Persona 4 is a bad ga...
Persona 4 is a bad ga
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Nintendo is anti-cons..
user plz !!!!
this is the only good thing about games from nippon, the sexual appeal
and gameplay
and music
and story
and art design
gameplay design from the 80's, just grind and loot all day
that's a matter of taste, I din't like it much
typical weird shit you see in anime
>art design
low poly anime models, no detail in environments whatsoever, it could easily be a PS1 game
What are the chances of them releasing p3 and 4 on ps4? Not asking for remastered or anything, just ps2 ports. I'm not a fan of emulation and don't wanna mess around with eBay prices
More like BRAP game.
>ywn dick an anime girl's cute b hole irl
Naoto best girl
It's almost hypnotic
apparently sega want to release persona on pc, might be best to hold out for that.
I too want to be a 2d anime girl.
I want to hotglue it.
You know Persona games are shit because no one, and I mean NO ONE, EVER talks about the gameplay of these games or really anything other than just "which waifu wud u fug" or other waifu/husbando related trash.
Same as Neptunia
is there a wallpaper size of this picture?
I am literally Yukiko.
But waifus are fun
o-oh and also this one is 1920x1080
Because there's nothing to talk about unless you are bad and need help. The gameplay is essentially a series of puzzles revolving around "knock the enemy down".
>trace anime
>get moni
brb setting up a patreon
He's completely right to do that.
The problem here is not the person tracing, it's the fucking idiots giving him money.
die in hell sodomite
I wish i had any kind of artistic talent so i could get money form losers in the internet sometimes.
I want to date Naoto!
BRAP, ok?
I like Yukiko.
I wanna play Legos with Naoto!
I-I'm not a cute anime girl but I can dress up as one if you want me to.
That's a really cute picture.
I fell for Yukiko because of her design, and I legitemately like her character, but everytime p4 comes up, I lean more and more to Naoto.
How can we ever recover, SMT bros?
There is literally a thread right now with someone asking about p5 and people mentioning it's not hard to figure out, social stats, and some of the game's themes.
Waifus are inevitable, and the only discussion that can never find a concensus.
Nah. I olayed Persona 3 which was supposed to be a masterpiece
It was on the level of a young adult/teenage novel. I'm convinced Sup Forums only like Persona because most of the people here are underage fuck or barely 18.
>ywn be anime girl getting your cute b hole dicked irl
Remember when Shin Megami Tensei had Dignity? When you were a badass demon lord subjugating all in your path. Now they're either Power of Friendship bullshit or a glorified loneliness aid for hikkikomoris.
its been 10 years since 2006 and it was baby's first anime game for a good portion of this place.
>Remember when ______ had Dignity?
Welcome to 21st cent
And now he doesn't trace anymore and his art is better. I see no problem here.
You have to admit how the psychology stuff fitting into both aspects of the gameplay is pretty smart. The face yoursekf can be touching and relatable at times, but no one but people blinded by bias actually think the stories as a whole are deep.
I would provide for you for the rest of your life.
Persona is a terrible series. I will admit I haven't played Persona 5, but by all accounts it's the same shit as the last two and will be bad for the same reasons. In any case I'm not dusting off my Bloodborne machine and paying $60 to find out whether or not it's good.
>doesn't trace anime
>traces irl photos instead
>good art
Ilya pls.
>The gameplay is essentially a series of puzzles revolving around "knock the enemy down".
But then a large group of idiots whinge about how the 5th and 6th Palaces are too hard, because there are common enemies in those dungeons that can block physical attacks...
cool story senpai
Wait, is that official art?
I wish it was 2008 again.
it's fan art
>And now he doesn't trace anymore
He does, he just doesn't literally do 1:1 obvious as fuck traces
There's going to be one autistic bitch in here that is going to or already has squeeled 'BRRRAAAAAPPPP', fucking guaranteed. Fuck this degenerate website.