Is there such a thing as a humble game developer?

Is there such a thing as a humble game developer?

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Yeah but they never post anything online.


>There's no market in pandering to morons

Didn't even read the rest, this guy is a retard right off the bat. I have a friend like him who makes """music""", he goes on and on about how easy it is to make profitable pop music, yet he hasn't made a single cent putting his shitty projects on bandcamp in the past 10 years.

The Japanese are usually very humble, which is why they make no money since they don't rely on flamboyant marketing or stealth marketing to sell their games.

That's an ugly ass font.

RPG Codex is gonna be fun to follow when that game comes out. It will inevitably have a fanboy brigade and people who will hate that game. Everyone in between will be caught in the spergstorm. Autism will be spewing out of every orifice. It was bad enough with Age of Shit. It's gonna be five million times that with this.

There's nothing wrong with passion. Grimoire looks great, I'm excited for it.

That level of confidence can be a good sign, but as always it means nothing until the game comes out and proves itself.

>No idea what this is
>Go and look it up
>This is the description of the game

"Cleveland Mark Blakemore's Magnum Opus! The ultimate classic style turn-based roleplaying game in the tradition of Wizardry, Might&Magic, Lands Of Lore and Eye of the Beholder! A game that took over 20 years to produce! As much as 600 hours of play with hand-painted graphics and old skool goodness!"

Are you sure this is not Phil Fish in disguise?