Little country bumpkin

little country bumpkin

All fun and games until the first fart comes out and you're forced to SNIFFFFFFFFFFFFF

what the fuck user thats pretty degenerate


Little cutie bumpkin!

2nd best girl.
Punk Doc > Fortune Teller > Sensei > Shogi > the rest

Persona shill thread #1,942,029

The OPs don't even put any effort into it. Is "quality of posts" ever even enforced here?

>Go to Chihaya and ask for an affinity reading but with a catch
>The catch is she's doing it on herself. "What are the chances of being married?"
>She does the reading and is dismayed at the results. The cards show what she has now is only temporary, nothing more then a fling
>She goes home and cries herself to sleep, nothing good stays in her life. In the end, she'll always be alone

>Come back the next day and ask for another affinity reading
>The same question but this time on yourself. "What are the chances of being married?"
>The cards show you'll have a happy, stable, fulfilling marriage
>Throughout the reading, you notice her voice cracking and her eyes glistening, doing her utmost to hold back the tears
>You place a small box on her table,
small enough to fit in the palm of her hand
>"That's right. Why don't you try the reading on yourself again?"
>She's in shock, her country dialect leaking out past her destroyed, usual composure
>Her future is certain now, the readings show your own future in harmony with hers
>"Of course I'll marry yer awright! I love ya so darn much!"

>tfw we will never ever have any pre-Persona 5 comfy threads again


I want this. I want this so much. Why am I here? I want to be there, with her. Not here, there. Please let me go there.

second best girl

She is too cute.
Also voiced by the VA angel. RIP ;_;7

Mishima acted shocked when he found out that "MC" knew Chihaya, as if she was a celebrity. Exactly how ugly was Mishima? Everyone disregarded him as if he was an animal or something.

If he was deformed, they should have drawn him as deformed. It would make his S-link make far more sense.

He wasn't ugly but he was skinny and looked frail and pathetic all the time with slumped shoulders and head held low. He was quite short aswell.

Dat nigga dead.

>No mumumumumu in the dub
I'm not surprised but still disappointed

Imagine how much it must suck to be a manlet in the land of manlets. The arch-manlet if you will. Ol' Elliot Rodger lookin' nigga. Fucking supreme gentleman.


As a manlet, I would rather fight a chad then another manlet.

her family

At least the dude's shirt is stylin. Feels bad when you have a flashy shirt, but only have average pants.

Is there any video of the japanese version where she says that?