Why are Nintendo so bad at making games this look like an early gamecube title. Also I bet you can't even climb that mountain.
Why are Nintendo so bad at making games this look like an early gamecube title...
What are you talking about, that looks like Commodore 64 at best.
This is literally planet wisp, what the hell Mario?
lol, you're right.
sega should file for copyright
>Gamecube title
I can assure you this looks notably better visually than Sunshine.
not in that screenshot it doesn't
>flat textures everywhere
>i can even see the pixels on that low res mountain skybox
*bling bling*
Is this on Atari 2600 or 7800?
Gamecube games looked pretty good for the time and?
You do realize that those mountains are confirmed to be fake holograms right?
emphasis on >for the time
i wonder whos behind this post...
>those triangle panels in the background
is mario odyssey in the fucking truman show?
>I can even see the pixels
Yeah, with the shitty compressed resolution of the imagr you used in OP, I can see a whole lot of pixels.
It's because they're still using 3D World's grid-based approach to designing the levels.
>Higher resolution textures and better details than could ever be achieved on Gamecube.
>"Shit looks like an early gamecube title reeeee!
You're fucking dumb.
Why would todd hate nintendo? He just released Skyrim for the third time on the nintendo switch
>i can even see the pixels on that low res mountain skybox
That's what happens when shitheads save images as jpegs. Jpeg file compression saves on file size by deleting pixel data by comparing similar shades of the same color throughout the image, resulting in a worse looking image with jpeg artifacts.
Why is Nintendo still making games for the Magnavox Odyssey?
umm are you guys retarded or something? The image quality of the mountain is noticably worse compared to the other things. Jpeg compression doesnt do that
The mountains are supposed to look fake anons, if you watched the gameplay they show that the background for this level is a fake wallpaper put up by the inhabitants.
Wind Waker still holds up incredibly well
>Why are Nintendo so bad at making games this look like an early gamecube title
Because they basically haven't progressed technologically since the Gamecube era.
Wii was Gamecube 1.1 in terms of hardware power
Wii U was Gamecube 1.2
Switch is Gamecube 1.3
Their consoles' hardware capability has been stuck in 6th gen for 17 years now.
They are STILL riding 240p in 2017 with the 3DS
And yet they don't get any shit for it neither from the media, nor gamers, investors etc. Any other company would have been ridiculed and bullied out of business 10 years ago for pulling this kike faggotry.
Really makes you think
HD texture packs seem good on paper but it really just shows how the models have aged.
>any other company would have been bullied out of the industry for this like faggotry
user, are you okay? Do you need to take your medication or something?
>Really makes you think
Only thing it makes me think about is how mad you were when typing this out.
yes user, you are the first and ONLY person ever to complain about Nintendo's underpowered consoles and the 240p res on the 3DS.
How are you so brave and unique?
Not an argument, just a pathetic kneejerk reaction. I didn't expect anything else from rabid Nintendo fandrones though.
Deep inside you both know that I'm right and what I said is true. You just don't want to admit what a scummy company Nintendo is, because that would make you lose faith and shatter your encapsuled worldview where everything is still fine as I can cling on to MUH NINTENDO. Otherwise you would just kill yourselves.
...Right, so anyways Odyssey look way better than Sunshine.
damn this game looks good, when is it coming out?
Could have just dropped that snarky, passive-aggressive post-ironic way of yours and said it straight; that you actually agree with me.
You are so pathetically mad, can you please keep typing?
you wish faggot, nobody agrees with you.
Grown ups are talking
Its a board accepted meme to say that everything on a Nintendo console looks like an early GCN/PS2 game.
I'm not, but clearly you're a fucking idiot. I work with digital images all the fucking time and this shit happens all the fucking time.
Now we agree to disagree
unlike you, I am only devoted to my own entertainment, and not some single brand because mommy can only afford to buy you one console per gen. Nobody buys Nintendo consoles for raw power nor Nintendo games for graphic fidelity.
If you could only see past your fanboism, you could enjoy things for what they are, games meant to entertain you.
They probs don't get shit for it because they are making great games for them.
>If you could only see past your fanboism
How about you apply yourself? Your blood pressure is dangerously rising.
And what do you like, friend?
>they are making great games for them.
That's way in the past.
Ironically Nintendo hasn't made a great game since the Gamecube too.
Coincidence? I think not!