Has it ever hit you Sup Forums? A point where you just simply can't be bothered playing games? Not due to laziness, but a lack of real pleasure?
I've never been here before, but every time I start a game now, I see all the useless bollocks it throws at me and all these needless systems rather than just getting it and playing the damn thing or just going through levels. The completionist in me can't just ignore it either.
What's happened? Will it pass? I can play competitive games like fighters or even shooters, since they're easy to just launch and play but outside of that I can't get into things
William Stewart
I've picked up outside hobbies and might try some of those AAA games coming out at the end of this year/start of next year. I've gone through phases of being bored of games but this phases just isn't passing, I think I'm growing up... I haven't been online on Steam or talked to virtual friends in months
Luis Myers
Go fuck off back to the Pewdiepie comment section
Nicholas Reed
I think it did finally hit me. I picked up only 1 game during this sale and absolutely nothing catched my attention. Tried going through pages of deals to find something that may interest me but no such luck. My last hope goes to Itsuno's new project. I just wanna know what this man is working on so I may find peace from this no games suffering
Cooper Rivera
First time seeing a tired Gamer thread on Sup Forums kid?
Zachary Rogers
Yes, i don't play video games anymore, just whenever my friends decide to invite me.
Hunter Hall
It depends what game it is. Some games will bore me really fast and I'll just put them down to never pick them up again. Sometimes I just won't be in the mood to play something.
Lately I've been really turning off RPGs. I just can't put all that time into something like that, feels like far too much effort.
Nolan Morgan
fuck offffffffffffffffffff
Xavier Adams
Is the bitesized roachman OK?
Isaac Campbell
It's sad really, I bet it's not even that you don't like RPG's, they're great once you get into them but that initial part feels like a hurdle almost Hurdle might be strong, it's only videogames after all but it is supposed to be a hobby
Gavin Cox
No, I still enjoy video games even though I'm upset and disappointed with the industry. I hate the industry and everyone trying to ruin my hobby, whether it be unintentional or not.
Though right now, I just feel guilty for putting any time into a game or sense something is going to disrupt me whenever I decide to relax and enjoy any form of media.
Carter Garcia
Damn look at his hands that guy must be a giant
Zachary Perez
That's the problem with me, j just can't get into single player games anymore. I think is because I don't have much time because work and uni, and multiplayer games doesn't require great attention and immersion.
Alexander Morgan
Yes, it's probably a generalization but it mostly happens when you grow up and realize the free time you have is limited so you don't want to waste it on padding systems, something which was acceptable when you were younger and just looking for a time sink to distract yourself with.
Xavier Ross
Yeah that's another problem I'm facing Nothing on the gaming horizon really interests me that much. I'm not one of those "industry is dying creativity is dead" fags either. There are games that look good, interesting even but seemingly never to the point I feel I have to pick it up straight away.
And then time passes and I never end up playing said game. It was never like this before
Charles James
Gaming fatigue has kinda screwed me from completing games on time. I've recently stop playing modern games because they feel like a massive chore to complete. I'm having more fun with old games than new games at the moment.
Nathaniel Evans
Koksal is a giant badass
Luke Brown
just stop playing every single trash game you come across
be more selective in what you put your precious time in no, you don't need to fucking play the 4834283th round of league of legends or overwatch
your game addiction is your game addiction's worst enemy, you don't need to be playing games 24/7 of course you're gonna burn out
Kayden Perez
besides a few select single player games, only competitive multiplayer games interest me. But even then it feels like I'm wasting time in those since you don't truly have fun in comp. games unless you devote time to learning the ropes.
Kevin Robinson
Kratom and PUBG
It's a meme game but me and a bro been having a blast with it
Ryan Watson
>oh look I can play the game now >10 seconds later another cutscene and mandatory tutorial section
Never mind
Anthony Rodriguez
>just bought a brand spanking new GPU >have only been browsing Sup Forums ever since I got it
Noah Ross
>guilty What?
Caleb Kelly
I don't do this user. In fact, before this burnt out feeling I hadn't been playing much vidya at all. SFV I spent a lot of time with recently, and generally I never spent too much time with one game before
Wonder if it's related
Jeremiah Diaz
It's either this or they throw loads of systems at you that honestly, you just don't give much of a toss about
Nathaniel Evans
Jackson Lewis
Zachary Garcia
How have I not seen this before? Holy shit
Blake Wilson
I bought over a dozen games last week and I've only played two since. If you're like me it might have something to do with an addictive personality, but I often binge a game until I get bored and pick it back up after a few months. In the mean time I find something else to obsess over and fill my backlog, that's just normal.
Jack Nguyen
Yeah, that word applies well. FF7 for instance, the first 1-2 hours are a complete bore. Once it gets to the overworld collapsing then things start to kick off.
But also I have this habit of putting down a game and not picking it up again. 1-2 days pass and then 2 weeks and then 2 months and I've forgotten the plot and don't want to start from where I left off. When I started FFXV I said to myself I'd take it slowly. It's been since launch that I've played the game, only the intro, and I don't feel like playing it much now.
Brayden Torres
I find myself spending more time pacing around the house with the game paused and listening to the menu music. I'll do this for a couple hours everyday just thinking to myself and imagining how I would have designed and improved the game.
I find this more fun then playing nowadays.
Kayden Evans
I started 10 second Ninja X Liked the concept, but it has a star system that obviously wants you to do the level optimally in the quickest time
I did 3 levels and got rid of it because even though I like the game, I know that system would drive me nuts. I don't want to spend an age trying to 3 star every level. I could pay the rating no mind, but it's not that easy. It irks me otherwise so I just decided not to play it.
Kind of bizarre but there we are Just let me do the level and don't tell me I'm shit
Austin Powell
I have come to realize that there are no video games with genuinely good plots, and no gameplay that is genuinely worth spending 20+ hours weaving through uninspired writing.
Jayden Scott
>play video games as a kid >have all these dreams and hopes about what video games will be like in 10-15 years time >in like 2002 think about what my dream F1 game would look like, what features would it have etc >grow up >modern F1 games are my childhood wishlist came true >games in general have matched or even surpassed my wildest dreams >don't want to play them anymore
Sebastian Ramirez
You're not a tired Gamer, get out of the thread dickwad
Elijah Ramirez
It's called depression user
Jaxon Carter
>everything is a condition How about no.
Aaron Ross
I am literally the definition of this thread. The difference is that when I sleep, I will not wake up.
Hunter Lee
You are free to look up the symptoms of depression yourself
Ryder Wright
>gaming peaked between 2000-2010 >everything is in decline >my favorite series are irreparably ruined >my favorite genres are casualized into trite bullshit >the multiplayer games I liked to play are dead or outright unavailable >no upcoming games hype me anymore >no "gaming history" events or groundbreaking new games anymore >games are essentially released unfinished now >DLC, nickle and diming, shady developers out the ass >indies are only interested in much of the same just with more 2deep4u >paid mods are soon getting forced through
I mostly moved on to other hobbies but it still hurts.
Zachary Diaz
Ahh, self diagnosis. The depressed girls best friend.
Camden Roberts
It struck me with certain genres, like JRPGs and long ass open world Ubbi games, even though I still replay shorter games enough to cover for the time those other games demands, but I don't complain.
Daniel Fisher
I am actually professionally diagnosed with depression, schizophrenia, BPD, and AvPD :^)
Adrian Wright
I hope you put a little smiley face with your signature when you cash in your next cheque at the drug store :^)
Nolan Bennett
>cheque Not US-American
Aiden Morgan
>mfw i love vidyea games as much as i did when i was a kid >but i have fucking arthritis and carpal tunnel from playing nonstop for 22 years and it hurts to even exist
shitposting and texting certainly havent helped, neither does the fact that i carry heavy shit/work with my hands to survive. i knew this would happen sooner or later, but fuck. im not even 30 yet and it feels like my body is crapping out on me
Austin Evans
>don't want to start where I left off RPG's really are the worst for this. I can't play The Witcher DLC because I don't remember much about the game's systems, and I'm not going to turn down the difficulty. The story's an entirely different matter too
Brody Ramirez
So many shitty games but every so often a game comes out that single handedly revitalizes my interest in vidya. Finally got BB several months ago and it blew me away, i was actually exicited to play it which dosnt happen these days. It made me feel like a kid again.
Last time it happened was DaS1.
Thank you based From.
Oliver Miller
>calling a dollar transporta-bill a cheque
lmao yuropoors
Levi Foster
I've been struggling to play From Soft games since DaS1. Last game I enjoyed from them was DeS. I just really enjoyed the whole invasion portion of the game and DeS had the most people invading and being dicks in creative ways. The enemies alone can't entertain me.
Jaxon Allen
I've had it happen before, going back to a favorite usually helps me overcome the slump. If it doesn't I just take a break for a month or two
Samuel Foster
Yeah Sup Forumsro, I'm le sooo depressed and tired of gaems haha they're all so bad
Easton Wilson
Just wait until you retire and there comes a sensation of actual urgency in how you spend your freetime.
Michael Hernandez
Tired of modern games? Yes. I think I've played one 2017 game this year which was RE7. It was fairly mediocre, but resonably enjoyable.
But I still play older games all the time, more than ever, and I'm still having a blast playing games. Just none of them are new.
Dominic Foster
>>But even then it feels like I'm wasting time Holy shit this. It feels like I'm just playing to pass the time
>I was excited to play it Man I miss that feel. Used to be that I'd be chomping at the bit to play some new vidya. Eagerly wanting to get back to it or playing it to enjoy myself.
Now it's more like playing for the sake of it, even if I do have fun at times. Combined with a lack of games that look seriously interesting it's a problem
Nathaniel Perez
I think the only way to get out of the funk is to play a genre you don't normally play.
Connor Kelly
Doesn't that mar the memory of your favorites if it can't take you out of a slump?
Eli Clark
I'm 23 years old and I literally can't enjoy any video games that don't have some sort of online multiplayer function. All my favorites growing up just don't fucking do it for me anymore. Pikmin, Final Fantasy, Megaman X, nothing. Anything that doesn't involve playing with/against other people can't hold my interest and I have no desire to play it. The last video game I was able to truly, truly sink my teeth into alone for weeks on end without forcing myself to was LBX on 3DS. Before that it was Dragon's Dogma on its PS3 release.How fucking long ago did that game come out?
There's games that I can see are good and straight up enjoy like Zombie U on my Wii U, I enjoyed it every time I played it with a friend. I think it's a good game and there's nothing wrong with it, but I have never played it alone. That's just an example of what I do with every game too. I can't play anything if it isn't online.
Oh yeah, Pokemon. I can still enjoy Pokemon.
Daniel Roberts
You're just burnt out, I didn't play a single game from 2011 to 2016 but it eventually came back to me.
Ayden Nelson
Just keep rotating out hobbies until you land on something that works for you. Im on a gaming kick now, when Im not im really into film, making music, lectures, politics, and debates.
Elijah Jenkins
>Oh yeah, Pokemon. I can still enjoy Pokemon
Hunter Bennett
just take a break. I was burnt out from vidya a few months ago but nier automata and yakuza 0 took me out of it. Also just wait for a game to really grab your attention also
Daniel Kelly
Upvoted. Sick burn. That post is just as funny as you thought it was going to be before you posted it for sure :D
Isaiah Lee
It depends on the genre for me. It happened once or twice before, so I mostly stick to action heavy games for replays, since can't really mess up my feelings towards the game play if it's still fun. I can't ever imagine marring the memory of Godhand for example
Luis Miller
You obviously don't know many old people then. Retired people have FAR too much free time. They're 60/65+. They've done everything. They get bored. Especially if they haven't started an hobbies before they retired
Anthony Cooper
Happened to me very distinctly in 2014. Over the summer I must have played through and completed 20+ games. By September, I'd just started GoW 3 and had no interest in playing it. I then stoppee playong games until Christmas
Christian Cook
You did [thing] too much and now you need a break from [thing] because you overstimulated yourself There is literally no exception to this no matter what it is
Connor Hill
Thinking of getting into some dungeon crawlers for that comfy gametime. Old ones too, but does anyone have good recommendations on some more modern dungeon crawlers, like Grimrock? Loved those
Jason Baker
It's a generalisation that's often true, but I haven't been playing Vidya a lot recently desu Unless you're suggesting that after all these years I'm suddenly burnt out
Nathaniel Robinson
user why
Andrew Reed
Honestly I haven't played a game since August of 2013. I just come here to shitpost
help me
Nathaniel Scott
My problem is that I try to play numerous games at once. Its getting too hard to feel like a kid only sticking to one game because its the only game he'll probably have in a long time
Justin Baker
>tfw backlog dating to years back that's not just cheap shit off Steam >Don't even play new games I buy
William Cook
I just can't be bothered starting games I try and then just bore out, telling myself maybe another time because I can't be bothered getting into this.
Are games too needlessly expensive these days?
Joseph Jackson
It only happened in some thread last week.
Brayden Miller
>finish the tutorial >finally i can play, but first, 20 minutes of cutscene!
W-wow, modern games sure are fun!
Nathan Rogers
Shit, should have paid closer attention Just figured with the image being in circulation for a while it'd have been from back then
Cameron Jones
To a certain degree. I still enjoy video games, but there are fewer games that really get me hooked.
Brody Green
whenever i quit smoking weed for a while i get this too, every game just feels blah and after a few minutes they get turned off.
Just find another thing to do to pass the time for a few days, or until a game you're looking forward to come out.
Dominic Bennett
It's worse when a game that really doesn't need a story hamfists one in that actually lasts quite a while
Jordan Adams
Fair enough, maybe I'll follow suit
Bentley Brown
>5 year break What got you back into it user? I don't believe this. You've definitely played something. You can't keep updated with the state of the industry while literally playing nothing for 4 years.
Owen Williams
Stop masturbating
Owen Brown
You mean, right now? Or in general? Either way, I CAN'T
Jack Anderson
Nicholas Nguyen
It's because the vast amount of modern games are trash. Pick up an older console (or just emulate). I've been going through some japan only SNES RPGs recently. Highly recommend Treasre of the Rudras, Metal Max Returns if you have never played them. There will never be games like these ever again, so enjoy the experience.
Tyler Thomas
I found that playing a new genre or an entirely different system can help. Right now I'm playing through a couple PS1 and PS2 rpgs. I also found that if you primarily play on a PC, invest in a console and play a few of their exclusives, youll either hate it so much you want to play some better games, or you feel like games have a meaning to them.
Jaxson Foster
This is very slightly related but has anyone managed to get A DS4 working with SNES9x?
Hunter Ward
I just have no more time to play. I got BOTW and Persona 5. Haven't beaten either of them. Got 20 hours in and they were becoming too much of a time sink. Handhelds are the only thing I can play. At work, I play them while taking a shit.
Sebastian Perry
Surely just sticking to one game isn't too hard
Evan Jackson
>playing mhxx >hbg'ing valfalk >Dont feel like a challenge anymore, just annoying bullshit >Different attacks with the same tells, one punishing you for rolling and other punishing you for not rolling >Retarded range of attacks >Rocket slap shit with the most awkward timing ever, will catch you at the very last frame of the roll of you were close and rolled to dodge the claw swipe >Wing pound >long ranged wing stab that sometimes does once, sometimes twice hitting you at the end of rolling out of the way of the first one I used to feel motivation to find a way to best that shit, now all I feel is bitter annoyance, not only with valfalk, but with other shit like los wind pressure or flinch roars, or anytime I bounce off a monster
Michael Bailey
>Be Nintendo fan >This literally never happens
Jeremiah Green
>fall for the PC gaming meme >play games at 60FPS high settings >"shit this is fun" >games look and play much better than on consoles >suddenly Sup Forums tells me that I've been playing shitty western multiplats and go on about how Japan makes better games than the west >suddenly feel disgusted >tons of Japanese games get announced >none of them are for PC
>that feel when I have more fun waiting for port announcements than I do playing games >that feel when I have more fun piecing together shitty computers and see how well they play modern games
No joke, I only hop on Sup Forums JUST to see if anything is coming to PC. So far I only saw that LWA's game is getting a PC version and Sega is being Sega and made an article about how Yakuza Zero and Persona 5 are "on their list" of their most demanded games.
Even if those games came to PC, I wouldn't play them anyway, I'd just shitpost about them.
Christian King
the right board for being a depressed little bitch and not playing video games is actually /r9k/ and not Sup Forums
end yourself
Aaron Garcia
I want to get the new Crash, because it's a throwback and it's not going to have a lot of bullshit
But at the same time everyone keeps bloody going on about muh so hard muh crystals muh new Souls, I feel like I'd regret it because it'd just feel like such an effort to 100% it
Jack Anderson
I'll kick your ass, don't talk shit on my board ever again.
Connor Thomas
Masturbating saps your will to do things, try it for a week and see for yourself.
Realize that when you're horny your whole mindset changes, it's like a drug addict, you know you're supposed to stop but you make all sorts of excuses to continue, your thought process is completely different when you get horny because of chemicals, so you end up wasting a lot of time and energy spanking it.
The next time you're about to jerk off, simple say no in your mind and immediately stop doing everything you're doing and go do something else (the best thing is working out, even bodyweight exercises), you cannot fight the urge or rationalize, just stop without thinking beause your brain is against you in the moment.
Jaxon Moore
At least it handles Hiro's malware better!
Adrian Miller
You and 99% of Sup Forums could benefit from taking a break from Sup Forums and video games for a while. go do something else and come back when you feel like it >inb4 b-but I can't leave Then use a different less shitty board dumbass