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>all the porn of dixie being jealous of her younger sister's more developed body
My dick doesn't need an explanation

I can't give you the in-universe reason, but the real-world reason is pretty obvious. Tiny Kong was a rip-off of Dixie and wasn't very popular because of it, so Nintendo changed Rare's design so that she'd be more of her own character and less derivative of Dixie. Nintendo probably has no idea about Rare's lore concerning Tiny being Dixie's younger sister.

Different species

Tiny is half human

post one example

How did that happen?


insufficient proof, post another

A human impregnated a monkey

Why would he do that?

Am I losing my mind? Why do I see loss? Goddammit.


proof accepted

Hot monkey pussy

I want Dixie to spank my monkey with her handfeet

Because he was stranded in a land with no other humans and had urges that needed to be fulfilled

rare is a colony of furfags who happen to make videogames


Whoever drew this deserves a medal.


Do you think Kong girls crave human dick?