLY good if done properly. Take a look at the hair related horseshit with Moana. They had to make a new program altogether just so what hair does in that movie would even happen.
Why not?
"realistic fur on 3d cartoon animals" will always look like garbage
Fuck off you console warring piece of shit you're the reason this place is such a shithole if you even have a ps4 go play it instead of being a fucking loser trying to start arguments with literal nobodies over fucking nothing
how ironic that you'd post right after a good example against your argument.
Oh, okay.
I wonder what level of cartoony graphics could a game made from the start for a high end PC build (8 fucking core ryzen + gtx 1080 or some shit) if a weak weak weak PS4 runs pic related at 1080p/30fps
Yea i agree remasters and remakes are way better than playing acualy original games especial fi those games are not AAA Sony exclusives.
Because everyone knows the quality of game is directly proportional to how much money it went in to making it and whether or not its a Sony exclusive.
Or a remaster of a game i already like and can play but now it has better graphics.
To be fair fucking everyone cried about remastering Crash
You know what woulda been better than a Crash re?
A new Crash game
only because of cinematic effect you fucking retard.
Most films are 24fps.
>pixar level graphics
You mean completely flat textures and shitty flat lighting
Yeah good job, we already had that in DOS era and it ran faster than 5fps
That would call for an industry that wasn't so stuck on playing it safe.
I can't be the only one who dislikes how the game looks
Look at ratchet and clank game, looks fucking superb
>console wars
kys you corporate sheep
If you actually read the thread you'd know just about everyone is telling OP to fuck themselves.
Something looks off with the lighting/colometry in this game.
His fault for trying to start console wars
This is true.
It can probably run higher but it's locked to 30 because the original was 30 and for games like platformers where precise control is required the increase in frame rate has a far bigger effect on gameplay than most it would in most other genres, and they wanted to keep it as accurate the originals as possible. It could probably run at a steady 40~fps if it wasn't locked I imagine.
>PC wasn't even able to accomplish this first.
Rather, not a single Developer ever even attempted to replicate Pixar Movies' style because most likely they didn't felt it would fit their game.
>that blurry ass looking fair
>those plants
>that rock texture
>pixar level graphics
a fucking game from 4 years ago looks better
>blurry ass looking fur
I fucked up
This game really hurts my eyes. I can only play it for 15 minutes then I feel like I'm causing irreparable damage to my eyes.
Xbox One version coming later in the year. Probably will be best version with Xbox One X support.
It's that and the framerate
That genuinely looks horrific. It's ugly as sin. It's not like it's even a master class in textures.
>Games STILL don't look as good as Toy Story 2
Sasuga OP
I know you're trolling but this is the exact reason why the MOBA genre is ruled by League and DOTA
HOTS only exists beside them because one of the biggest pc companies in the world made it.
Smite only exists because it has console versions.
>Nintendo needs rehashes because their 3rd party support is shit and their consoles are weak
Did you ever played a game in your life
I had better see some of this kind of shit on the Switch. Just unique or interesting games. That's all I need. Four or five and I'll be happy.
it's got some good elements but the post-processing isn't great, the FoV is probably 60 - 75 in this picture which is awful and it looks desaturated?
>Microsoft needs backwards compat because their consoles are shit
wtf is this mental gymnastic?
Ori can be run trough with no problem
there is no challenge at all
so same speed of PS4 games then
Games have surpassed Toy Story 1 level graphics years ago.
>Those graphics
>Pixar level
You're joking right? It might be better graphically than Monsters Inc but the movies after that, no just no.
Well, we've already got ARMS, so you're 1/4 of the way there.
I like Crash's and R&C's look but I'd say the graphics resemble more a TV cgi series like Dragons or Grizzy and the lemmings.
Yeah probably in fairness, I'm just waiting for a little price drop as it looks too content light for me.
Crash is the ugliest game I've seen since Life of Tiger, the fur in Tropical Freeze a WiiU game is better.
>He thinks Crash won't come to Steam
>Pixar level graphics
kek, no.
Get your eyes checked.
>ps4 gets yet another Pixar level looking game
Meanwhile PC exclusive in 2017
If publisher cut off pc port, pc gaming would be on par with mobile
>he still believes some balkan retailer after even the devs themselves said its full exclusive
imagine being this delusional
You can say this about crash 2 and 3 as well though.
Why are you so butthurt that you bring up PC out of nowhere?
That's an artstyle and has nothing to do with graphics, retard
Jesus christ the fanboism is real. Those replies are filled with non-ironic "it feels wrong for this game to be on other consoles". Its like i dont even want to play the game as long as others dont get to play it too
You sound mad
All the turbocasuals moaning about how hard it is beg to differ
>All console games are first and foremost developed on a pc of some sort. Thus a console can never be first in anything.
>finally reached
The game isn't even graphically impressive. You're a mouthbreather who needs to stop marketing for free.
Shit, Conker Live and Reloaded on the OG xbox looks better, and runs at 60FPS.
Its because you're playing it on the PS4
It'll feel much better on the xbox this december.
You are joking, right